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GLEN LMIGKP 25 Sep 2015

soz 102

GLEN LMIGKP 25 Sep 2015

close 12

FOGL Originofquake1 25 Sep 2015

40% of the 500 mil barrels is 200 mil, ,52 % of humpy's 520 mil barrels is 260 million barrels, added to the 261 million barrels at 12/31/14 that equals 🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅700,000 barrels of sunshine, recoverable! At $3 a barrel in the ground, No Debt, No Interest expense, 35 years to develope the oil fields, and what do you have? I get a market , enterprise value of 2 and 1/2 billion! Devise that by 500 million shares outstanding, and you get in US dollars $5.00 a share. Thank you God. Pope Francis did it for us. Let's turn or cheeks to the pampers and dumpers on this board. Cheeks? Oh yea the phonies can kiss them.

EPO Roger Baron 25 Sep 2015

Re: record fy15 loss-bailout now If they do I will be certainly buying more.Earlier this year Frank U was explaining that they could be already making a profit but chose not to. [link] shareholder recently increased holding. They obviously don't pay too much attention to Advfn or iii's, man with a grudge, CM!

BOIL ON50 25 Sep 2015

Anybody Here Hope Still Hi All:Haven't heard from anybody! Let's not let this puppy die............ Any comments from Mayflower27? Always like his posts.......... Best to all Any news..........???

FOGL Originofquake1 25 Sep 2015

They will give folk 4 million $ for not drilling? Pmo and rockhopper, will give 4 million $ and that's more than 10 % of the cash Fogl has. The 10% rise in price is for the money, now how about the " black gold " Fogl is sitting on?

MTV bullbeatsbear 25 Sep 2015

£8M down the swanny - and what have they got to show for it - an app and dongle that nobody wants or needs! 4G/5G/6G is the future not over the air!!

MTV bullbeatsbear 25 Sep 2015

would be nice to know how much of that £8M has gone on bod salaries and business trips!!! - Disgrace...

MTV bullbeatsbear 25 Sep 2015

so in my reconing since 2011 mtv have placed or loaned £8M - and have earn how much per annum??????

UEN MartinRTucker 25 Sep 2015

Re: Half Year Results I would agree it does look healthy and they are looking to the future. Hate to say it, need the price of oil to go up!

VAST Bounce456 25 Sep 2015

Agree, plus really good optionality on a recovery in metal prices

PREM Bounce456 25 Sep 2015

If you are after a tungsten play, what about Ormonde Mining instead?

ALK pancaked 25 Sep 2015

Waiting As a 40p+ purchaser, I am keeping hold until last minute in hopes of something better

SOLG Bounce456 25 Sep 2015

If I just arrived from outer space, what are key reasons to buy this share?

MTV bullbeatsbear 25 Sep 2015

you know what they say - a fool and his money........