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RGS gretel 22 Sep 2015

Moving up on strategic review Adjusted EPS of 16.19p, plus an earnings-enhancing acquisition, and post year end trading is in line with expectations.And most intriguingly, a strategic review, likely to sell the low margin aftermarket businesses and leave shareholders with the excellent data erasure and other high-tech divisions (Blancco etc), which have been strengthened with today's acquisition.All of that lot should get the share price going nicely.

CHT Vipers Ox 22 Sep 2015

Brokers Note Just received this albeit a few days after its release:FinnCapOffering broadened and market positionstrengthened CORPConstellation has further strengthened its position in the US medical billingmarket with today's acquisition of Phoenix for $14m (historic EV/EBITDA onmaximum consideration of 6.4x falling to 2.8x including cost savings).Phoenix provides medical billing services related to work place andautomobile injuries. This marks Constellation’s entry into this marketsegment. We have raised our FY 2016E EPS by 9% and FT 2017E by 13%and reiterate our 280p price target.Falling acquisition multiples. Phoenix is being acquired for a maximumconsideration of $14m split 75% cash and 25% shares. The shares will beissued if performance criteria are reached. This represents an historicEV/EBITDA of 6.4x based on maximum consideration falling to 2.8x when costsavings are realised.New market segment. Phoenix provides billing services in the US Workplaceand Automobile injuries area. This marks Constellation's entry into this marketsegment. It therefore broadens the group's service offering and client base andwill also enable the group to capture greater revenue from existing clients.Further cost-saving potential. Phoenix also has a web-based clearing housethat connects billing service providers and insurance companies. Constellationcurrently uses an external provider for this service and bringing this in-housewith Phoenix therefore offers cost savings.Forecasts upgraded. We are upgrading our FY 2016E EPS by 9% and FY2017E by 14% (new numbers below). Our price target already assumedreinvestment of the placing proceeds and we hence reiterate it at 280p.Attractive P/Es vs growth and peers. Constellation is now valued at 11.4x FY2016E EPS against our forecasts of 43% growth this year and 26% next. Thisalso represents a 60% discount to peers, despite significantly faster forecastgrowth.

CNKS coldascheese 22 Sep 2015

Re: Bought in today Kat -you bought at right time here-well done.Looking at results the second half of last year was not very good but the second half of THIS year could be much better.Overall it could well be that they can match or exceed last years full results with what they have in the pipeline-still looks an excellent buy.

LGO jaja 22 Sep 2015

WRES moving up again!

LSIC pharmaspecialist 22 Sep 2015

Solid results + takeover prospects. Yesterday's results were solid if unspectacular but I am sure the reason for the rise in share price today (up 12% at time of writing) is that news of the company's strategic review has put a spotlight on its valuation. It is a leader in an expanding sector of the global medical market and I reckon there are plenty of device companies which would be willing to pay more than the current share price if a deal can be agreed. I have a small shareholding.

HFEL TwoSporrans 22 Sep 2015

Second Leg down? Is this the KO for a second sell off phase in global equities?Global growth concerns continue to dog the investor mindset.Although I expect far more importance is attributed by the media to every passing Fed meeting or base rate [in]decision than investors really do place themselves, the most recent pronouncement that there will be no initial base rate rise in September has served to exacerbate fears of a deeper global slowdown.Whatever the fears about China specifically, it's interesting how it's stock market has held up the past 3 days while there have been 2 plunge days pretty much everywhere else.Today, it is Europe and Japan leading the selling; European blue chip indices down over 3%.Comes as no surprise to me.It is the demographically challenged, low productivity growth combined with high debt burden economies and huge social 'overheads' that are the slowest growing [if not actually atrophying] and which will, longer term, struggle most to cope with slowing global growth and the reforms required to do so.There is very little left that further monetary stimuli can achieve for these economies; there is no easy fix.Then again, perceptions of Risk still seem to remain such that a wealthy, highly regulated economy [and companies therein] is that much safer [short term at least] than its counterparts, that the above concern gets somehow pushed to one side.So no surprise if Asia gets sold off hard tomorrow, across the board.This process creates better value for investments there.Another ongoing instance of skewed market behaviour is: When there is a lot of selling on account of ever plunging commodity prices that isn't confined to such commodity focused companies, there must be value opportunities in the companies that stand to benefit from cheaper commodities be that directly or via increased consumer spending from rising disposable incomes after fuel, food etc bills are paid.Seems to me that is most companies.So, methinks there is good reason to buy a sizeable dip [in HFEL], if it comes.TS

BOOM Maverick 22 Sep 2015

Re: Simon Cole replacement? All very old news.The shares sold have all been mopped up weeks ago, not least by Mr Candy amongst others.

IOF pharmajiles 22 Sep 2015

stock priceÂ…Â….. Looks like everyone has left the bb here so i'll disappear as well.The stock is actually consolidating sideways currently in a large triangular pattern…….It will then have another large fall to come……….tread carefully here !

ULT wulwirth 22 Sep 2015

CCJ There is new information regarding County Court Judgments for ULTRASIS UK LIMITED available on Check Business.[link]

SPGH The buzz 22 Sep 2015

The Writing is on the Wall? Now 2.25-2.5p. SPGH just seems to drift down in its usual historic manner. How long before they say that they need some more cash?The B

BVM lighttrader 22 Sep 2015

Re: Belgravium adjusted pre-tax profits fall Oh dear in deed!The ultimate question is does Martin have the strength of will to deal with an executive board that has got so fat and tired off the back of the Kembery years. Why for example are the CEO and Finance Director still in post? They have been with the company for 15+ years I believe and appear to have completely failed in building any value for shareholders? Surely the time has come for a change at the top?

PDL taffytiddler 22 Sep 2015

Re: Under the cosh! 96p broken. Now then, where next? Any bang on predictions?

BRWM xstar 22 Sep 2015

Greed and Fear... ..oh go on then... I bought a few more with the dividend payment..

MIRL JohnyCash 22 Sep 2015

Re: AIM suspension Latest RNS:"Minera IRL Limited Announces Process of Removing Former Company Executive From Role With Peruvian Subsidiaries"What do you make of this HPCF?JC

CNKS MrMeerkat 22 Sep 2015

Re: Bought in today Woohoo! It isn't often that my timing is so lucky. It's certainly encouraging to see that these results really compare quite well with last year, which was so exceptional.MM