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BOR pb999 22 Sep 2015

Re: No Love in the Lab you took a lot of stick because it was a big fat lie, the lab produced excellent results. Try not to change history Borgs.

MANX Greyinvestor 22 Sep 2015

First purchase Made a first purchase of these today, at £1.88. They look sensible value.....

WRES supeman1 22 Sep 2015

could runback to 0.26 in no time - aim shares work that way

WRES supeman1 22 Sep 2015

jaja 3p is dreamland - it will never reach 1.5 imho

WRES supeman1 22 Sep 2015

ja ja sorry fella but you cant beat the market and this is going down

SGE gamesinvestor 22 Sep 2015

Valuation Maybe I'm missing something here but the stock looks at least 30-40% overvalued.Why do I say that?In 2011 the companies revenue and pre-tax profit are pretty much the same as that last reported this year yet the share price is 67% above it.The P/E in 2011 (4-5 years ago) was about 13 and it was growing earnings at about 13% that year.The P/E today is 20.6 and it's growing earnings at 10% and projecting only 6% next year.What constitutes such a rerating on a fairly flat business?Games

NIPT the old trout 22 Sep 2015

Annual results Well that went down like a lead balloon, and no surprise really, with the numbers inevitably looking awful for the period up to the end of March, but why did they not put some positive spin looking forward? After all we know that Genoma have been outing loads of the kits and other partners probably are too.I guess the reason is that they will probably put out a trading update on or before the 13th Oct to coincide with the AGM. That would hopefully head any angry shareholders off at the pass and see some recovery in our fortunes. For that reason I am not selling, and will be keeping some power dry ready for a surprise to the upside.They've also delivered a strong message to Illumina as facing the most downside risk from a trial proceeding. Will they respond with a bid? Who knows, but a first contract win for NIPT in the Americas must give them pause for thought.GLA,T

WRES jaja 22 Sep 2015

superman, no need to trade this. if you see RNS, mr scott is still buying and accumulating shares. not to mentioned, mining licence due anytime now. with another RNS fromMr Scott increasing his stake, sp, will be well above 1p.

WRES supeman1 22 Sep 2015

false dawn! sell

WRES supeman1 22 Sep 2015

could get messy if we have reached the top

WRES supeman1 22 Sep 2015

mmm looks like its run out of steam

OSU oliversydney 22 Sep 2015

Share price increase I note the doubling of the share price in the last 2 days and people speculating about the reason though with assets and cash well in excess of the market cap no real surprise. Normally when the share price increases suddenly the company comes out with the statement that they know no reason for the move which they have not done which is very encouraging

PZC II Editor 22 Sep 2015

NEW ARTICLE: PZ Cussons 'probably oversold' "Soaps and detergents colossus LSEZCZ Cussons has had a terrible time of late. Its shares have slumped by 23% since May to a five-year low, with business torpedoed by everything from Ebola to a slowdown in emerging markets to a weak Nigerian ..."[link]

AFPO jaja 22 Sep 2015

WRES moving up guys (see webcast here CEO target 3p [link]

VLK rRomeo29 22 Sep 2015

Re: 42 - 44p Anyway, its been a nice retracement so far!And now, as from 44.50p we are seeing large 50,000 buys. Could be some of the fat cats worrying about their pension?As said: September can be cruel for stockholders (VW crash).