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SPL Seagull2 15 Sep 2015

Re: Looks like market suddenly sure will have further delays as Monsoon season now but at least they are moving forward again and fingers crossed should be processing first cargos by late summer 2016 !

ATC seadoc 15 Sep 2015

Re: Q3 Results??? Penhome,There is an amount of coal in the ground (2.2m tons), a cost of production and the price for which it can be sold. To put a price on the shares you need to put a price of anthracite over the next 6.7 years. ?Regards,Seadoc

FOGL Originofquake1 15 Sep 2015

Buy, I hold 56,000 shares , long Fogl.

FOGL Originofquake1 15 Sep 2015

If I'm wrong I get rid of this 44 year magnificent obsession.

FOGL Originofquake1 15 Sep 2015

Read get the scope on this new discovery by reading .ref: John Delano, the origin of mountains.

FOGL Originofquake1 15 Sep 2015

That means we may have a 100,000 barrel per day gusher in humpy, the same as the bay of Campeche in Mexico.

FOGL Originofquake1 15 Sep 2015

he oil shows fresh water plants.

FOGL Originofquake1 15 Sep 2015

I was researching earth science for 44 years and concluded that the Scotia sea Srructure and the carribean Sea formed 120 million years ago. The oil in the bay of Campeche Mexico and the oil in humpy are the same characteristics, they came from the fresh water side 120 million years ago when the pacific was fresh water!

FOGL Originofquake1 15 Sep 2015

The Falkland Islands have known about the oil potential for 20 years. The 1982 war and the 10$ oil in 1998 really tested the oil explorers.

FOGL Originofquake1 15 Sep 2015

That's great and it's remark that should be is good news.

FOGL Originofquake1 15 Sep 2015

Here comes the sun.

FOGL harpmandoodle 15 Sep 2015

So they changed the drilling mud to leave out any oil content (organics) and stuck to aqueous basis I guess.

ENEG kmack46 15 Sep 2015

Re: Jordan Okay I tried the non liberal way that we should respond to one and other but big brother stopped me from saying how I feel which I think is a crime in its self.So here goes in another form.My answer to you is.There is in this world certain levels of Sh$tWhich one are you akin to.Are you full of Sh$tTalking Sh$tOr just a plain old fashioned Sh$t

AMC jaja 14 Sep 2015

look at WRES - huge late buy today. zakmir has target 1p and then 2p. CEO target 3p.

ISG Investor KT 14 Sep 2015

WHY THE PRICE JUMP? HiAnyone know the reason for price jump today? The Numis and Jefferies views announced today don't seem to explain the rise.Many thanks.