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STG BarmyOwl 24 Sep 2015

On slow burner Looks as though this is going to be a long termer:Oil - awaiting flow tests late this year and may cause price to move firstGold - CPR report by year end and followed by a plan for extractionCoal- Zilch until price increases significantlyIn bank £1.3m at a burn rate of approx £0.25m minimumNot as bad as I was lead to believe, so here's in hope

TFW smilingmickey1 24 Sep 2015

Re: Latest results Casa,I think the EPS growth rate for FY 2016 may well exceed the 13% ish growth rate this year as the full benefit of the acquisition comes through. Maybe the forward P/E is close to 16?They generated a large amount of cash from operations in 2015 despite expansion of working capital to support growth. They have a large cash pile. There should be more cash generated in the coming year. IHMO there are likely to be a further hikes in the divi or some share buy backs or both in the coming year unless there are more acquisitions. It's a strong hold for me.SM

PDL bulltraderpt 24 Sep 2015

Re: Directors buying in Yes bought them yesterday and the now the market does this to him!Still, perhaps he knows more than the market? I.e something about the futire for PDL that no one currently gets.

PDL bulltraderpt 24 Sep 2015

Re: WOW new low! 60p really AR?I mean that really is low for a company like PDL surely?OK it's not in the best of shapes but even so.

CSN Warren Buffoon 24 Sep 2015

Re: CHESNARA - Telephone number Half yearly report lists the following.... "John Deane, Chief Executive, Chesnara plc - 01772 972079"Annual report says " Tel: 01772 972050"Don't know if they work ??

TCG Pinlord17 24 Sep 2015

Re: NEW ARTICLE: City warms to Thomas Cook One on the nose for Orchard Gate and well done to all those at Thomas Cook under difficult conditions - 91% sold for the Summer - well done and I have said before this stock is a good buy at current prices

PLND sage in the hills 24 Sep 2015

Re: Aquisition But the capital is in ...The expansion can take place, and also on the cheap = strong profits growthSAGE

BIOM Peter Alan 24 Sep 2015

Re: Volume I am surprised that with only 8 shares available that more people didn't fight over them and force the price up! Hopefully we get another meaningless statement from Biom soon saying that it met with their expectations?

SGI Hardboy 24 Sep 2015

Re: Trading Update Bringing the trading update forward was undoubtedly necessary. However, its content, as suspected, has done nothing to steady the decline in the share price.They need to release some positive news. the time the full year results are released in June there won't be a share price to bolster!

PDL taffytiddler 24 Sep 2015

Directors buying in Anthony Lowrie strikes again. 1.3m @ 90p this time. He's got some balls this guy. Looks Hamilton's picked up a few more today too.TT

ATST Ben Alligin 24 Sep 2015

Alliance Trust signals change afoot The probability of significant change at Alliance Trust (ATST ) increased today after the underperforming global investment trust appointed two fund management veterans to its board.The appointment of Chris Samuel, former chief executive of Ignis Asset Management, and Karl Sternberg, former global head of equities at Deutsche Asset Management, as non-executives will mean five of the nine-strong board will have been replaced by next year's annual general meeting (AGM).John Hylands, former finance director of Standard Life who joined the board in 2008, and Alastair Kerr, former managing director of The Body Shop who joined three years ago, have agreed to retire at the AGM in May.Following their departure, all seven of the non-executives, including chairman Karin Forseke, will have either fund management of banking experience.In April Alliance Trust caved into pressure from its largest shareholder, Elliott Associates, and agreed to the appointment of Rory Macnamara, who had a career at Morgan Grenfell, and Anthony Brooke, a former SG Warburg investment banker who later moved into fund management.Last year, before the costly battle with Elliott, a US hedge fund, Alliance was joined by Gregor Stewart, a former finance director of Lloyds Banking Group. The other non-executive is Susan Noble, formerly a fund manager at Robert Fleming and Goldman Sachs, who has sat on the board since 2012.Alliance said the new appointments, which come as the Dundee-based company prepares to unveil changes aimed at improving investment returns, had been made following consultation with its largest shareholders.Analysts and brokers said the arrival of 'new blood' strengthened the board and made it more likely it would challenge Alliance's chief executive Katherine Garrett-Cox and chief financial officer Alan Trotter.Full story at:[link]

KMK drunkasaskunk 24 Sep 2015

Oh dear... ...tut-tut - so much for all the self-aggrandising hot air not so long ago!

EMED Ace08 24 Sep 2015

Re: negativity P Sell ya holding then Phil not much point owning the stock if you think the mine will never produce will go 0p bust if that is the caseWhy did you buy the stock in the first place if you thought the company would never mine Copper ? I bought the stock because I know they will (as long as it's profitable to do so) Not sure I get why you own the stock ?

DSC Rhigos 24 Sep 2015

SP very volatile The SP has been moving around a lot recently for no obvious (to me) reason. Cannot understand 7% fall today. There must be some news out there that I am not aware of. Anyone seen anything to explain to explain today's big fall?

NPT lawdoc 24 Sep 2015

Shares Magazine Article on NPT in Shares: Netplay eyes Nordic expansion. Shares view: At 9.9p Netplay is profitable, cash generative business with a dividend yield of 5.6% and good growth potential. Declaration: I did purchase last week as it has a good portion of market value in cash, seeking acquisitions, good divi (ex-divi 1st Oct) and a forecast PEG of 0.5. GLA