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KLN broomfielder 24 Sep 2015

Group Performance and discussion with KLN I am delighted to say that KLN have (IMO) joined the growing band of AIM Companies not only prepared to engage with small pi's but make every effort to accommodate a number of queries put to them.Group FD, Rakesh Kirpalani, kindly offered a face to face meeting to discuss a number of points I raised in connection with the recently announced Interim figures. In light of my distance from London, these issues were discussed during an open and detailed telecon.The following represents only very brief aspects of our discussion which I have attempted to reproduce accurately and faithfully.My key concern (in the H1 figures) was the decline in Net Fee Income despite the overall increase in Sales and the lack of transparency on the Cost of Sales (which had increased apparently disproportionately).At the risk of over-summarising, this was primarily a result of the Group effecting changes in its business income streams as it understandably has looked toward a better blend of income ie one which is less susceptible to volatility in differing economic conditions. This should stabilise in the short term. Q3 is the Group's seasonally strongest trading period. Current trading performance is in line with expectations. Continued focus on Overheads will be maintained with further reductions possible. Discussion on increasing liquidity of the Group's shares took place as RK / Group BoD accept this is an area they would like to address albeit acknowledging the 'difficulty' in satisfying all shareholders when a large % is held long term by very supportive parties.When key financial information is often unavailable to PIs, discussions direct with Senior Company officials is always welcome and while noone should seriously expect anything of a price sensitive nature, a much better understanding of your investment is virtually guaranteed.What's more Rakesh would welcome shareholder contact from interested parties which has to be good from everyone's perspective.B

EMED phil and leggett 24 Sep 2015

Re: negativity P Ace youre shot down in flames, the SP says it all, trust the Ace...

LSR forwardloop 24 Sep 2015

half year report March 15 Is there value here?Highlights❱ Recurring profit* for the period of £0.44m or 0.53pence per share (“pps” (H1 2014: £0.92m or1.13pps).❱ Profit for the financial period of £0.11m or 0.13pps(H1 2014: £1.75m or 2.15pps).❱ Portfolio valued at 31 March 2015 at £84.9m,reflecting an equivalent yield (excluding the residentialelement) of 9.28% (30 September 2014: £87.6m, withan equivalent yield of 9.25%).❱ Net Asset Value (NAV): £34.9m or 42pps(30 September 2014: £34.8m or 42 pps).❱ Adjusted NAV: £38.4m or 47 pps, excluding liabilitiesarising from derivative financial instruments(30 September 2014: £38.8m, 47 pps).❱ Cash holdings of £18.6m.❱ Total net debt of £45.9m, reflecting an LTV (takingaccount of cash reserves) of 54.1%.❱ Restructuring of the HSBC debt facility shortly afterthe period, including the removal of ‘payment in kind’interest which would otherwise have accrued fromJanuary 2015 and debt repayment of £6.9m.*Recurring profit is explained in the Results section bel

JQW Wildcat2 24 Sep 2015

Re: Cash position I agree that it must be tempting to just wind it up and return the cash to shareholders, but the majority owners (Cai Yongde and family) will be reluctant to shut down a business that has been making nearly £20m a year.

JQW Wildcat2 24 Sep 2015

Re: Lock in expiry It's very unlikely that the 'management group' who own something like 80% of shares in Jqw will want to sell at the end of lock up. Why should they sell when the shares are at an 80% discount to cash?

JQW Wildcat2 24 Sep 2015

Re: Cash position There is no reason to doubt the £47m cash on the balance sheet. Cash in the bank is the easiest thing for an auditor to check. It has to be confirmed in writing by the bank where it is held.

ZOX forwardloop 24 Sep 2015

Re: ZincOx fired up for new push Shares mag - courtesy of alliance trust newsletterZincOx fired up for new pushMetals recycling group combats supply issue and secures Asian expansionDaniel CoatsworthA resolution to operational problems, a bullish pricing outlook for its end product and a major step forward with growth opportunities are all reasons to snap up metals recycling group ZincOx (ZOX:AIM) at 10.38p.Don’t worry about current share price weakness, that is a short-term issue caused by disruption in the zinc industry. The big industry players like Glencore (GLEN) are dumping stocks to raise cash to reduce high levels of debt. Longer-term, the outlook for zinc is market deficit – demand is likely to outweigh supply which is positive for the commodity price.ZincOx recovers metals from steel waste dust. Its plant in Korea produces a high-grade zinc concentrate and a low quality iron product. Three years of engineering problems have now been fixed with a string of positive trading updates so far in 2015. A three-week maintenance period in October will see ZincOx change a heating exchange set-up, saving millions of dollars in energy costs a year.Concerns about a shortfall in waste dust supply from the Korean market have also been addressed with ZincOx having finally got permission to import raw material from an undisclosed Asian country. Extra transport costs will be offset by the company getting waste dust with much higher metal grades than currently processed.It has also got the green light to build a recycling plant in Vietnam, a country with a big rubber industry where zinc oxide is a vital ingredient. Chief executive Andrew Woollett doesn’t believe construction financing will be a major problem, saying several local companies have already expressed interest and that 8.4% shareholder International Finance Corporation bought part of ZincOx to participate in future expansion.Shares says: BUY "We see considerable upside potential."

EMED broomfielder 24 Sep 2015

Mining With the decimation of so many of the small mining companies (M Caps / SPs) surely now having run its course as a consequence of the commodity price / demand downward spiral, I am not sure if the pain now really being felt by the majors (Anglo, Glencore etc) will finally bring this part of the cycle to a conclusion.The Anglos of this world have already trimmed costs but as their Balance sheets are now being routinely downgraded (as their assets themselves are downvalued), they appear ready to undertake the sorts of production cutbacks / disposals / asset mothballing of a scale that must ultimately curtail global supply across a range of metals. The majors have massive borrowings to service so it seems equally massive steps required to be taken to keep their ships close to trim.As China and world demand continues to weaken, we could just benefit from others about to choke off supply. And once done of course it cannot be switched back on again that easily.It seems the commodity cycle still has some savagery to wreak in this phase.B

ZOX Ripley94 24 Sep 2015

Re: Sudden drop ***

VLX losskop 24 Sep 2015

Re: Volex looking good not any more.......... not sure why recent weakness... lost over 10% in a couple of weeks

NBU Orchard Gate 24 Sep 2015

Has Giles Elliot found ... .... any of the [non existent] cash yet?Or his reputation?Or any semblance of his conscience?Silly questions really.

DOR Jon Warwick 24 Sep 2015

Is in Suspension Trading has been suspended in DOR lets hope all is well and she comes back soon. Joh

PDL taffytiddler 24 Sep 2015

Re: Directors buying in ''Still, perhaps he knows more than the market? I.e something about the futire for PDL that no one currently gets''.Market cap halved this year....takeover territory?TT

REM paidtosave 24 Sep 2015

Tonnes of white stuff going over the Mexican Border... no change there

EMED Purplemonkey 24 Sep 2015

Re: C.A. NAME CHANGE Great maybe my shares will be back over the 14p I paid for them 8 years ago then. pity they'll be 29 less for each one though. seriously though, I do hope this puts them in a good position to finally be valued at there real worth.