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VLG Dino78 29 Sep 2015

Re: not many people here? Hi Glasgowboy. Sorry delayed response. There are a few short videos here, epecially the outlook one, which will give you an idea of what the Co does.[link]

VLG Dino78 29 Sep 2015

Interims - TV Interview with CEO Morning. Decent set of results out today from Venture. Outlook looks promising. New TV interview with CEO Jerry Randall[link]

7DIG coldascheese 29 Sep 2015

private investor view [link]

SMA BuyBAO 29 Sep 2015


XTR kalzboy 29 Sep 2015

Nothing too bad in this RNS. Mine still profitable. Less than expected but plan still on track. Cash in the bank and no debts.

PEN Honest Herbie 29 Sep 2015

Share price 'over-cooked' Can't quite believe the fall in share price, particularly as the record contract win will obviously boost it's future sales and turnover figures. At the current price level this stock must be rated quite a strong buy.

LEAF tiltonboy 29 Sep 2015

Re: at 38p NAV up to 60p+ tft,I am not convinced that the TerraForm transaction will complete. The share price of TerraForm has collapsed from $52 to below $15 yesterday (down 9%).At $15 they are capitalised at $2.3bn.The key to me is the terms of the Put and Call options. Now may not be the time to be a seller of wind assets, and with the effects of el nino likely to be negative this year, we may not be in the driving seat.

PGD Antiques Of Woodstock 29 Sep 2015

Re: I am still here what next ? I am still here unfortunately wish I had got out well before I lost all my money . Been here since brancote , that was my first buy of a share was. Excited then .. Sad now though as I have lost all the money I was going to buy my house with . Suppose it serves me right . Still all I have now is hope .. Is this share dead now ?? Aow I have always appreciated your views along with a few others . Just want to say good luck for the miracle We are waiting for .---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---Good morning miss hopefulThanks for your comment regarding my input.My views are always based on what I see as being the reality behind any situation as it unfolds - and whilst I originally was a great believer in PGD's asset and future potential thus my not unsubstantial investment in this company - I like others have witnessed the company being drained of funds and over-diluted with regard to the issuance of additional shares as more and more money was raised to achieve stated objectives which never came to fruition.IMO our management have acted appallingly and have lost any credibility in the city thus the current market cap/share price.The last capital raising at 4.5 pence was a joke - I stated my reasons at the time for not getting involved although some on this bb totally disagreed with my reasoning which is fine because none of us are right all of the time - least of all me.With the share price now sitting at 1.5 pence having dropped a further 66% since that capital raising - we are backed into a corner with nowhere to go - UNLESS a 'rabbit is pulled from the hat' and a 'third party' company takes a long term view and buys into the opportunity presented by the gold that we have sitting in the ground and commits to getting that gold out of the ground for a percentage leaving us with a 'free carry'.As I have stated many times before and been criticised by some for my views - I fear that the only viable option moving forward may be for the Concert Party to take us out whereupon they will run the company as a private concern rather than being Listed - thereafter the assets will be valued on their own merit rather than being valued as they are now purely by those who have traded this stock for short term financial reward.A HUGE difference between 'Price' and 'Value' and our Government along with many others seem oblivious to the damage being done to most small and medium sized Listed companies by those that are allowed to trade shares for a 'quick turn' at the expense of realistic company valuations.UK PLC is reliant on the city for much of it's revenue and it is obvious that the immediate 'tax take' on such activity is deemed to be more important than building a sustainable economy in the future.Taking such a short term approach purely prolongs the inevitable - and at some point in the future UK PLC will 'wake up' to the fact that many of the small and medium sized companies have been strangled due to a lack of being able to raise finance - due to the aforementioned ridiculously low company valuations as expressed by the market caps - which in turn means that tomorrow's employers will just not be there - with any country needing future employers to secure a viable economic future.As to where we are with PGD - your guess is as good as mine - but one thing for sure - we are running out of options and we have been backed into a corner which any suitor will know - should there be any such possibility at this late stage in the game.In closing I know that we were planning to undertake a high definition closely spaced Pole-Dipole geophysical study over the most productive section of the Cap-Oeste/COSE structure - following the five drill-hole infill at Cap-Oeste as announced back in May - but this too has gone quiet.AOW realistic about PGD's future based on facts rather than unfounded optimism.I j

XTR bargainhunt1 29 Sep 2015

this is a trading stock but one day it will go down and not get off its knees

ARTA fti 29 Sep 2015

Re: Artilium buys Comsys... I don't know the details, but looks very expenive to me...

SER etadelete 29 Sep 2015

Re: rns I will love to see a take over bid once the court sort out ser.assets got to be worth something.gla

LEAF thirty fifty twenty 29 Sep 2015

Re: at 38p NAV up to 60p+ hi tbI agree that 4.1bn on INVENERGY seems conservative. Though they have used a discount for time value of money and a discount for uncertainty.I think there is little doubt that the TF deal will complete.The original timetable was stated as Q4.At the time it was stated as c.10% of INVENERGY business (less debt).In reality we don't know and LEAF are not making it easy for us to know.What they choose not to say is...INVENERGY owns x amount of GW, has y amount of GW in development, and is project managing z GW.What we do know is that auditors need to be happy with assumptions.And these assumptions are conservative and reflect the uncertainty.INVENERGY is valued at 56p and the max variation (reported in the accounts) is c.12p.So I see this as the extreme lowest case value backed by the auditors.My personal assumptions and interpretation is a 6p adjustment i.e. NAV of 54p.The discount to NAV is continually narrowing and thus at 15% I put the market price at 46p.To me, this is the minimum.This increases as we get closer to the CASH payments,and there is upside as stated in the accounts of c.12p to take NAV to 72p.So even when/(if0 price reaches 46p in the market,I will run the profits as at that point I see only upside with minimal scenario of downside.Its been interesting so far and look forward to further positive development over the next few months, hopefully including a closing of the TF deal before 21 December.A couple of other positives for me.....1. If the deal doesn't close LEAF has the right to accrue returns at 21% per annum 2. 90% of shares are held with 4 shareholders. So any interest from new pi's will quickly impact the price. I imagine most of the non 90% will hold until the end so in effect there is v.v.little free float.All IMHO, DYOR + BoLLEAF is in my top5 hldgs

XTR jaja 29 Sep 2015

i am out of XTR, this will drift further down. will come back at 0.18p. in the meantime, WRES and LGO are slowly about to motor ahead. massive news this week

AMPH bradders64 29 Sep 2015

Interesting business Just made a small investment here. Interims look positive and if the financing is agreed as planned it could start a very profitable growth period. I also like the eco angle of renewable energy.

TMZ rollthediceagain 29 Sep 2015

Re: Interims Well market blows a resounding raspberry (2.25-2.5 = -17.39%)... not unexpectedly