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PGD ajinbali777 22 Sep 2015

Re: Am i the only one left ?? Second attempt, first one rejected for inappropriate language!I feel like being part of a small group of people clinging to the stern of the Titanic singing Jerusalem or something like, as the ship slips beneath the waves!!With no news or views coming out of PGD it is clear the BOD doesn't give any credence to small investors in this company and IMO trying to get what they can from it! Surely with winter over now in the south, ground defrosted, there should be some news of any drilling time frame. What about the search for the Lamada resource extension, anything from Mt Leon, what of (tongue in cheek!) the second gold room!!??? Come on BOD stop bean counting and do something positive!

PDL bulltraderpt 22 Sep 2015

Re: Under the cosh! I agree Andy about your long term thoughts. Although there was some splendid volatility yesterday! However, it does need to stay above 95p - £1.00, but given what we now know about the company, the prices of diamonds and the china buyers, there still could be trouble ahead..

THAL Rusty Jock 22 Sep 2015

Could Be Worse Todays interims were a bit better than I was expecting .They make a big point about having cash on the balance sheet of $ 17m and nil debt . My rough calculation is that they have about 44p per share in cash , and the share price is about 44 / 45p !!Although the oil industry is bleak and will be for some time , this share is all about staying cash positive and not burning up the cash reserves .

XTR bargainhunt1 22 Sep 2015

So is this a good rns or more of the same?

CNKS Greyinvestor 22 Sep 2015

Excellent results I have decent chunk of these shares, bought at an average of around £1.80.I think that the results are fine, and support my view that the shares are decent value, albeit rather cyclical and dependent on new flotations.Revenue £53m v £65m, on a small reduction in flotations plus one very large one.PBT £18.6m v £23mEPS 26p v 31pInterim Divi 7p v 7pProposed £8m share buy back, in addition to buying 9% of the shares in Januray.So on the face of it, the numbers have got worse. But you have to remember that last year was an outstanding year, and most importantly that the EPS forecast for the whole of this year is 27p! They've clocked 26p already.Net assets are about £40m. There is £48m in the bank.I think that the divi is a bit mean. A 5% increase would have been nice. But even a frozen divi = a 7.1% income at the pre open price. Share buy backs benefit the board more than shareholders.So what about value? Current market cap is about £100m. If the company made only £25m in the full year, that would seem insanely cheap. But with £40m of net assets, you could argue that the company is valued at only £60m. And it could make £30m profit!In my view, this company is the cheapest on the UK market, in value terms. It's a Strong Buy for me. But DYOR, this is just my opinion.

SBLM Sir Singh 22 Sep 2015

2p plus before 10am Any predictions for the opening? Nice to be in first. Watch the masses come in today and the rest of the week.

CNKS Damp Seaweed 22 Sep 2015

Re: Results soon Results just released.Looks pretty good to me, but what will the market think ?

EMED Small Holding 22 Sep 2015

EMR Capital buys copper mine [link] Hegarty-backed private equity vehicle grabs copper mineOwen Hegarty and Jason Chang are not relying on a bounce in copper prices.Owen Hegarty's private equity vehicle EMR Capital says it is the "ideal time" in the cycle to buy good copper assets after striking a $45 million deal to buy a mothballed copper mine in Queensland.EMR chief executive Jason Chang said the Melbourne-based firm's investment strategy is not dependent on commodity prices going up.Copper is trading at six-year lows but Mr Chang said EMR's deal to buy the Mt Gordon copper project makes sense, even at current prices."Even at current prices, we think this asset can achieve a very appealing return on equity, with its potential cost structure, long life, upside potential and good grade and scale," he said."Despite the headlines, we believe copper has a great future, supply is getting more difficult."It was "the ideal point in the cycle to acquire quality copper assets".Mr Chang, who co-founded EMR with Mr Hegarty in 2011, expects the fund will make more investments in the next six months. It is looking in potash, copper, gold and coking coal.Monday's deal is the fifth investment for EMR's first fund, which it closed in January at $US450 million.It has been stuck in partnership with private copper mining play Lighthouse Minerals, headed by former Equinox Minerals executive Carl Hallion. Lighthouse will run the mine – which has been bought from ASX-listed minnow Aditya Birla Minerals – while EMR will control the board. The aim is to create a mid tier copper producer.Hindalco, one of the biggest producers of primary aluminium in Asia, owns 51 per cent of Aditya Birla Minerals. The Mt Gordon copper mine has been under care and maintenance since 2013Mr Chang is confident the Mt Gordon deal can exceed traditional private equity return on equity, of 20 to 25 per cent.EMR has also been in discussions over offtake and parties interesting in buying the project when EMR exits.The fund provided the lion's share of funding for the Mt Gordon deal, which will cost EMR about $80 million in total, including working capital.Deal includes a $5 million payment on financial close next month, and EMR taking on $40 million in the project's environmental and performance bonds.EMR is also up for another $10 million payment if the three-month delivery quoted London Metals Exchange price for copper averages at least $4.20 per pound over any continuous six month period between 12 months following first commercial production and 36 months after first commercial production.So the $45 million deal will be about $80 million deal over the next 12 months.EMR invested $52 million in Spanish potash developer, Highfield Resources, earlier this year.

