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FAST naeemsmiley 24 Sep 2015

yes AGM is around the corner with RNS imminent. Been watching FAST for the last few months and all I can say is im excited

PTCM scholomo 24 Sep 2015

brokers report Sanlam the broikers downgrade Ptcm and seem dissapointed with the results.

TTR pharmaspecialist 24 Sep 2015

Re: Results out The company's adjusted earnings per share of 2.48p to 30 June is almost half way to the expected annual figure of 5.9p so it is quite possible the expected earnings will be achieved, particularly as the company says that trading in the second half is strong. However, I would agree that the real earnings rather than adjusted earnings is the better quality measure.

AUE laurence 24 Sep 2015

there is news on the denver gold conference 20 23 of this month

WRES supeman1 24 Sep 2015

remarkable resilliant - does not want to drop?

BRY MrMeerkat 24 Sep 2015

LTIP I read yesterday's announcement, which proposes the introduction of an LTIP for Exec Directors and an undisclosed number of senior managers, with considerable consternation. My concerns include, but are not limited to:- Why on earth are awards of 150% of salary justified? This seems excessive. After all, directors are already well-paid for doing their jobs of running the company on our behalf.- The initial award of 150% appears to be without performance criteria!- EPS (even CAGR over 3 years) is a pretty awful measure as it can be manipulated so easily, not always in the long-term interests of shareholders- The dilution under the LTIP is capped at 15% over 10 years. Oh that's alright then, only 15% of our company is given away.The stated intent, as always with these things, is to align the interests of directors and senior management with shareholders. Well in that case, they should be shelling out their own wonga and feeling some real pain if it doesn't work out. Foregoing a zero-cost opportunity just isn't the same.Don't get me wrong, I've held shares in BRY since 2006 and they've done well as the company has become established and grown. But I don't want to see it go the way of Vislink where the company appears to be run as a trousering vehicle for the CEO and directors. Trust in management is essential to successful share ownership; today that has taken something of a knock.Does anyone have any greater insight into the scheme and whether it is fair and reasonable?MM feeling the need for some reassurance

VLK rRomeo29 24 Sep 2015

Re: 42 - 44p ...and 41p on the ask.

TMMG thirty fifty twenty 24 Sep 2015

at 45p opportunity or catch? TMMG results today ...All figures were up in double digits - sale, profit, eps and dividend.they say all good. Quote: "profit up, debt down - just the way we like it!"the new mgt team came on board in 2010,they had an emergency rights issue to get debt under control,and since then have grown steadily.. 8% p.a. in EPS over 7 years (F)eps to dec 16 will be 6.1p,but normally looking 2 years out can see eps of 6.5p and reasonable debt (quote:"we don't want to make mistakes of previous mgt"so its hard to see why the rating languishes at 7 times!whats the catch.....?1 - results are H2 weighted which people don't like H1 = 2.4m; H2 = 4.6m(it has been this way for 3 years and reflects underlying client buying patterns)2 - l.term growth is modest 8% a year - financed by 4% a year increase in shares. (typical of an agency business they use CASH flow to buy growth)3 - maybe people don't like the company and its unusual style - see c'man verbosity in reports!chart analysis.....interestingly the share price has risen 40% p.a. for the last 5 years even though eps have only increased by 8% p.a., so this means a re-rating has being going on - with investors giving a higher rating to profits, the funny thing is that the rating is still low!!there seem to be various support trends in place....- 4 point support line from 10p in 2010 to 40p in 2015,- 4 time break-out and pull back above 40p since 2009- rising 200d at 42p- golden cross of rising 20d and 50d through the rising 200d at 43p in July 15.interestingly over the last 12 months it has under performed the market,but that is due to a share price fall last September,if the price remains unchanged for the next few weeks it will show up as outperforming the market over 1 year, 3 year and 5 years,which will look good for momentum and trend investors doing stock screens.At the moment if some-one looked at all companies with PE < 10 they would see TMMG,then they would see that in the last year it has under peformed,and would conclude that earnings are due to drop..... and not follow up on the companyin a few weeks time - they will see rising momentum and look rating and look into TMMG I see this has the potential to double over the next couple of years,though as a small cap with l.term holders (incl mgt with c.20%) expect some volatility.- its a simple business that the company has stuck too for a long time,- fundamentally undervalued,- supported by chart pattern,- risk reward is acceptable,ALL IMHO, DYOR + BoLTMMG is in my portfolio

