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RRR scotchoverice 22 Sep 2015

where's (the) wally?,...omar.

RRR scotchoverice 22 Sep 2015

has omar deserted?


RNS Looks like jam in a few years...

PDL Andy Reilly 22 Sep 2015

Re: Under the cosh! Goodness! RSI just under 13, and increased volume, but is that full capitulation? Some confusion over price on iii too. Its anyones guess as to whether PDL can recover properly from here, or bounce and then continue the downtrend.

MTV gepit 22 Sep 2015

Re: Agree Still crashing... Incredible!Is this company going to fold?What happens to my £13?

XTR lpdegeer 22 Sep 2015

I do not think we are discussing Lizzard but are being led to believe that there could be a downside to XTR, others will say the opposite. Personally I look at the potential and the performance of the BOD. Have I lost Money = yes, Have I gained Money=yes. I like the work and operations of XTR and admire JN for his capacity of smelling opportunities and making the most of them!

FOGL jaja 22 Sep 2015

anybody watching LGO? oversold and now slowly bouncing up

GLEN jaja 22 Sep 2015

LGO bouncing up !.

GWP Chris1 22 Sep 2015

It's more populist posing from Hillary, unlikely to be enacted, but short-term it's a worry for some punters.

GWP Chris1 22 Sep 2015

Maybe this is the reason: [link]

BAB gamesinvestor 22 Sep 2015

Hinckley How much wil Babcock (Cavendish) stand to benefit, now that this big big project looks set to go ahead, or will all the work go to the Chinee?Games

VENN gretel 22 Sep 2015

Good news today Excellent stuff: - good H1 results and very confident outlook for a profitable H2 - acquisition at 23p and oversubscribed placing at 22p - Kinesis Pharma already makes historic €0.6m EBITDA so is nicely earnings enhancingNo reason why the share price shouldn't continue to advance from here imo.Brief analyst comment amongst other coverage:[link] Lynne at broker Hybridan said Venn was a good match with Kinesis.He added that half-yearly results were well on track to meet market expectations, with €9m in new contract wins."Combined with the accretive contribution from Kinesis, the future looks very promising," he said."

GEMD HPC Follower 22 Sep 2015

Re: trading update Profitability will largely depend on the very large gem quality diamond finds this year, as prices for the largest stones are holding much better than price of small stones for the volume markets.I am sure there will be enough profit for mining to continue, especially now that De Beers is reducing its output for a while at least.

ENEG smartcommuter 22 Sep 2015

Re: This Donkeys D****angling!!!! Jeez, Are you still posting the same old stuff, MD?i haven't checked in on the board for moons, and there you are still giving it the big 'get out! save yourselves!"you're beginning to sound and feel like intoorbit in reverse!!sure it's been a rocky road down to this level and there were far more satisfactory places to have bailed out, but something must be holding us all still in there. in truth what has anyone got to really lose getting out at this low point?!but, the old adage as Jim Morrisson so eloquently sang "Been down so goddamn long, it looks like up to me!'come on you ABTOG technology!!!!!!

MIRL HPC Follower 22 Sep 2015

Re: AIM suspension Not what I expected, but if there is a case for criminal action (fraud I assume in some way) then it looks like the correct action is being taken to limit the damage to MIRL and its business.I will continue to HOLD at present as I can't see a good reason to exit, especially as my personal exposure here is relatively low.