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FSTA gamesinvestor 25 Sep 2015

Woody LK -- This was in his top 10 or twenty at one point :-"Allied Minds was hammered for a second time this week, plunging 29pc to 375p since Tuesday, when US hedge fund Kerrisdale Capital Management said its stock price is significantly overvalued and should fall by 67pc."Games -- he's being reamed from A to B time. maybe Woody's judgement is in question. Surely is exposure to Biotech is also uber optimistic in an area that has such a miniscule success rate.

VELA edcrane 25 Sep 2015

Brilliant news today on Nektan .... US casino business looks like it will really take off over the next 12 months - casinos getting 30% more money in. Why wouldn't they want to? Real money games - a cash cow Recent research report from Cenkos talking about a potential £1bn value for Nektan is rather overdoing things but a market cap of just £35 seems way too cheap

OPG gallant02 25 Sep 2015

Re: Move to Full Listing IO, I am in a similar position, but strongly believe that once earnings from new capacity start to flow through and they announce a divi then the sp must go up substantially.I hadn't heard of the news re full listing, don't understand the benefit as they don't need new equity, but timing would probably coincide with announcing a maiden divi to attract income funds.

KLN broomfielder 25 Sep 2015

Re: Group Performance and discussion wit... I agree B. It came across during our chat that delivery of positive and improving results over a period was key to their objectives as understandably after their difficult times they have to demonstrate their recovery is robust and well balanced etc.A final point on the Interims - I am not trying to be smart but had a line from the Chairman been included which stated the rebalancing of sales toward less risky and more sustainable income streams was the reason for the reduced NFI all of which was in line with expectations, then the perception of the Results may have been subtly changed. After all the ratio of Adjusted EBITDA / NFI actually improved to above 10% from c9% at end 2014 so profitability is clearly improving. It's just what measure you use.A lot of positives still to bear fruit but as with all recoveries, when things start to get better, remaining focused often becomes more difficult. Things are definitely looking up for the Group (IMO).B

FSTA gamesinvestor 25 Sep 2015

Re: Expansion "FAR in excess of its enterprise value (market cap+net debt)."LK, as an interested watcher, and not yet and investor, what do you estimate the market cap+net debt to be and how FAR above do you you reckon is a sensible (conservative) estimate?Games - I must admit watching, and completely missing out on the success of Whitbread, makes me interested that maybe Fullers could replicate that success on a smaller scale. Although I think they are too late for coffee shops, as like Tesco, there's one on every corner now.Games

SEV mantrova 25 Sep 2015

Bullish for the future Not an expensive share with some good optimism of the future."Gidon Tahan, Chairman and CEO of SerVision, commented, "I am pleased to announce the Company has successfully raised this significant amount of new funding to fulfil its rapidly expanding order book. Over the past 12 months we have seen an encouraging growth in our pipeline, especially in the UK market, which is being served by our new Manchester based office and management team. We believe the prospects for the remainder of 2015 and into 2016 are very promising for the Company."per RNS, today.m

FSTA LK Hyman 25 Sep 2015

Re: Expansion Games,They look like four fantastic pubs, with a few bedrooms, right in Fullers heartland, so it will be interesting to see who gets 'em and how much they have to pay.If I had any worry about Fullers winning it would be that they might be forced into a 'winner's curse' situation. The pubs look as if they need very little tarting up so there will be a lot of competition, doubtless from more companies than just Youngs and Fullers. But Fullers have an excellent reputation for not overpaying.The outcome should give us an interesting handle on the value of Fullers' own existing estate. I have long thought that the breakup value of Fullers' 360 odd pubs and hotels and the brewery and the brands is FAR in excess of its enterprise value (market cap+net debt).I know that the family stake means that there never will be a breakup and I'm cool with that, but it's always nice to know that summat of which one owns a small part is worth a lot more wedge than Mr Market attributes to it.LKH on the flybridge

TTR Rab Munro 25 Sep 2015

Re: Sold out Good assessment, and interesting that you think the shares are worth about half because I have around 40p as my buy target. Otherwise I'm staying out, particularly in the current markets.

ALK cricket2 25 Sep 2015

Re: Board contradiction If you are correct, what is the highest price in the last 12 months

AGM camperdown 25 Sep 2015

doubts? no news, no volume, is this a daily pump?

DSN 1hillhead 25 Sep 2015

Densitron Take Over Good cash offer in the end but would have like a few pence more but them again we always do think we should more.Good luck.

PDL bulltraderpt 25 Sep 2015

Re: Directors buying in It's going to be interesting. I have to say I did pick some up with a couple minutes to go yesterday evening and got shot nicely on the spike this am.It's not usually my style to hold overnight especially from Sept through to Oct but, in this instance the director's buy obviously helped me out.

FSTA gamesinvestor 25 Sep 2015

Expansion [link] battle with Youngs.Games

TCG nk1999 25 Sep 2015

Telegraph- Questor "Sell Thomas Cook as clouds on the horizon: Thomas Cook reported a steady picture of trading through the summer holiday season and an encouraging outlook for the winter ahead. However, Questor has serious concerns that competition might be about to get a lot more difficult in the travel sector and that leaves the shares looking increasingly exposed. The 173-year-old tour operator said it expects full-year operating profits for the 12 months to the end of September to meet expectations of about £310 million, as things haven’t got markedly worse since the tragic killing of British tourists in Tunisia knocked around £25 million from earlier profit targets. Questor is concerned because falling average prices at Thomas Cook are an outlier when compared to the rest of the sector. The two biggest budget airlines Ryanair and easyJet have been surprised by how strong pricing has been and both issued profit upgrades earlier this month. The shares may look good value, trading on 10 times forecast earnings. But that rating is dependent on a 30% recovery in profits during the next 12 months, and Questor thinks that will be incredibly hard to achieve, given the current environment. However, there are now too many risks around next year’s numbers to be comfortable holding the shares and we advise making for the exit. Thomas Cook at 119p+3.1p. Questor says “Sell” "

EMED phil and leggett 25 Sep 2015

Re: negativity P I think we have seen what happens Ace, license & production wasnt it 20p/50p from the ACE 3.5/4.00p thats what happened....Now the Ace wants extra time, consolidation might help you a bit ACE x 30 bingo....Trust the ACE... ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** *********ACE...Why didnt you just say the wheel fell off your predictions & leave it at that... Will it get there in the near/medium future we will have to still wait & see, its not a dead cert even with the project at an advanced stage of return to production...The commodities trading brokers are in a spin with Clencore situation, US downturn being hidden from us but still its happening, CAT held its breath but now 10,000 staff to go, that reflects in part a global situation & perhaps a failure to compete...Copper will always be sensitive to Global trading position... Regards P