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EMED Ace08 26 Sep 2015

Re: negativity P Phil if you are spitting the Dummy about a stock that has all permits in place , finance in place , 450 men onsite and production starting with low stock price You have a lot to learn or think more EEER 3p production starting soon I know Sell and moan about peoples predictions on BB Your a mug go away .

EMED Ace08 26 Sep 2015

Re: negativity P ACE...Why didnt you just say the wheel fell off your predictions & leave it at that...====Phil your not Child mate don't act like one I think I said end game 50p , all change now name change and share swap Exiting times to come

BRWM strapuk 25 Sep 2015

Re: Fresnillo EPS.. Well I have a 10 year time frame and dripping in £500 a month in the old ISA. Started by buying a chunk in Mar-14, and have been following the price down virtually ever since. My question is simple - is my 10 year time frame too short?!? Just worked out that I'm overall down 52% current value v total cost!! Almost seems too late to quit the drip feed now - but then if I do quit and we start a gradual rise, I'll be kicking myself - now what's that again about pound-cost-averaging?Anyone think I'm mad, or am I doing the right thing?! I haven't a clue!

RM2 deepsleeves 25 Sep 2015

Re: Wow! JDNot sure why you find this shocking. The directors seem to have little understanding of the requirements of pallet users.They continue to focus on and quote potential and expected production volumes rather than any hard figures and facts on sales and customers. Given the track record so far why believe that even these will come to pass?Also the RNS mentions packaging companies but they are not the key drivers of pallet volumes. Its remains the retailers who control the volume in logistics.Deep

HSP Totally Wired 25 Sep 2015

Re: How i see this year. CT- I take it the steel company you refer to is SSI? Is there any truth in rumours that HSP may be given the Redcar coke ovens and power station as a pay off?

TMZ aura01 25 Sep 2015

Thank goodness for DAB radio [link]

TMZ Mr Google 25 Sep 2015

Re: Interesting link, or potential link Apologies Drewster.Misread the article. It does sound lvery much ike Minuet.


Paul Scott's view [link]


Edison - In a good placeÂ… [link]

UBI Carefully Does It 25 Sep 2015

Re: How long What I can't understand is why there isn't a rush to adoption when there is a big need to increase margins in a deflationary environment in manufacturing.Indeed, time may be running out. Orders can only de deferred for so long before people see they are just not going to happen and the talk of them is wishful thinking. Hope this isn't the outcome.

SIS The Dragon Re-born 25 Sep 2015

Re: RNS - Results ! I like this"Revenues increased by 19% to £5.24 million (H1 2014: £4.42 million), with strong growth in online channels and international market"sthis"Second half projected to be EBITDA positive given planned first half weighting of marketing investment, with full year financial performance expected to be in line with expectations"and this"In addition, we invested in market analysis and the development of a US market entry strategy. "Dragon, and much of the rest

UBI interrogativeinvestor 25 Sep 2015

Re: How long Start-ups like Ubisense get contracts and orders but they are not usually profitable. My experience is that most of these start-ups run out of cash before they can increase their prices or grow the volume of orders to reduce costs per order.Buyers of these products should have worked out whether they are worth having by now, and therefore whether Ubisense is ever going to be able to sell them profitably.I am holding at the moment, but feel time is running out.

ULT wulwirth 25 Sep 2015

GOV.UK [link]

PLND lambrini girl 25 Sep 2015

Re: Aquisition dissapointed these arent a pound!!..shudd be 240 soon tho.

CIFU Vosene 25 Sep 2015

Re: Why the sell off? We've been discussing this on advfn and nobody has a definite answer. There are some regulatory changes affecting CLO managers coming in at the end of next year - CIFU has referred to these from time to time in past RNS. Nobody is too sure of the impact here if any, but maybe one sizable holder is playing safe and heading for the exit? We'll never know...