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RSA fitcontroller 21 Sep 2015

overdone just bought in, this drop is well overdone.

TATE Broncomaniac 21 Sep 2015

Re: Continued Share Price Fall Nice to see a bit of a rebound since flirting with £5. Only another 10p to go and I will be back in the money. Next stop 600p!

JQW Ripley94 21 Sep 2015

Re: 36% fall bounced from here before this year , in to deep myself, but it might be an opportunity.

JQW waytogo333 21 Sep 2015

Re: 36% fall Still getting some substantial buys though ......... £10,000 at 7pResults due any day............this year will only be on 11 months trading now...............

MXP hippolyta 21 Sep 2015

Re: Cancellation of aim shares Pretty sure it's due process. They have until the end of the month but an announcement could happen at any time. It is indeed the last hope for us.

JQW the_knight 21 Sep 2015

Re: 36% fall See RNS. Rain stops play

JQW waytogo333 21 Sep 2015

Re: 36% fall Oh.....FFS......this really helps with attracting institutional investors.....

CDI give the dog a bone 21 Sep 2015

crikey ... it's gone Blue I've mentally written this share off as being incapable of ever getting it right or having some good news. not sure why it's gone positive - no doubt some tip sheet out there is flogging or about to flog it's undiscovered virtues. ( well hoping there is )

CRX Carefully Does It 21 Sep 2015

Buy Good to see Richard Sneller has added an extra 5% to his holding to 9.1% of the total available shares.Check his biog and his choice of PIM and at what prices he bought there.CRX may well be voltatile but given the changes and capabilities this price is a steal in my opinion if you can keep your finger off the sell button for 2-3 yrs.Good luck. Do your own research into this - I have and am happy to have bought a few tranches when I did.

EMED upthepotash 21 Sep 2015

Re: negativity P&L So phil&leggett, your "Ending my posting here for a while...Phil..." should have actually said apart from a constant stream of non stop wingeing because I've got nothing better to do!!!.UTP.

BVM may_sell 21 Sep 2015

Belgravium adjusted pre-tax profits fall Oh dear!At least Ian Martin is saying what some of us have been saying for years:"My initial feeling is that Belgravium's structure is overly complex and disparate and that its strategy requires greater coherence."Let's hope that he can change the culture quickly enough and cut out the dead wood soon. A private company can be run mainly for the benefit of its staff, as Belgravium has been up to now, but not as a PLC.

JQW Ripley94 21 Sep 2015

36% fall wow.thought things were looking better. ?

NBB broomfielder 21 Sep 2015

Re: Strategy These sort of numbers Bowood make sense and a lot will depend on whether the previously announced imrovement in Trading is indeed maintained or even enhanced in the ensuing period.If this is the case we may get a bit more info on projected Trading as these kind of guys (JM et al) are usually keen to tell how they have turned things around by their decisive actions etc.For a change I wouldn't be averse to JM blowing his own (team's) trumpet later this month!B

EMED phil and leggett 21 Sep 2015

Re: negativity P&L First concentrate production was achieved on 31 July 2015. As expected, these concentrates were not marketable but successfully demonstrated that the processing plant is working well from a mechanical perspective. ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** From the RNS 2/9/15 this was the bit that got me going...I expect an RNS to be accurate "As expected, these concentrates were not marketable"...I knew they had a value, then for albert to reply to an email enquiry that they were being sold at a reduced rate as low grade concentrate was what i would have expected to have been told in the RNS...Most of the rest of my postings have been in the most part directed towards Ace's dismal record of ramping SP forecasts upwards, when the SP facts are otherwise...I challenge all of us investors to look into the depths of our minds to question, what we have missed or dont know about this operation, for the market to ignoor the obvious immediate upside of an SP rerate...Big projects like this are always lurking in the background, the market knows all about them but PI's cant keep up with it all...Norlisk..."We have tested our Chita copper project - Bystrinsky mine construction - to see whether it could deliver us another Tier 1 asset,” First Deputy Chief Executive Officer Pavel Fedorov said. “The investment committee of Norilsk decided to proceed with its development” with output mainly going to China, he said.Investment in the Bystrinsky copper mine from 2014 through to a planned startup in 2017 is estimated at $1 billion, Norilsk said in a presentation today to investors in London. The market is negative the SP is negative, i am negative, the Global outlook is erm um, & all you do is complain in a negative way that i moan....As expected...Ah this was wot upset you Potty ole boy, my quote "Emeds never going to make it ACE almost fact..."Yea if they change the name for no good reason it wont be Emed will it...Marathon the peanut bar was never the same when it became an American pair of trainers...Snickers Sneekers....As for patience, i have buy contracts almost two yrs old that should have had sell contracts stapled to them by now...Does your wait & see policy have any conclusions yet??? Here's some...3.50 4.00 3.75 3.75 3.75 ( 8:110) 0.00 ( 0.0) 10,012Regards Phil...

ALK cricket2 21 Sep 2015

Re: Buys The offer price is to against