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EMED roco200 28 Sep 2015

Re: EMED presenting again So as Charlieeee points out, Alberto presenting tomorrow at the Mining Capital Breakfast Conference. Fingers crossed for some feedback.But not long to wait for Important EGM on Oct 13th (consolidation & name change).Staggered at what has happened to Glencore. Could their c. 30% drop today be the capitulation point?

TEA foggy 28 Sep 2015

Yet another good day here from a genuine Tea invester, another 4K's worth at 4.5P great price at this stage in the game.

AGL niceandsimple 28 Sep 2015

Re: Confused or excited ? Lets not forget the Medicare reimbursement of $516/test or that sadly 200,000 women per year have surgery on abnormal pelvic masses in the US aloneN&S

GLEN LMIGKP 28 Sep 2015

Glencore Woes Could Spawn Chinese Rival to ABCD Glencore’s decline could hand China a bigger share in the global agricultural commodities trade. In its debt-reduction plan, the commodities group said it could raise $2B through disposals, including from its agriculture arm. It has reportedly hired banks to hawk a stake in the division. Any interest will likely come from China, says Andrey Sizov at SovEcon, citing a government-backed expansion drive that has seen Chinese firms buy up agricultural assets. One potential suitor is state-owned China National Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs Corp. “If it’s Cofco than we clearly see a new agribiz giant, comparable to ABCD,” Mr. Sizov says. ABCD denotes four firms--ADM, Bunge, Cargill, Dreyfus--that dominate global trade in agricultural commodities.

PDL weblogic 28 Sep 2015

Re: IC: Says Buy: @ 98p I think one of the US big chiefs (maybe head of central bank) was warning that markets had significantly over heated, several ,months ago.So, the recent drops probably disguise the fact, and the china situation is being used as a cover.So, its a general shakeout of over priced stocks, I believe.I suspect that the smart operators are lining up the real value stocks at these levels, and quietly doing some shopping..But with global issues looming in the news, and Europe being invaded by masses of bogus so called `migrants`, its no wonder folk are uneasy.Not to mention the global debt situation, and other matters...Our markets were smashed by those greedy banking jokers in 2008, playing with all sorts of fancy city instruments..Our regulators were fast asleep, and really haven't got a clue how the operate the system they have unleashed. So the market cowboys and spivzs have a field day short selling stocks they don't own.. It all needs to stop and return to proper investing, where long term investment is encouraged.Its time to reform the current market casinos, where the mavericks are running amok.... and causing huge damage to the whole business system...Osborne`s `Northern hub` vision`/pipe dream has once again been given a big boot by the Steelworks shut down on Teesside. Global chaos prevails... it would appear.But I thoink from a value perpective, Petra must rate as a decent recovery play, assuming no really nasty market events occur.The media don't help, with there constant headline hype and sensationalist commentary... who`se agendas are being promoted by all this...?I have to laugh when I see phrases like `the market doesn't like uncertainty`...The world is a constantly changing place... and the big maverick gamblers want certainty before they place there bets...?We don't want to be driven by these spivzs, who only want to play out there short term games.That's one reason that I`m hoping Yellen holds her nerve, and keeps rates on hold for the time being, to alow some global dust to settle. She and the FED must not allow themselves to be bullied by the market cowboys.Stability is the watchword until some semblance of order is restored....and some of the debt imbalances are dealt with. Yes, a slow rise in rates at some stage...So many global issues.. even the POPE on his visit to the US has flagged up some very serious matters, that must be addressed as a matter of urgency.Good luck with your investing..

GLEN LMIGKP 28 Sep 2015

The cost of insuring Glencore’s debt has surged on renewed fears that the company may need to announce even more drastic measures to cut net debt if commodity prices remain at current low levels or even fall further. Investors had to pay Monday more than $770,000 to insure against $10 million of Glencore debt for five years using credit default swaps, or CDS, according to Markit. This is nearly 40% higher than the $554,000 on Friday and multiples above the $154,000 at the beginning of the year. An equity analyst at a U.S-based investment fund said “counterparties are looking to hedge their exposure by buying protection, so they are buying [the Glencore CDS ]... as well as shorting the stock.

NBB BOWOOD 28 Sep 2015

Re: Share Price Figures tomorrow or Wednesday. Even small selling when the MMs don't need to get rid of more stock does not help hence the mark down IMO. On the other hand a better than expected half year figures and good prospects for the second half could see the sp move strongly ahead if the market is short of stock and wants to rerate.

NBB broomfielder 28 Sep 2015

Share Price A decline today of more than 13% on a tiny (total) volume of 1500 shares suggests something is a bit odd here. This share is hardly noted for its high liquidity so the more usual explanation of the MMs having a large Sell order to fill is probably unlikely. Or could it be a leaky ship ahead of the awaited Results.......?Its quite something to see shares like NBB react a lot on small volumes, but I have to say not usually this small etc.B

BIOG Einstein the Second 28 Sep 2015

Re: 550 support? Looks like it has found support just above 600 p twice in last year. It is 3rd quarter earnings season soon and some decent results from BIIB,GILD etc could help it put in a bottom.

PRU lambrini girl 28 Sep 2015

Re: What is going on? haha..Todays low..1045 (according to iii)..does that mean I can shout..BANG ON!!...

BIOG stressboy 28 Sep 2015

550 support? Looking on the 5 year chart there is support at 550 (roughly, looking at the chart on my phone is never great!). Will it drop that far? Who knows, just saying that purely on charting 550 COULD be the bottom.

AGL millwallfan 28 Sep 2015

Re: Confused or excited ? It refers to sales potential in the U.S. and Europe being in excess of £300 million so yes that is probably gross not net. However Let's assume the profit margin is near 20% for USA and Europe then add on Asia , Australasia and Africa sales in the medium term and from this single cancer type we COULD possibly have an eps approaching £1 per annum. WOW ! Share price guesses in 3 years ?????

MIO Silveroil 28 Sep 2015

Re: Makes sense to get in before the spi... Or sell 500k without reducing the price by 5%.................

PRU Lindy Lou Lou 28 Sep 2015

What is going on? Just had a daily update alert email informing me the Pru shares had gone down by 346.01p (-24.86%) only to find when I checked on the iii website that they had gone down by 35.5p 2.55%. Not good but not that bad. Heart attack over!!!

ALM ookyfly 28 Sep 2015

Re: SP Still dropping like a stone. I've gone from a modest profit to 30% loss in about a week.What's up?