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RRR scotchoverice 17 Sep 2015

BSL....AB has survived by raping PIs. Nearly £20million pounds has evaporated in 5 years through administrative and unclassified expenses. Think about that for a moment. Virtually every penny the company has raised via dilutive placings (if not more actually) has gone quietly out the back door in black bin liners marked "administrative & unclassified expense"...that is £10,000 a day, everyday, for 5 years. Then you need to look at the multiple income streams from fees, emoluments, salaries & options AB extracts from RRR & related party companies. Take Jupiter for example: RRR holds 1.2% of Jupiter equity...that is an RRR asset not an AB private holding. He sits on the Jupiter board by virtue of our companies assets and is their to represent RRR interests. By the way,his his paid by RRR to run and represent the Cana yoni explain why fees et paid to AB for his director services to Jupiter are not paid directly into RRR to defray ABs costs? Or look at Kansai Mining...a total scandal in my opinion...go read all the out who IPCM are or are not...figure on what basis you can value a company and use shareholder funds to purchase equity in a business thatcantproduce accounts....ask yourselves why RRR posted numerous incorrect RNS's and never corrected them and why directors sold shares whilst misinterpret information was in the market place...ask yourself why RRR paid Tom Cromthe CFO of Kansai Mining 5x the price per share for his personal equity than they paid Kansai directly for equity...all of course while the company was and remains suspended for failing to produce accounts....ask why Bruce Walsham, President/CEO appeared to place an innocuous press release in some far off country only for RRR to present this to shareholders as a regulatory announcement....ask why the auditors and Nomads let all this go through on the nod...find out how a private AB company, Range Mines had RRR shareholders write off its debts...then consider this....if anyone is still ramping RRR

CRX Carefully Does It 17 Sep 2015

Re: Another New Cyprotex Development Thank you for that. It's amazing how blind most people are to the impact of medicines on the kidneys.Looking good.

RMP The Delboy 17 Sep 2015

seventy three and J J Bandy Looks like they are working on something. What? is the question

SAB tejo 17 Sep 2015

Needs to go highre I agree with Uncle Doug

PDL bulltraderpt 17 Sep 2015

Re: Lowrie I don't know who Lowrie is (!), but if he is on the mgt board there is plenty of examples of mgt buying the shares only for them to tank. So I don't put as much on such purchases as others might.£1.084 to buy now.

AFPO jaja 17 Sep 2015

WRES sellers dry out. some millions buys are going through now, might be Mr Scott increasing his stake again per RNS. ZAKMIR first target 1p for WRES. CEO mentioned in his webcast that its worth 3p at least (listen to webcast below) for one project. also already in discussion for JV partner. [link]

ENRT nicam 17 Sep 2015

Re: The silence on here is deafening I think the half yearly report needs to be out by end of September. 2 weeks to wait

MTV bullbeatsbear 17 Sep 2015

If this had risen as much as its dropped with my initial "investment" I would now be a millionaire instead my holding has been reduced to a couple of £100

WRES wobblywebb 17 Sep 2015

Re. SP. From a personal point of view, i'm torn between joy that the SP has started to recover at last, and sadness that it didn't stay low until November when i would have recieved some inheritance money to buy a big wodge of Safteymans herrings.

KLN broomfielder 17 Sep 2015

Re: broomfielder I agree BOWOOD. The Interims in my view were disappointing and at the very least we need the full story behind the bald numbers and more importantly a roadmap on how they see the Group develop over the 6-12 months ahead. After all the performance was a bit of a curate's egg.Provided they are able to demonstrate progress (esp on NFI) then some decent PR could boost interest in the Group significantly. Without these the SP looks as if it will drift until some of the major shareholders decide to alter their holdings.B

CRX biswell2 17 Sep 2015

Another New Cyprotex Development Cyprotex have added yet another new predictive in silico tool , this time for how the kidneys are affected by new drug compounds[link] way they are getting ahead of the rest of their competitors in the predictive/in silico field is most impressive.Using human derived data from clinical tests in such predictive tests must also impress big pharma companies I would have thoughtEvery additional unique test/assay/predictive tool that Cyprotex add makes them an ever more attractive and valuable CRO for a much , much bigger organization to buy.More molecular developments based upon human living cells in conjunction with in silico predictive tests will have a major impact in 2016 ,2017 and 2018 re new clients and increased turnover/profits.At long last it looks like Cyprotex are now going along profitability road in the right directionShould get an update around second week of DecemberI am looking for full year £14m and £1m plus profitsdyor


none to buy going stronger in my opinion.Tiger


Good trading what is the forecast for this year?Plenty of cheap meat about so they will be making good margins.Market cap v earnings still looks high but I fancied a pull back and its not happened.tiger

ENRT Thomas Tallis 17 Sep 2015

The silence on here is deafening The cheerleaders must be too busy to post comments.

RDT Oxtrader 17 Sep 2015

Re: Cash quickly disappearing! Corrected title.. shameful !! On a serious note, they've got tight deadlines in the coming year. This is a big risk to hold. I'm currently 50% down with Rosslyn on my small 1,600 share holding. I won't dare buy back into this one!