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MONI dotlink 15 Sep 2015

with NAV of 1.61p per share, very oversold thanks to norges, so fill your boots because sp is going to go up by 40% today

SGI Bobtheretiredbroker 15 Sep 2015

Re: Update Well done, Hardboy. Much appreciated.

MWA KayCatso 15 Sep 2015

AIM miners - stay clear I invested in a portfolio of miners/oilers back in 2004 using Investors Chronicle advice. I hoped 1 would sky rocket, none have. After various calls for cash I have got some nice share certificates worth nothing and a few shares left for amusement purpose.I will not be giving more cash to miners especially AIM listed. Some are full of directors paying themselves totally crazy salaries for what they deliver, others like MWA, I believe, have been trying hard to deliver but somehow it's always eludes them, I was waiting for a regime change but even if Mugabe dies his follows will continue to ruin the country. So I've book my loss here.I stick to FTSE companies now and do my own research now not taking press advice.Good luck to all those who have a low entry point and decide to give it a fling. you may get lucky!

IAG Otter2 15 Sep 2015

Re: Director Buying At last --- a post with something of interest to say about the share price to fellow investors. Sigh...

PEN r21442 15 Sep 2015

IC buy as part of a Zweig screen Pennant International - High YieldTraining, information services and software group Pennant (PEN) is not a company that courts much market attention. Indeed, its results can be a major share price moving event given their habit of reawakening investors to the merits of Pennant's diverse operations, which range from graphic design to producing training simulators. From this perspective, it is worth noting that the company should be releasing half-year numbers at any time. Last year the interims were published on 8 September.Pennant reported encouraging trading at the time of its full-year results in March with good progress being made across its three main divisions. The group also benefited from an upward property revaluation and a favourable tax ruling on its research and development spending. Broker WH Ireland is pencilling in solid growth, with EPS expected to be up 12 per cent this year to 9.6p and 8 per cent in 2016 to 10.2p. That is predicted to underpin a 3.1p dividend this year, rising to 3.3p next year - equivalent to a prospective yield of 4.4 per cent, rising to 4.6 per cent.

FITB Zod 15 Sep 2015

@Moore73 If a £500 sell can be attributed to the 10% drop then what do those nearly £6K combined buys that came after account for?

SGI Hardboy 15 Sep 2015

Re: Update Got a reply at 9:42 this morning, which I think is pretty good. Here's what he said: "Thank you for your email.I can assure you that we are very much aware of certain issues with the new website. We have prioritised these issues and have appointed a high level IT engineering team in our development hub who's entire focus at present is to put these right. As a result the feedback is improving and we will continue to focus on enhancing the site.Our half year ends on 30 September 15 and we will be releasing a trading update in week commencing 6 October 15.Best regards,"So about 3 weeks to wait for an update.

CRE II Editor 15 Sep 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Stockwatch: Buy into this five-year plan "Can growth in digital marketing buck wider risks affecting the business cycle? According to eMarketer, digital increased from 15% of UK marketing spend in 2007, to 47% in 2014, and most marketing services firms report their strongest growth in ..."[link]

DGO jahtel 15 Sep 2015

Re: TD Direct payment - they don't know! I just checked my account and the cash went in yesterday! - thanks Anne999 for tip off prompting me to check

ATC penhome 15 Sep 2015

Re: Q3 Results??? Hi SeadocYes, thanks. Seems to be difficult to get forward prices for anthracite.I also read the valuations you posted in August.I think I'm going to wait for Q3 results to see what information there is on cash and stock levels.Pen

FRM BOWOOD 15 Sep 2015

Up date On 28 August we were told of a more detailed update shortly. This I feel will be very good when it comes as I think the two major developments will have a material and positive effect on the results and pave the way for an interesting future. The project management side is also performing well. Could be massively undervalued.

AFPO jaja 15 Sep 2015

WRES moving up from RED. Scott is now buying again....

OPAY Willow67 15 Sep 2015

DB DB buy note (no access to it) PT 380pMuch more credible than typical brokers we are used to see covering them

LGO jaja 15 Sep 2015

i sold LGO earlier. top up WRES. will multibag next week hopefully

INFI Tenobas 15 Sep 2015

Why all these Form 8.3,8.5 entries? Is there a takeover bid?