SBLM wdelboy2 22 Sep 2015

can see this a lot higher today.. as news gets digested and CITIC are backing this into speedy production. Mcap a joke at the moment and still no where near the years high after transformational company announcement yesterday. GL but always take some off the table when you need to. Me , its a long way from that point.

EMED Small Holding 22 Sep 2015

Copper analysis [link] - Copper market may get a 2003-style supply shock from Glencore closuresAs copper miners start to slash spending and shutter mines because of the plunge in the price of the metal, experts who analyse the market in the base metal are suddenly getting a little more cheery.They are seeing the potential for a re-run of 2003 when Chile’s Codelco [COBRE.UL], the world’s top copper producer stockpiled 200,000 tonnes of the metal that is used in everything from pipes to autos, providing the market with a supply shock that soon drove copper prices back up.This time around hopes are pinned on the announcement earlier this month from Glencore (GLEN.L) of a sweeping strategy to shore up cash and cut spending, including plans to shutter two major, high-cost copper mines in Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo over the next 18 months. That will cut company output by 400,000 tonnes and remove some 2 percent of global supply from the market.For Glencore CEO Ivan Glasenberg, the plan helped placate shareholders worried about $30 billion (£19 billion) of debt as prices of its main products from copper to coal sank to six-year lows amid worries about China's waning appetite for such commodities.The company's shares jumped 7 percent on the news, although they have since come under renewed pressure, hitting fresh all-time lows last week. They are down 60 percent so far this year.For the beleaguered copper market, it was the first meaningful supply-side shock since the start of the current year-long copper rout. It has the potential to help trigger a long, slow revival in prices, analysts and other experts said.There is a big similarity with the market in 2002-2003, much more than the financial crisis-driven plunge in 2008, said Leon Westgate, analyst at ICBC Standard Bank.Twelve years ago, prices were languishing near 14-year lows and global inventory was skyrocketing. In response, the state-run Codelco built the stockpile of 200,000 tonnes of copper cathodes near the northern Chilean port of Antofagasta. It kept that material off the market until conditions had improved.A DIFFERENT CHINAThe comparisons with 2003 only go so far.China devoured a record 9.4 million tonnes of copper last year, almost half of the global total, against just 3 million tonnes in 2003. The country’s average annual growth rate in demand of more than 10 percent over the past decade has plunged to around 3-4 percent this year, and that has been a big reason for the recent price slump.Arguably the copper market was in a weaker state in 2003 than it is now. Global inventories of 1.5 million tonnes were three times higher than current levels, and at around $1,300 per tonne prices were about a quarter of current levels. Glencore may find it tougher to implement its plan, which threatens jobs in Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo, than government-owned Codelco. But the events of 12 years ago could show how a major supply shock may be just what is needed to stem losses, eventually helping prices to recover. Citi analyst David Wilson cautions against taking cues from macro events when producers like Glencore are showing they can respond aggressively to weak prices. "There has been a clear dislocation in the recognition of reduced output growth versus copper prices, but for how long can this continue?," he asked. SUPPLY DEFICIT SEEN Combined with mine outages and China's emergence as a major buyer as its economy took off, Codelco's move in 2003 rescued the copper market from a prolonged downturn. 2005, prices had more than doubled to over $3,000 per tonne, global inventories had plunged to just 100,000 tonnes and the market was in the early throes of a boom that saw prices near $10,000 per tonne in 2010. This time, few analysts expect prices to recover by that magnitude,

BOR borgo22 22 Sep 2015

No Love in the Lab Unfortunately there was indeed no Love in the Lab for Borders. I recall I took a lot of stick for that as it wasn't what the punters wanted to hear at the time. Perhaps the Barman owes this board one, before the mayhem begins, .........Whilst there was no love in the lab, there is love in the three or four songs that are currently being sang !Multibagger here possibly, on proximity to the song being sung.Let's call it evens now !Here comes the Sun !

FFX Climbatize 22 Sep 2015

Re: Looks like Come on Highlander! No amount of ramping will move this SP....It will move in its own time buddy, but onwards and upwards I say

RRL jl 22 Sep 2015

On the iii board, Ace08 and booster11 are clearly the resident trolls and also utter bellends.

RRL jl 22 Sep 2015

Just like to reiterate to genuine shareholders that SaltDome, Wehatespammers and bricket on the LSE discussion board are complete and utter bellends.

TMZ Mr Google 22 Sep 2015

Re: Interesting link, or potential link Interesting, but I don't think will include TMZ IP. I think it is more likely that Chromecast will just allow users to stream audio (as well as video), allowing your TV to be used as a way to play audio as if it were a speaker.The Wi-Fi spec. on Chromecast matches Minuet, probably why there was a delay in development because Google might have wanted a matching specification. More on Minuet here [link]