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SAV dickie3times 17 Sep 2015

RNS today! Salahi 1 RNS today. Gold grades good.

PHD Carefully Does It 17 Sep 2015

Volume Good to see the volume tick-up. Only a matter of time before the seller is cleared. One trade so large there should be an RNS soon.All I can see for this are good things. Get bought out or plod along, steadily growing.Inspired Capital have increased credit lines, may be for the launch of the invoice factoring capability with PHD.Now - UK Gov has set up man to look into late payments to SME's. That will only help PHD and Inspired imho.

ARBB r21442 17 Sep 2015

Tipped again Friday's IC Bull points•Discount to Secure Trust stake•Debt demand growing•Private bank expandingBear points•Profits surcharge•Illiquid sharesArbuthnot Banking (ARBB) presents something of a valuation anomaly. Its market capitalisation is worth significantly less than the £276m market value of its 52 per cent stake in its listed subsidiary, challenger bank Secure Trust (STB). While there are explanations for the discount, we think the blossoming of Arbuthnot's private banking business will soon make the valuation gap very hard to justify.Let's address the initial puzzle of the discount. Analysts at Edison model a 10 per cent discount to the market price of Secure Trust to reflect the illiquidity of such a large stake. That still puts a value of £248m on the stake, which is above Arbuthnot's own market capitalisation. And it's worth noting that the 10 per cent haircut is well above the 3.8 per cent discount to market price that Arbuthnot accepted when selling its last major chunk of shares in June 2014, which reduced its holding from 67 per cent to 53 per cent. This may be academic for the time being as Arbuthnot is not thought to be in any rush to give up having a controlling stake.A further and arguably more significant explanation for the discount lies in the fact that profits from the Secure Trust subsidiary represent more than the total for the group. Indeed, strip out the Secure Trust contribution from last year's accounts and investors are left with a £3.6m pre-tax profit from the group's private banking business, Arbuthnot Latham, which was more than overshadowed by the separately reported £7.5m post-tax loss from central group costs, which includes some spending related to Secure Trust. However, Arbuthnot has funnelled the proceeds from the 2014 Secure Trust share sale back into the private bank, and the business is now achieving rapid growth. Indeed, first-half profit at Arbuthnot Latham more than doubled to £3.7m, which came close to matching group-centre losses of £4m. The share sale has helped fund the hiring of new bankers and an expansion of the private banking business both in the north of England, including opening a new Manchester office, and overseas. A recently opened Dubai office broke even in July, which should boost second-half performance. Furthermore, a three-year transformation plan should deliver a bigger, digital bank, while an expansion into commercial banking promises another revenue stream from entrepreneurial private clients.That means forecasts by research house Edison that private banking profits will outstrip central costs in 2016 (£8.4m versus £6.1m) look very achievable. Meanwhile, Secure Trust continues to go from strength to strength with first-half pre-tax profit growing 40 per cent to £16m, which we think justifies its shares' rating of 18-times forecast earnings. True, the announcement in the Budget of a corporation tax surcharge for lenders was not welcome, nor was news of an increase in the tax take from buy-to-let given Secure Trust's investigation of whether to enter that market. Nevertheless, overall there remains plenty to be optimistic about.As profits from Arbuthnot's private banking business grow, the discount the shares trade on compared with the Secure Trust stake will look increasingly out of touch. We think this will result in a re-rating. The shares are not very liquid, but patiently building up a stake should pay off. Buy.

