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HSP mexicoman 26 Sep 2015

Re: How i see this year. It's been a bad couple of weeks for hargreaves with ssi going and then niramax any way they will cracking on with the job

NEOS patco 26 Sep 2015

Re: NEOS Stream Log Is this company still going or has it been wound up ?

HSP mexicoman 26 Sep 2015

Re: How i see this year. That's a strong possibility was there my self last week and all the dump trucks and loading shovels were parked up they move it all for Ssi and they transport loads of coke to Scunthorpe steel works

JSI Badders21 26 Sep 2015

Re: W T F?!?!?!? Hi guys. I dipped a very small toe in a few weeks ago at 4.88p. I am well aware of the talk of it being another non-company or a fraud but at anything around this level the shares look very cheap on the face of it. I did some research - not that there is a lot around - and looked at the numbers, who the brokers are and more importantly who the auditors are and their reputation.The dividend of 0.5p is a reassuring step but do note that they are looking to spend all of their cash and more on a new factory facility. They have said that they will review the final dividend in the light of that. The trading downturn was, of course, not unexpected and it would appear that the company is securing some good contracts. In my humble opinion this share is a potential total loss or a ten-bagger. I am leaning towards the latter with my eyes wide open.I would add that it is much easier to spread fear about a company such as this than it is to generate enthusiasm - but tides do change in time.

ENEG Work2Rule 26 Sep 2015

Marginal Field Delivery Website [link]

SNRP my stocks go down 26 Sep 2015

Re: Winding Up Order Global index tracker is a very good idea - low costs. AIM is a fuukcing con - it's a shambles really.

DSN seadoc 26 Sep 2015

Re: Densitron Take Over I would agree that a few more pence would not go amiss but must not be greedy, return of 60.9% and annual return of 21.4%. Better than some other investments/bets.

HZM hethersett62 26 Sep 2015

News next weeek hxxp:// American coverage of a major story, explains late large buy ?Look out for weekend reports ?

SNRP johnnygibber 26 Sep 2015

Re: Winding Up Order Blimey - excellent potential totally ballsed up.....Strong case for index tracker or summatFor every AIM winner appears to be 500 losers....GLA - but not here unfortunatelyJG

AFR ldlv 26 Sep 2015

Alixp/Blackstone Despite the huge fees Alixp is charging to the Company, Alixp based their devastating conclusions on the "Company previous unsuccessful attempts to re-structure"!Did they(Alixpartners) actually attempt to do anything? Maybe they could explain what did they actually do a part or writing the report.Again the report is in line with our huge reservations, What a surprise!As they stated clearly several times, it was the management and overheads that were the real issues in the company, but at the same time they fully trust the useless efforts made by the previous management to re-finance!? what!? Does it make sense?Did they explore the offers that were ignored by the previous management?Alixp are still banging on about the debt needing paying in full to save the company? We are watching and we are many and soon questions will be asked at a very high level.

GLIF Damp Seaweed 26 Sep 2015

Interim Results Due out on Monday (28/09).It will be interesting to see if there is an prospect of all this distracting activity actually being converted into profits for GLIFI'm expecting lots of bluster and promises of jam tomorrow.Hopefully I'm wrong

NBU Gold or Silver 26 Sep 2015

Re: Has Giles Elliot found ... Interesting questions .Hope George Os has help sort this one out for you .Keep the pressure onGood luckAnd May

UEM scovazzi 26 Sep 2015

Re: Bonus issue? Essentially these seem to be a kind of Warrant, opportunity to buy at a fixed price at a certain point in the future.I'm not sure what the purpose is here, but as with anything like that there's no free lunch - those who take up the offer in February presumably gain at the expense of those who don't - thus helping the company bring in more funds.My concern for UEM right now is that the drop in Emerging Market Currencies will reduce income in sterling terms and leave the dividends even more uncovered than they are already.UEM have admitted a problem over the currency issue but have seen it as a short term issue. This is debatable. Low EM currencies may be with us for several years to come which will make life difficult for the company. The bonus issue may be related to this problem.

EMED Ace08 26 Sep 2015

Production? The stock is 3p was 17p on hype and no permits so what ? All you need to do is ask yourself will the mine produce copper ever ?, if the answer in your head is yes buy more The amount of over thinking things on these boards is unreal , it's simple they will or won't produce copper They now have everything in place over the last 7 years of hard work They will produce copper , easy hey Common Sense rings true .

EMED Ace08 26 Sep 2015

Re: negativity P The reasons why it's 3p are there for all to see also another reason being AIM stocks are manipulated and the system is corrupt make no mistake