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SMIN Ivorjay 24 Sep 2015

PB Joined Smiths 10/12/2007 Share Price £10.70Left Smiths 24/09/2015 Share Price £ 9.70Well I don't think we'll be seeing him at the Chelsea Flower Show any time soon.Always promised Share holder value enhancement, achieved 'bl_lugger all'8 Years wasted, countless re-orgs, catchy slogan exercises, stupid corporate videos, wasteful company junkets, falling turnover etc etc, Now that's what I call a Legarsey.How much did we allow this joker to earn ! (earn that's probably the wrong word)

TFW casabanker 24 Sep 2015

Re: Latest results I think TFW is a well run Company and that is why I bought some shares recently. Just after I bought in, the market had the jitters and TFW's sp fell so I topped up. The rising trend has been maintained so I am nicely in profit. However, the share now looks fully valued with a PER of over 20. The share is now a "hold" for me.Casa.

PDL Andy Reilly 24 Sep 2015

WOW new low! I don't know why the market has such a downer on PDL, but I am just glad I am on the side lines right now - its horrendous, AND markets seem to want to generally push much lower too. It doesn make 60p look quite so fantastic a projection after all.

ALM ookyfly 24 Sep 2015

Re: Fed. Wire. Pilot Prog with US in July Why the big drops of yesterday and today? I suppose bad news or dilution is in the pipeline. Some people always seem to have advance notice.Or has Woodford reduced his holding?

ATST Wynford2 24 Sep 2015

Re: Elliott lifts Alliance Trust stake t... Re: "The performance has not been that great so far"How else does one judge an Investment Trust, other than by performance?Maybe ATST can sell it as a poor performance 'ethical' fund to those with a guilt complex over their assets: such as the comfortable middle classes who now get a warm feeling over Corbynomics.But this niche is surely too small to support the KGC empire.P.S. some change around in directors recently, I wonder who is driving that.

INFI Speculator 73 24 Sep 2015

Have I missed something? Dang!! 7% down today?I dont see anything in the news to the effect - anything I missed?

OSU magoo100 24 Sep 2015

Glad I sold at nearly 3p with only a small loss Heading back to 1p I think

HL Kingel 24 Sep 2015

'game is up' for higher rate tax relief Hargreaves Lansdown says pension contributions from higher earners have more than doubled ahead of expected curb to tax reliefs.Hargreaves Lansdown has claimed that 'the game is up' for higher rate tax relief on pensions and revealed a big jump in contributions from wealthy savers ahead of its expected scrapping.The online stockbroker said the government was likely to move to a flat rate of tax relief on pensions, no matter which level of income tax the saver pays, after widespread opposition to a mooted plan to introduce a pension-ISA hybrid retirement savings vehicle.Citywire Money last month reported that the government was drawing up plans to scrap the relief and had met with pension providers to discuss the practical implications of the move.‘The game is up for higher-rate tax relief; higher earners may feel that’s unfair but the chancellor needs to balance the books and where else is he going to go but to the people who have the most money,' said Tom McPhail, head of pensions research at Hargreaves Lansdown.High earners pile in'Savvy investors are making the most of these earnings related top-ups while they still can,' he added, saying analysis of Hargreaves Lansdown clients showed that so far this tax year, pension contributions from 40% and 45% income tax payers were up 120% on the previous year. Since the summer Budget, they are up 61% compared to the same period last year.The government is currently consulting on changes to the taxation of pensions, and McPhail said the mooted pension-ISA, an alternative way for the government to raise more in taxes than under the current system, was 'meeting virtually unanimous opposition from the pensions industry and employers, with good reason'.At the moment the pension tax regime is exempt-exempt-taxed (EET), meaning contributions receive tax relief (equivalent to the highest rate of income tax you pay), growth in the pension is tax-free but the pension income is taxed, after the 25% tax-free lump sum is taken.ISAs are the reverse: taxed-exempt-exempt (TEE), meaning contributions are made out of taxed income, growth in the ISA rolls up tax-free and withdrawals are tax-free.The Budget paper asks for opinions on moving pensions to a TEE basis and adding a top-up when contributions are paid in.Pension-ISA 'dead in the water'McPhail said a pension-ISA hybrid would 'introduce a hugely complex two-tier system with some pension money being taxed on withdrawal and post-reform money being tax free’.‘Once you start exploring the transitional complexity, it is clear that the pension-ISA concept is dead in the water. It would be horribly unpleasant to deal with,’ he said.McPhail added that a pension-ISA system ‘could cause the pension system to collapse’ without the upfront incentives to save offered by the current pension system.‘Investors were very clear that they prefer the ‘bird in the hand’; not surprisingly, they don’t trust future governments to honour promises made today,’ he said.Instead, it looks increasingly likely that higher-rate taxpayers will see a cut in the amount of relief they receive on their pension contributions.McPhail said there was a ‘growing possibility’ that the system will be reformed in favour of a new flat-rate of tax relief.While McPhail did not predict the flat rate that could be introduced he said a £1 top-up for every £2 saved was popular. Former pensions minister Steve Webb argued for a 30% flat rate but current pensions minister Ros Altmann told the Financial Times in July that current tax relief given to higher earners was ‘bound to be regressive’, prompting some to speculate that higher rate relief would be abolished altogether.[link]