IRG jmh 17 Sep 2015

1.5mil trade

RDT Cadenza 17 Sep 2015

cenkos note Software & Computer Services: Description: CenkosRosslyn Data Technologies Plc (RDT, 17p, £13m, BUY)Ramping up into 2016EThe FY15 results show a pre-tax loss slightly lower than expected. The partner relationships are only just beginning to ramp-up so the historic results show little positive benefit from these. 2016E is the year when these partnerships begin to materially impact the business and the share price, still almost 50% below the issue price, has not woken up to this.n 2015A results. Revenues rose 37% yoy to £2.83m in line with July’s trading update while second half revenues of £1.58m rose 50% yoy, reflecting the positive impact of the IPO proceeds. Partners represented 25% of revenues, up from 10% last year. LBT of £3.5m was better than the loss indicated in the update of £3.65m. n Growth. Lead generation is reported as accelerating, sales cycles reducing (from 120 to 75 days) and conversion rates increasing. Management is also reporting a sales pipeline growing faster than reported revenues. We believe a number of material new partnerships are in the pipeline.n New mining client. Last week Rosslyn announced a direct customer win in the mining sector. The two year contract ramps-up mid-next month and the £400k value will be recognised evenly over the contract term. The focus is on cash management and analytics ‑ a growing area for commodity companies looking to become more agile.n 2016E is key. The recently announced partnership agreements begin to ramp-up in this year. A number of existing Genpact clients will migrate on to Rosslyn’s platform within the next couple of months. Rosslyn is also beginning to pitch jointly alongside Genpact for other new business. With the PwC and other contract wins already announced this year, annualised new business wins for FY16E amount to over well over £1m.n Meeting forecasts. We are in month five of Rosslyn’s fiscal 2016E period and contract wins to date have been very material. We have in our forecasts a total of £1.6m new business wins to meet our £5.0m revenue forecast. Every indication is that Rosslyn will meet our 2016E forecasts.n EV/Sales 2.1x. Using a forward cash balance of £2.3m, the stock is trading on a 2016E EV/sales ratio of 2.1x. Rosslyn could deliver c80% revenue growth this year and breakeven next fiscal period. The rating of the stock is out of kilter with the opportunity. We are Buyers.Forecasts and RatiosY/E April, £'m2014A2015A2016E2017ERevenue2. EPS (p)-7.4-4.3-2.50.1EV/Sales (x) (x)nmnmnm60.3Reported P/E (x)nmnmnm126.9DPS (p) (%) Cenkos Securities estimates, Company Accounts

PFL firewire1 17 Sep 2015

Re: Results out Harriet green is now at IBM, she lead the premier Farnell business for about 4 years before turning around Thomas cook, I do agree with you - she would have been great coming back to turn things around.....but that's not a option at the moment - shame.

PFL lambrini girl 17 Sep 2015

Re: Topped up weak buy... pivot.110..bear in mind volatile for 6 months(sideways) trade ONLY..

AFRI akaDolly 17 Sep 2015

Ematum Tuna payback bond holders fishing firm EMATUM to finally pay back bondholdersTuna firm EMATUM to finally pay back bondholders intrafish.comAfter two years, bond holders to get first repayment on Friday.5 days ago

PFL sage in the hills 17 Sep 2015

Re: Look back at the share price thats absolutely right Killi,what a shockin' indictment on a company , board, and string of CEO's.SAGE

CTP Lavenonews 17 Sep 2015

Cameron comments Dave Cameron in PMQs yesterday... "housing associations need to get more efficient. They have to change."Music to the CTP ears I imagine. Numbers on Monday largely irrelevant given post period end acqs. Outlook statement very relevant. This is in a good niche.Hope they dont hand out any more options though it does happen with these sorts of shares.

AFRI akaDolly 17 Sep 2015

UKOK Franchise? the acquisition of the Sentra, OK and the Metcash brands by the Shoprite Checkers, the combined inherent value and potential of these brands coupled with the expertise and infrastructure of the Shoprite Group gave rise to the OK Franchise Division as it stands today.The expanding franchise market is constantly creating opportunities for which the OKFD is ideally positioned.The OK Franchise Division continues to successfully execute the roll-out and expansion of the OK brand. This includes new store openings as well as the conversion of stores previously operating under the Metcash brands.The OKFD operates as a subsidiary of Shoprite/Checkers and is a major buying, advisory and assistance organisation with a proven track record in the FMCG industry. This has created a lucrative investment opportunity for potential franchisees. Independent retail operators and entrepreneurs can now build successful businesses through the OK Franchise Division. The available formats enable these operators to provide consumers with a comprehensive range of quality products at competitive prices in a pleasant shopping environment.The OK Franchise Division franchises five different types of retail formats and one wholesale format and add-on liquor outlet, each with its own identity and personality and each offering shopping facilities appropriate to the market in which they trade. A solid platform has thus been created upon which entrepreneurs and independent supermarket operators can capitalise.The different store formats are: • OK FOODS – Large supermarkets • OK GROCER – Medium-sized supermarkets • OK MINIMARK – Small convenience superettes • OK VALUE – Medium-sized supermarkets with limited service departments. • MEGASAVE - a Wholesale Cash & Carry outlet.• OK ENJOY liquor store – an add-on liquor outlet for existing franchisees.The OK Franchise Division operates in South Africa and Namibia.

