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GKO thirty fifty twenty 28 Sep 2015

at 68p - be greedy or afraid? WOW - a bid on the table from a Sovereign Fund at 115p less taxes (est at 20p),and yet the price falls steadily from 80p to 68p......the bonds are up 10% and re-rated upw3ards by Fitch and S&P!The market is rarely wrong, and if the deal falls through GKO will be back down to 40p,and probably need a rescue rights issue.....I nervously sold some at 76p - b/c I was scared to lose my gains....I am now pondering if its a great opportunity to dabble ....mostly based on the very strong Bond price - it has risen steadily by over 10% to 105 over the past 4 weeks and Fitch + S7P have both put GKO on upward watch.At 500m there is more liquidity in the bonds and of course there are many insiders in the equity not able to trade, so its low volume trades from PI's influencing the's risky - but then GKO has always been a volatile share - any other views?All IMHO, DYOR + BoLGKO is in my portfolio

ELCO the wise owl 28 Sep 2015

Midas tip Tip by Midas yesterday.This company reminds me of another of my holdings GBG.Sensible experienced management in fast growing niche market.

RRL overredrover 28 Sep 2015

lewisycymoedd. Must have been a quick visit to the gym.

VLE thirty fifty twenty 28 Sep 2015

Impetus and VW Any views is Impetus will benefit from VW chaos?That would be interesting to find out more at the presentation!My instinct is that VW will pull in the horns re training etc.. at the dealerships,why spend more training how to sell when the public not turning up at the door??in fact, I would knock £1m off the value of Impetus until it was clearer to me the impact of VW.Thus for me adj NAV = 625p.All IMHO, DYOR + BoLVLE is in my portfolio

VLE the wise owl 28 Sep 2015

Re: Good interim results today Welcome aboard.Gretel and I have been here some time,good to see another shareholder.

SDY Ripley94 28 Sep 2015

Re: speedy down the tubes? Its at the level were you posted you might top up , have you changed your mind bowood ?

ENRT Thomas Tallis 28 Sep 2015

Is it too late? Will ERT survive? Go back through years of annual reports and AGM statements and read all the talk of how PIM is positioned to solve problems, read about the new legislation that looks favourable for PIM, read the "this year we expect ..." type of remarks, and all the other things that have not happened. With the sp at a new low, will world economic events bring the end? Holter says "The Final Flush Is At Hand!""Outright financial collapse, chaos and most probably war is not only in sight, it is imminent and unavoidable now."- Deutsche Bank will be like Lehman- The Federal Reserve has lost all credibility- liquidity is drying up- half or more of our population “taking” benefits and the other half “giving” them, any hope of a recovery led by the middle class is now gone as is the middle class. (the same in Britain)- the West has lined up against East militarily in many spots all over [link] Top Ten Economies Are All Crashing"[link] for war -"China To Join Russian Military In Syria ""What appears to have happened here is this: Vladimir Putin has exploited both the fight against ISIS and Iran's need to preserve the regional balance of power on the way to enhancing Russia's influence over Mid-East affairs which in turn helps to ensure that Gazprom's interests are protected going forward. Thanks to the awkward position the US has gotten itself in by covertly allying itself with various Sunni extremist groups, Washington is for all intents and purposes powerless to stop Putin lest the public should sudddenly get wise to the fact that combatting Russia's resurrgence and preventing Iran from expanding its interests are more imporant than fighting terror."[link] what the MSM says -"Russia and Iran declare victory as Western leaders including Cameron accept Assad will stay"[link]

BAG superfurryanimal 28 Sep 2015

Re: Explanation 3 for 1 split around 2012. Stop worrying.

SDY BOWOOD 28 Sep 2015

Re: speedy down the tubes? Update suggests a loss for the year and with massive borrowings relative to mc the future is very bleak.

VLE thirty fifty twenty 28 Sep 2015

Re: Good interim results today Hi GretelWell done on your very early spot on this business at much lower prices....The slight negative you mention is just where they have used CASH to buy Impetus - (see the Net Asset analysis in note 2 of statement).Holding value of the trading companies is reduced b/c JMP has paid 0.6m CASH to the holding company. It is very hard to see downside...Good mgt, good track record, very obviously NAV less that true value, AND 300p of CASH!!All IMHO, DYOR + BolVLE is in my portfolio

VLE thirty fifty twenty 28 Sep 2015

at 420p, adj NAV of 650p+ Seems great update from VLE and I see they are doing their first investor presentation on 5th October so must be feeling confident!Business quite simple to understand – it holds CASH + trading companies.CASH = £12m (300p a share)JMP will make profits of c.800k in year to Dec 15 on t/o of 12m+I’d value that at c.£6m (see WYG, WTM) but its in the books for only 1.4m! [ thus adj to NAV = + £4m ]Shire will make profits of c.2.2m in year to Dec 15 on t/o of 18m+I’d value that at c.£10m (see RGD, FIF) but its in the books for only 5.3m! [ thus adj to NAV = + £5m ]Impetus will make profits of c.100km in year to Dec 15 on t/o of 8m+I’d value that at c.£2m and its in the books for only 1.5m [ No adj to NAV ]SDS will make profits of c.100k in year to Dec 15 on t/o of 300k+I’d value that at c.100k and its in the books for c.nil ! [No adj to NAV ]So with quite conservative assumptions that’s takes NAV from £19m (432p), to £28m (650p).No the proof in valuations is when mgt sell the businesses for the valuations, but they had a GREAT track record having increased NAV from 100p over 7 years. And the ICING on the cake is that there is £12m for mgt to spend to make a really big deal.I am only recent to the party at 400p and it seems cheap with little downside – well doen to anyone on the ball spotting the value at 300p 9 months ago!All IMHO, DYOR + BoLVLE is in my portfolio

VMT theprior 28 Sep 2015

RNS new supply agreement And access to North America.Expect a quick recovery !TP

OMI Solis 28 Sep 2015

Precious metal manipulation being investigated Precious metal manipulation being investigatedI wonder whether this will spread to other countries. Sincerely hope so [link]

EMED Fateddie 28 Sep 2015

Re: Production? DEREK, You are missing the point. Alan said that we should get more information from the company. I agree totally. We get very little news at all. For you to then go into great detail of your own views (pretending that you know more than anyone else) is nothing but ramping. We all have our own views and that is a healthy situation. F.E.

CCE winningstreak 28 Sep 2015

Results Without the sale of the US Carbon Credit Portfolio (which was to be the future income stream for Camco), there would have been a significant loss to show instead of the 0.1m profit. IMO,ws.