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EOG Eadwig 23 Sep 2015

The bullk and bear case A bit of a silver lining after I impetuously bought 3 tranches all in the $90sPaul Ausick September 23, 2015 1:35 pm EDTInvestors seeking good bets in the oil and gas exploration and production (E&P) sector are not exactly thick on the ground. Nor are there a lot of good bets on offer. The chief characteristic of the E&P sector seems to be volatility within a range of about $10, from $40 to $50, with occasional brief excursions outside those limits.With volatility and accompanying uncertainty in mind, analysts at Wells Fargo Securities compared a bear market case ($50 per barrel through 2016, sometimes called “lower for longer” and a bull market case, where oil returns to around $70 a barrel next year. The analysts found four stocks that ranked in the top 10 in both categories, and just one that also made the firm’s list of top defensive stocks in the sector.The one stock on both lists and also was one of Wells Fargo’s top defensive names was EOG Resources Inc. (NYSE: EOG). Other stocks that made both the bear and bull lists were Apache Corp. (NYSE: APA), Newfield Exploration Co. (NYSE: NFX) and Diamondback Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: FANG).In addition to EOG, other top picks to survive a bear market were PDC Energy Inc. (NASDAQ: PDCE) and Concho Resources Inc. (NYSE: CXO).Wells Fargo’s top defensive picks are EOG, Concho, PDC, Anadarko Petroleum Corp. (NYSE: APC), Rice Energy Inc. (NYSE: RICE) and Gulfport Energy Corp. (NASDAQ: GPOR).

TPL Eldwick 23 Sep 2015

A safe haven for the Directors Having bought into the Tethys dream two years ago at a price in the mid 40's, I was pondering about the wonderful job the Directors have done with this company. They must be thinking they deserve a bonus no doubt. After they have stuffed their pockets and the PI's, they will be wanting a safe haven of like minded people, who run things in the same way, to relax in while they spend their ill gotten gains.Syria springs to mind chaps, mind how you go................

SAL Blanketstacker 23 Sep 2015

Re: Network Rail contract win I think we may well see continual profit taking here over the next few weeks, so I expect to see a period of weakness. However confidence remains here.

AVAP janebolacha 23 Sep 2015

Beaufort Investor Evening [link] by four companies, including AVAP.

ARG penguin14 23 Sep 2015

even more oil news [link]

ARG penguin14 23 Sep 2015

Re: more oil news... yes, indeed it is.Interesting too that R has started to prepare air base and expand their existing port in Syria. I dont' think it is all about the militants in syria? I guess we will find out over the next few mos. I read another article about R projected to be broke in 2 yrs or the current rates of crude. Something to watch if bored with FI !! Power point presentation: Will the china russia pipeline be built if China is running down?...Its one big bubble, everywhere !

ULT wulwirth 23 Sep 2015

Re: DWP Received email earlier today from the DWP, copied and pasted here.Online Supported Cognitive Behavioural TherapyDEPARTMENT FOR WORK AND PENSIONSThe Autumn Statement signalled the Government’s commitment to improving mental health and employment outcomes, building on evidence-based interventions that improve the employment and health prospects for people with common mental health problems. Research suggests that being out of work for long periods of time is damaging to health, social and financial ...Contract location Any regionContract value £21mPublication date 19/03/2015Approach to market date 10/04/2015Notice type Future opportunityNotice status ClosedContract start date04 January 2016Contract end date30 March 2018.

AEX jackson 23 Sep 2015


SPRP smilingmickey1 23 Sep 2015

Re: The directors have sold..... One of the sellers (Chief exec?) sold a small number but still retains more than 7% of the Company! Could be maximising his annual capital gains allowance for all we know.One sounds like he might be a forced seller to pay for is divorce.One non exec has bought quite a significant initial holding and another has sold a significant share of his relatively small holding.

TPL flipdalid 23 Sep 2015

Tethys response received.. Tethys Petroleum Limited ("Tethys" or the "Company" (TSX:TPL)(LSE:TPL) announces that Tethys and Nostrum Oil &Gas PLC ("Nostrum" have entered into a non-binding and indicative letter of intent (the "LOI" setting outproposed terms upon which Nostrum would acquire the entire issued and to be issued share capital of Tethys (the"Proposed Offer". The Company has agreed to grant Nostrum a limited period of exclusivity until 11:59 p.m.London time on October 6, 2015 (unless such date is mutually agreed to be extended by the parties) inconnection with the Proposed Offer and any potential resulting formal offer.In connection with the Proposed Offer, Nostrum has also proposed the terms of a potential interim financingfacility of up to US$20 million (the "Interim Financing" to fund the Company's cash requirements from the dateof the execution of key transaction documents through until the date of completion of any formal offer.Possible Offer from NostrumThe Proposed Offer provides for a price of C$0.147 per Tethys share, which would be settled in fully paidordinary shares of Nostrum. This price represents a premium of 63% to the closing market price of an ordinaryshare of Tethys on the TSX on 22 September 2015. The exchange ratio of Nostrum to Tethys shares would be 1Nostrum share for every 69.4333 Tethys shares, representing the closing price of GBP 5.005 of a Nostrum shareon the London Stock Exchange on 22 September 2015 and the CAD/GBP closing exchange rate on 22 September 2015 of2.0393 CAD to 1.00 GBP.

UCP BoomOrBusted 23 Sep 2015

Liable? I still have some shares left in this. I'm wondering whether to take a punt and hold on to them in the hope that there will be a cash distribution in a year's time or so.However - bearing in mind the suspension of the shares on AIM coming up in November, once that deadline hits, there is, I guess, no turning back.IF it turns out the UCP finances go completely belly up and end up owing money instead of having cash, would remaining shareholders be liable?I'm trying to get my head round the level of risk here.

AXS casabanker 23 Sep 2015

Price drop Does anyone know if there is a reason for today's sp fall? If there isn't one, this should present a buying opportunity.Casa.

QRM ventura1 23 Sep 2015

nice rise in london and hague, and results due soon!

NXR Hardboy 23 Sep 2015

Consolidation Unless there are an awful lot of very small shareholdings which are flushed out by the exercise, I don't really see the point in share consolidations. It's a pretty expensive exercise just to move a decimal point one place.

BBA gamesinvestor 23 Sep 2015

Re: Balance sheet "buying anything from the likes of Carlyle"Aye -- that is my concern, all sorts of stuff might be hidden by the sharks and why are they selling if it's such a gem?Games -- will be watching for a while and reassess when the next set of financial results come out.