ALK mnbvvvvvvvvvvvcxz 24 Sep 2015

Re: Board contradiction The Takeover CodeThe City Code on Takeovers and Mergers (the “Code” has been developed since 1968 to reflect the collective opinion of those professionally involved in the field of takeovers as to appropriate business standards and as to how fairness to shareholders and an orderly framework for takeovers can be achieved. Following the implementation of the Takeovers Directive (2004/25/EC) (the “Directive” by means of Part 28 of the Companies Act 2006 (the “Act”, the rules set out in the Code have a statutory basis in relation to the United Kingdom and comply with the relevant requirements of the Directive.The rules set out in the Code also have a statutory basis in relation to the Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey.General Principles and rulesThe Code is based upon six General Principles, which are essentially statements of standards of commercial behaviour. These General Principles are the same as the general principles set out in Article 3 of the Directive. They apply to takeovers and other matters to which the Code applies. They are expressed in broad general terms and the Code does not define the precise extent of, or the limitations on, their application. They are applied in accordance with their spirit in order to achieve their underlying purpose.In addition to the General Principles, the Code contains a series of rules. Although most of the rules are expressed in less general terms than the General Principles, they are not framed in technical language, and like the General Principles, are to be interpreted to achieve their underlying purpose. Therefore, their spirit must be observed as well as their letter.The following is a brief summary of some of the most important Rules: When a person or group acquires interests in shares carrying 30% or more of the voting rights of a company, they must make a cash offer to all other shareholders at the highest price paid in the 12 months before the offer was announced (30% of the voting rights of a company is treated by the Code as the level at which effective control is obtained). When interests in shares carrying 10% or more of the voting rights of a class have been acquired by an offeror (i.e. a bidder) in the offer period and the previous 12 months, the offer must include a cash alternative for all shareholders of that class at the highest price paid by the offeror in that period. Further, if an offeror acquires for cash any interest in shares during the offer period, a cash alternative must be made available at that price at least. If the offeror acquires an interest in shares in an offeree company (i.e. a target) at a price higher than the value of the offer, the offer must be increased accordingly. The offeree company must appoint a competent independent adviser whose advice on the financial terms of the offer must be made known to all the shareholders, together with the opinion of the board. Favourable deals for selected shareholders are banned. All shareholders must be given the same information. Those issuing takeover circulars must include statements taking responsibility for the contents. Profit forecasts, quantified financial benefits statements and asset valuations must be made to specified standards and must be reported on by professional advisers. Misleading, inaccurate or unsubstantiated statements made in documents or to the media must be publicly corrected immediately. Actions during the course of an offer by the offeree company which might frustrate the offer are generally prohibited unless shareholders approve these plans. Stringent requirements are laid down for the disclosure of dealings in relevant securities during an offer. Employees of both the offeror and the offeree company and the trustees of the offeree company’s pension scheme must be informed about an offer. In addition, the offeree company’s employee representatives and pension scheme trustees have the right to hav

SBLM etadelete 24 Sep 2015

bounce looking good for a bounce. take ur chance.gla

PLND Chocolate Dustbin 24 Sep 2015

Re: Aquisition "Is there bad news on the horizon?"Thought so ..Institutional investors set to pick up huge amounts of shares very cheaply?

WAND Chickenlicken1 24 Sep 2015

Re: Who needs a Chinese fraud.... its the same old story...loss making AIM listed company takes longer to achieve critical mass than expected and consumes more cash in the process. Must be pretty frustrating for management to see customer numbers coming through but without the meaningful contract sizes that are needed. It seems to me that they have an excellent product to sell but, understandably, big customers arent going to go all in quickly. the Fusion product is an excellent step forward. For my part I am prepared to consider investing once there is further evidence of progress in both customer numbers and cash generation and once the balance sheet has been strengthened/extent of dilution has been confirmed. i can think of a few other things that could be done to reduce cash burn too!

HSD Trodden Under 24 Sep 2015

Re: Isn't this dirt cheap? Shhh. Everyone else will hear you....

FLX Sir Singh 24 Sep 2015

Re: Good update but could have mentioned... Ookfly are you serious you clown? You can't afford L2? You're looking at yesterday's movement son. No be a good boy and ... FO Haha

RXP Hub 24 Sep 2015

Re: No posts for a week? dickie3times,It's quiet across many E&P's as times are tough. Investors have had a torrid time in what is one of the worst bearish cycles for decades. We've had the highs and now the lows are here.ROXI has all the catalysts to deliver some great share price growth but it should also be noted that these catalysts are best on well/ testing success.I think most investors have an eye on ROXI but are prepared to wait until the sidetrack is completed. It would then be circa 1 to 2 months before they test and get results.the BIG RISK near term is that they fail to complete the Sidetrack. That would be bad news. And the sp could drop to 6p or even to 4p levels in this market.So the big near term risk is now the SIDETRACK completion.The longer it goes on (they have issues with sidetrack - as per last rns) then the worst it potentially gets.To be safe and smart, I think most investors have derisked or even sold out which perhaps explains the low volume and quiet BB.It's your risk at the end of the day. Be careful - as if the sidetrack news is bad - it will hurt the sp.That said - there are more drills on the horizon, so that's what gives hope to long termers. However, if those drill plans are pulled or put off, then it becomes more worrying.The silence from Roxi board is not great at all. And one wonders if 'things' are going on behind the scenes. Are they still owed money by the chinese? Is the deadline end of Sept?ATBHUB