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TMZ stratty 29 Sep 2015

Re: Interims Spot on Auro. on your August post.

XTR bargainhunt1 29 Sep 2015

what's the percentage buys/sells

BVM may_sell 29 Sep 2015

Re: Belgravium adjusted pre-tax profits ... At least half of your wish has now come true lighttrader - just the CEO to go now! Perhaps Chelverton are putting some pressure on...

CRE gretel 29 Sep 2015

Rising to new hjighs now.... ...yet still only on a current year P/E of 11.6, with an almost 3% divi yield.

XTR jaja 29 Sep 2015

WRES boucing back strongly

DQE dicko80 29 Sep 2015

Re: Anyone know? yes its great isn't it

DQE Ripley94 29 Sep 2015

Re: Anyone know? 45% rise ?

NANO Kuss 29 Sep 2015

Interesting review here of LG's non OLED or QD TV's. The point is they aren't up to scratch. If they don't go QDot and soon they'll lose out to other Qdot rivals..[link]

VED sporty investor 29 Sep 2015

Re: sector problem? Rhigos, the interest rate cut in India might not have been noticed by the market here. Probably, you are the first person to have released the info . Well spotted. Glencore has not fallen any further today. Vedanta being an India oriented company, how far does the Chinese down turn, going to effect Vedanta?There is an article in today's Times about Indian prime minister's proposed visit to Wembley with nice comments about India and its economy. I think your opinion about Vedanta being under valued is correct.

RLD luciano uk 29 Sep 2015

RNS [link] ----Very pleased with transparency, cost control, and overall progress.Looking forward for October update, although the true sp potential will materialize in a year time I suppose.Nice 3.4mil $ in cash and no debit should guaranty no share issuance or dilution.A question mark on tonnage processing potential from 200LQM to 200 Tones max,still at 20Crt x Tone, 12 hours per day and 300 days per years it makes, more than 14mil Crt, much more than the 8 mil Crt as from feasibility study.I am happy.

GLEN jaja 29 Sep 2015

RNS in WRES just now (bouncing back up) people selling coz they didnt read the RNS. its massively GOOD news as 200% better profit (see RNS). licence news a days delay but wont be long.

XTR jaja 29 Sep 2015

RNS in WRES if you missed it.(bouncing back up) people selling coz they didnt read the RNS. its massively GOOD news as 200% better profit (see RNS). licence news a days delay but wont be long.

AMC jaja 29 Sep 2015

RNS in WRES if you missed it just now (bouncing back up) people selling coz they didnt read the RNS. its massively GOOD news as 200% better profit (see RNS). licence news a days delay but wont be long.

GSR paidtosave 29 Sep 2015

Just bought another £5987. Either I'm a mug or there's diamonds in those hills.

XTR kalzboy 29 Sep 2015

Totally agree. The cash estimated already is in the ground. Just have to "xtract" it. The other operations add significant value.