CSN Doomsayer 24 Sep 2015

CHESNARA - Telephone number Does anyone have a telephone number for this company, the numbers on their web site go through to the same answer phone constantly. Seems like they don't want to talk.

NTOG steptoes123 24 Sep 2015

Scubs BMD/Lofgran Tweets ScubsLooking at the Companies The Preacher is involved with at the moment which are as followsNtogNewIRGElephant OilRRRChurchil OperatingNew Horizonsand the Latest Altas Oil and GasNone of which has the Abbreviation W/A which he refers to in the Tweet, so there must be another Duck Being lined up.I just wish BMD would for once just come out with what he is upset about, we all have money tied up, but we dont all have privileged info or the resources to get it. Matt Lofgran ‏@mlofgran 18 hrs18 hours ago@BrokermanDaniel Private matter w/a private company. Not something I've shared an opinion on publicly so not about to now. Not appropriate.BrokermanDaniel ‏@BrokermanDaniel 4 hrs4 hours agoBrokermanDaniel retweeted Chip Fat LoverYou have at that. However I still think Matt is a good guy. Disagree with what he has recently done. #shocking ATB (Ges)


Edison - Focus shifts to integration [link]

AML Inatthetop 24 Sep 2015

Re: More consolidation Following the falls maybe now is the time to buy in the sector in anticipation of more consolidation?

LRE Inatthetop 24 Sep 2015

A buying opportunity now? Nm

ACL Tenobas 24 Sep 2015

Net yet IMO this has much further to fall.

TATE oldjoe1 24 Sep 2015

TATE, Fundies Up TO 2018 Nice, found a site that gives forward earnings and Fundies right up to 2018Financial RatiosSize 2016e 2017eCapitalization 2 572 M GBP -Entreprise Value (EV) 3 070 M GBP 3 083 M GBPValuation 2016e 2017eP/E ratio (Price / EPS) 16,2x 15,4xCapitalization / Revenue 1,00x 0,99xEV / Revenue 1,20x 1,19xEV / EBITDA 9,21x 8,74xYield (DPS / Price) 5,08% 5,18%Price to book (Price / BVPS) 2,72x 2,21xProfitability 2016e 2017eOperating Margin (EBIT / Sales) 8,89% 9,50%operating Leverage (Delta EBIT / Delta Sales) -1,61x 6,66xNet Margin (Net Profit / Revenue) 6,42% 6,84%ROA (Net Profit / Asset) 8,47% 8,63%ROE (Net Profit / Equities) 15,4% 15,9%Rate of Dividend 82,4% 79,8%Balance Sheet Analysis 2016e 2017eCAPEX / Sales 7,88% 4,87%Cash Flow / Sales (Taux d'autofinancement) 9,62% 9,86%Capital Intensity (Assets / Sales) 0,76x 0,79xFinancial Leverage (Net Debt / EBITDA) 1,49x 1,45xAnnual Income Statement DataActuals in M GBP Estimates in M GBPFiscal Period March 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018Sales 3 256 3 147 2 694 2 567 2 599 2 648Operating income (EBITDA) 449 457 351 334 353 373Operating profit (EBIT) 358 349 247 228 247 261Pre-Tax Profit (EBT) 309 290 51,0 209 227 244Net income 278 245 30,0 165 178 191P/E ratio - - - 16,2 15,4 14,0EPS (PNC) 58,5 52,1 6,50 34,0 35,8 39,5Dividend per Share (PNC) 26,2 27,6 28,0 28,0 28,6 29,3Yield 4,75% 5,00% 5,08% 5,08% 5,18% 5,31%Announcement Date 05/30/2013060am 05/29/2014060am 05/28/201506:52am - - -