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SHG George Zibbos 23 Sep 2015

Now at 5.5p Well its up by 35% Since my buy tip in less than a week. I should have listened to my own advice and bought a load more. This is a well funded low cost gold producer with good future prospects and now a major fund is a holder. $200 trillion of global debt will only get worse, wars all over the place, most Co's way over valued largely due to share buy backs with cheap QE money. Gold will have its day again once the Ostriches pull their heads out of the sand.

JQW waytogo333 23 Sep 2015

Cash position Results show a cash position of £47 mill (using a 10p/RMB conversion rate) and 194 million shares in issue.Therefore, am I right in thinking a cash value of 24p/share in its most simplistic calculation??? Maybe they should just return cash to shareholders........................

SGI coolcharm 23 Sep 2015

Re: Trading Update The update comes across as a profit warning to me in disguise. It confirms the slow down in the Far East, difficulties in completing some high value sales and of course the website debacle. Put it another way, the plunge in the share price is justified. The question is are they able to deliver a strong second half to make up for it? 22% increase in online revenue? How about profit? I'll be surprised if there is any. Look out for this, it will probably be reported as EBITDA in the earnings to make it look good. Charlie Munger would call this BS earning. So the question boils down to, given all the challenges, is £1.50 a fair value? I'm afraid so.

CRND rRomeo29 23 Sep 2015

Re: Stalling technical analysis ...RNS service published some updates recently and I thought I take a look at Noricum.Tradesignal-online immediately pointed to a retrace from 0.13p down to 0.05p, so I thought its best to inform the community.Been a bit surprized to see that you are the only one entertaining the share chat (isnt your daily scheduele filled with bank & property deals)?While sometimes I think about the reason for your initial hostility (or black humour?), allow me to say that just one honest request from you could have brought you valuable TA knowledge - thus saving you a large amount of capital over the past 2 years. Especially this summer, when many of us jumped ship from the main markets.Can you call it "arrogance", if someone calculates a target price and dares to point in a certain chart direction? If so, then I probably owe you an apology and have to say it wasnt meant to be "above of others", but simply a method to be AHEAD of the market.Here in CH people are branded with hospitality and openness, so if you like I will take a look at three FTSE shares of yours and tell you the most likely Sp targets for the next months.CRND is still all right. The next Sp targets should be calculated this weekend. Long term investors are still safe to hold as long as the mentioned support lines are holding.

NBB broomfielder 23 Sep 2015

Re: Strategy B - Should the awaited Interims disclose a strong H1, then the limited free float might see a significant uptick in the SP. The very low levels of share trading activity does however act a brake over time. What we really need are some sparkling figures to get the Co a bit of Press comment.We were after all told that NBB were back in profit at Q1 so we have to hope that not only has the substantial investment in the new Subcos come to an end and the write-downs on disposals (Belgian outlet) complete, that genuine trade led improvements are the engine of this return to profit. This would be significant.Appreciate your remarks re JM. AIM itself is risky enough but yes turnaround positions can be closer to Roulette. The real problem we all face is the lack of meaningful info with which to fully assess our risk. Oh for some monthly management accounts!B

SPRP claude reins 23 Sep 2015

The directors have sold..... ..... and so have I. They don't have faith in the SP rising, so why I should I expect it to?

AIEA The buzz 23 Sep 2015

Re: Results out Agreed. The turnover is up - as one would 'expect' with the improving housing market and improving economy. The significant increase in the pension deficit is of concern - but manageable if the they can keep their profit margins up. My local carpet man thinks that AIEA is expensive - this might in part be due to the old premises used by AIEA. Still they have that housing development possibly bringing in a wind fall.The B

ALK mnbvvvvvvvvvvvcxz 23 Sep 2015

Re: Takeover offer Er Yes!This offer has been accepted by the board they have pledged their shares to BB. Alkane is not in play it's a done thing except for regulatory and legal matters. The only choice you have is to sell in the market now and re invest whilst the market is down taking a small loss or wait until you get the full 36p.Since the 36p is fixed if you bought at 40p you lose out. If you reinvest in something else any gain you make is offset against any gain. The market has fallen 300 points since the price was annoiunced there are plenty of opportunities for capital growth. You could for example speculate on Volkswagen or BP both of which are good companies fallen on hard times that will return a handsome premium over the purchase price in a 5-10 year period with very little risk that they will fold. Germaony's biggest manufacturing company and Britains second biggest ( after Shell now) oil business. BP was privatised at £4.50 it's now at £3.33DYOR


Re: competition make no mistake the market is tough in all sectors with dog eating dog.I think the store roll out may slow down as they push their on line Naked wines.Having sold out this is getting close to my buy back.At 300p I would certainly be back in.tiger

NIPT Go Dink 23 Sep 2015

Re: Annual results f32, good call. I've decided to just hold onto my NIPT shares. I think they do have something there but the IP case is holding shares down and I think the figures don't really convery the ongoing revenue from the NIPT kits; i.e. there isn't a one off fee but rather a continuous fee a bit like a subscription.As ever, DYOR and IMO.

CRND rRomeo29 23 Sep 2015

Re: Stalling technical analysis ---------- ---------- -------„I am not a estate agent, I'm an investor. I invest in property, but have diversified into some bonds and FTSE shares. I move my capital between different assets to maximise returns.A number of my FTSE shares are in negative now, but I am not concerned about this because I am invested for the long term." CitychapSorry, I thought you claryfied this bit and mentioned north west England? Before this everyone erroneously assumed that its "the London city chap", someone in the finance game, and you said this is not the case.Now lets forget about the fun for a minute: Very careful now with your FTSE holdings! And this is a honest advice, Sir. "The freefalling Footsie is being pulled down by big international commodity names, creating concern among UK investors.” Michelle McGrade, CIO at TD[link] Footsie is being pulled down by its links to emerging markets, which have experienced SIGNIFICANT declines in growth. Demand for London-listed commodities is also slowing, with losses on stocks including Glencore, Rio and BP weighing heavily on the index. In the US on the other hand, commodities make up much less of the S&P 500, which is instead dominated by tech stocks. These make up 20% of the S&P 500 by market cap and include giants such as Apple and Google, while tech makes up just 1% of the FTSE 100."Hope you will find a way to survive the severe bear-market! Recently even Switzerland has been hammered because of its exposure to Germany. Other markets, France etc. will follow. And the US tech-bubble could find a sudden end also.But lets listen to the chart-pro's on

BBA gamesinvestor 23 Sep 2015

Balance sheet Anybody a view on what impact today's announcement on the acquisition over the pond will have on their balance sheet and debt position?Games

HLMA Yertiz 23 Sep 2015

Re: No Regrets Shares And on top of all that....don't forget the divi!!

RGS gretel 23 Sep 2015

270p price target from Panmure Panmure (joint brokers) have reiterated their Buy and 270p target:[link]

RCDO Buy and hold 23 Sep 2015

Volkswagen Does anyone know whether Ricardo's services are likely to be called upon in connection with the VW scandal?