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TMZ Trek 29 Sep 2015

Re: Interims I don`t see carrying on with sensium as an option, they couldn`t sell it inAmerica, they can`t sell it in Britain, remote monitoring has a future, butnot in present form.

AGL millwallfan 29 Sep 2015

Re: Confused or excited ? Wow the best of both worlds if true. As per N&S post if anyone at AGM please do try and get clarification on the strategy. Regards in anticipation.

TATE oldjoe1 29 Sep 2015

TATE, Broker Update.......... 29 Sep 2015 Tate & Lyle PLC TATE Liberum Capital Buy 586.00 581.50 670.00 670.00 ReiteratesSP Target 670p

FDL 1gw_ii 29 Sep 2015

What next? I'm mainly over at advfn, but not much discussion there. Slightly more at LSE, but in general Findel seems to have been more or less abandoned by the bulletin board investors.I bought in on 8th September on the basis of a sound-looking underlying business (Express Gifts), write-downs and exceptionals largely out of the way (I hoped) and Toscafund going back up to 29%. I thought if Toscafund wanted to do something they would really just have to get Schroders on board first.I bought more yesterday on the basis of the 2 big 8m share deals going through on Friday afternoon. Good timing for once.One of the 8m share deals seems to have been Schroders to Sports Direct. Not clear yet where the other 8m shares came from.It looks to me as though Sports Direct may have bought in to try to frustrate the sale of Kitbag to whoever the board have agreed the subject-to-contract sale with.If Sports Direct want to take the company outright then with 18%, getting Toscafund on board should make it relatively straightforward. Or did Sports Direct get 8% from Toscafund's interest? Either way, Sports Direct + Toscafund would be a powerful alliance and if Sports Direct just wants Kitbag, Toscafund may have ideas for the rest of the business. Alternatively if the provisional buyer of Kitbag is not Sports Direct, then whoever it is may also want to approach Toscafund with the idea of launching a bid for the whole company.I think I'll hold for a bit - things might get (more) exciting.My opinions only, please do your own research.

DAN onewayticket 29 Sep 2015

Re: Had been hoping for better More to the point it seems that there was selling ahead of the announcement.Own due diligence

ENRT nipper22 29 Sep 2015

Is it too soon To give the rose tinted spectacles a polish?The rise in the share price is most welcome, I just wish I knew why.

FDL shorty3 29 Sep 2015

Re: maybe the reasone for the sustained drop was due to the mm' s wanting all those millions of shares and plunging the price to get you too SELL , to fill the order . But they would not do that would they..... yer right ...and next it will be the classic pump and dump to get more privet investers to sell !!!!! or am i being to cynical..... if anybody reads this coments would be good .FishxxI think the last 2 RNS give you your answer!Shorty

TMZ Mr Google 29 Sep 2015

Re: Interims One half of the business is doing well, except Senisum, but it is no surprise that it is taking longer as most hospitals will need at least 1 year's worth of data to base a decision.Options for Sensium:* Tweak the costs for hubs, patches, etc. to make it more affordable.* Get some of the larger players to take on the product while developing the IP (licensing).* Sell Sensium Healthcare and return the cash to shareholders.* Carry on as normal making tweaks here and there for the business model using money from the Audio business until SensiumVitals gains mass adoption.I would also assume others in the same space are having difficulties as well. Not heard much from Isansys.

LMI LMIGKP 29 Sep 2015

which will be first back above a £1 lonmin, Glencore or GKP ?? questions questions

AGL autpaxautbellum 29 Sep 2015

Re: Confused or excited ? I think the plan is to lease out the machines so that AGL can control and maintain them, with the cassettes being sold as a single use item.

TMZ TheDrewster 29 Sep 2015

Re: Interims Sensium Vitals has a value - whether that is best realised through joint ventures or a sale of the division, who knows. I'd be gutted to see the medical side given up on the cheap, it was my main reason for investing, and Frontier will take a while to justify a £100m market cap (well below my original target).Bit gutted to be honest.

NANO Kuss 29 Sep 2015

The reactors in Korea are at least X10 the size of runcorn, so it's normal customers would want to sample the dots first imo. We know that the price of the Korean dots are significantly cheaper than from Runcorn. How do they compare with the competition is the question. Still only Samsung who can make cad free in any volume for a commercial product. Edelman said he expected multiple orders on completion of the Korean factory. We know they are calibrating multiple lines in Korea. Soon, very soon we'll find out if he was telling the truth or not. Many of the really big OEMs still to show their hand with QDots. The Japanese, sharp, panasonic and Sony have stayed clear of cadmium. Be interesting to find out who Vestel have sourced their Qdots from for their 2016 TVs. They are a huge European producer and will be well aware of the imminent removal of the RoHS exemption for cadmium in displays.

SER theprior 29 Sep 2015

Re: rns Total capitulation by the board. They've just rolled over and let Levi's mob take over !TP

DAN onewayticket 29 Sep 2015

Had been hoping for better "...the Company will report an increased pre-tax and amortisation loss ........"Own due dil

SER etadelete 29 Sep 2015

rns turn around coming short term.gla