AFRI akaDolly 17 Sep 2015

a contract with Shoprite would be good Chain Management​The Group has created and continues to increase its strategic lead in the supply chain, through its ongoing investment and recognition of the supply chain’s strategic importance. A highly sophisticated supply line services the group’s outlets in 15 countries where the Group trades. Improved levels of product availability contributed to market share gains while the drive to reduce inventory levels, despite the growth in both sales and the number of outlets, is paying dividend. In its most basic form the supply chain consists of strategically placed distribution centres linking the flow of product from vendors to stores at which customer demand ultimately drives the movement of product. Information technology and a fleet of refrigerated and ambient trucks enable the movement of product and the flow of information. The Group prides itself in running a state-of-the-art distribution operation and becoming the first South African retailer to receive the much acclaimed ISO 9002 accreditation for import and export handling.Centralised distribution is now regarded as a competitive advantage for the Group enabling it to stabilise supply lines in times when supplier service levels drop. controlling its supply line, merchandise can be buffered, countering vendor out-of-stocks and volatile trading patterns, while offering an opportunity to buy-in against price increases. The desired result is inevitably, to consistently allow customers to find the items on their shopping list – thereby keeping their custom and their loyalty. Controlling the whole supply chain has also made it possible to introduce a great many cost-saving efficiencies, thus providing the mechanism to drive prices down daily. The Group’s supply chain presents the opportunity to re-engineer its retail stores and improve its utilization of space by dedicating the minimum area to storage and the maximum area to trading space. Merchandise is delivered to stores by a variety of trucks and trailers based at distribution centres throughout the country. The fleet is owned by the Group and operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A highly sophisticated transport route planning and scheduling system, optimises store deliveries and integrates the operations of the distribution centre and the transport division. This channel to market is not only environmentally friendly by reducing the number of trucks on the road, but it empowers small to medium sized suppliers, who can now deliver to one point and avoid the need to heavily invest in either warehousing or vehicles. A substantial portion of the investment in information technology and logistics infrastructure has been devoted to the upgrading and extension of the Group’s distribution centres in Centurion, Gauteng, Cape Town and Durban. Of these the largest is located in Centurion, between Johannesburg and Pretoria, where distribution facilities have virtually doubled from 80 000 m² to 180 000 m². The main building of 114 500 m² is the largest distribution centre under one roof on the continent. The facility serves as the distribution point for about 90% of ambient products delivered to stores in the Gauteng area and beyond. More than 1,100 suppliers deliver their products to the centre where they are stored, collated, and then distributed to retail stores on a high-frequency basis. The Centurion distribution centre was developed in a responsible manner using environment-friendly approaches to construction. This was followed through with further investment in environment-friendly design that includes treatment of waste water and an ability to recycle waste. Central reclamation forms part of the Group’s safety and recycling programme, for the removal of damaged stock at the earliest opportunity, to avoid possible contamination of other products and control waste. In Cape Town approximately

SGP DrBruceeBonus 17 Sep 2015

Why the weakness in sp? Any news I missed? What's going on here? I know they're trying to make headway into China just when all the news on China has become very sour. Is that it? Or is it the minimumwage/living wage issue? Volumes haven't been tremendously high and yet it's been kicked a fair bit lately. Any thoughts?

OCDO Mr Paul Thompson 17 Sep 2015

Re: Today's rise Broker upgrades, and vague speculation from Deutsche Bank about takeover target. You are obviously an interested follower KM, so go to 'Ocado News Now' and you will get all the latest info.Best wishe

AGL Investor_Tester 17 Sep 2015

Good progress...but can do more Nice posts niceandsimple....see not much activity on this BB apart from you and I and a small handfuls of others.I noticed a post by AstraZeneca that 90% of Ovarian Cancer sufferers live longer than 5years.....I was very tempted to advise on earlier diagnosis would dramatically increase both the chance to treat better , but also lengthen sufferers life.I know ANGLE has an amazing product here and seems like the world in is the dark on this....maybe a good thing for us to pile up on shares before a massive re-rate or buyout.I am still in the belief that once the FDA approval comes along , this share is going to catapult to some dizzy highs.For now , the SP is relatively stable and I'm happy to drip in some regular purchases whilst these levels remain as is.GLA ....our time will come to celebrate soon enough IT