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ACHL LoadsaDosh2 29 Sep 2015

Re: Where are the results?? I have been watching the trading since Friday and every single trade has been a sell (based on selling price of 8.5 or so) and yet the price has not really dropped. Strange? Guess it will move tomorrow.

SCE theprior 29 Sep 2015

Re: Overdue Finals That's just plain sneaky, as they made no mention of it in the headline of the RNS.So, tomorrow then !Regards, TP

MTV bullbeatsbear 29 Sep 2015

a little spike to get rid of a few and then wait for the bomb to drop - that bombs name---------BERGAN

CAMK LoadsaDosh2 29 Sep 2015

Re: SCamkids suspended ..and do the IC apologise for pumping these shares via Simon Thomson? NO. They should hang their head in shame.

KWS gretel 29 Sep 2015

New highs now Going above 200p, and gratifyingly quiet here ))

MTV bullbeatsbear 29 Sep 2015

they should be in court - not a board room

MTV bullbeatsbear 29 Sep 2015

Decimation of share holder value on a gigantic scale!!!

MTV bullbeatsbear 29 Sep 2015


MTV bullbeatsbear 29 Sep 2015

this would now have to bag 136 times just to get back to YEAR high.......... TIMES THAT BY A FEW IF YOU BOUGHT INTO THIS PILE OF PLOP ANY EARLIER THAN A YEAR AGO!!!

DGO Speedo Boy 29 Sep 2015

Re: TD Direct payment - they don't know! Well done Fydo on getting more than Enoc's offer price, if anyone deserved to have one over on them it's you!. Thanks for your support and insights over the years. Just out of interest are you still holding Stirling Energy, who I think you invested in a few years ago? I wondered what your thoughts on their future are now.I've received my payment from ii so hopefully everyone else has now and it won't be long before the BB gets taken down.

TMZ rollthediceagain 29 Sep 2015

Re: Interims sp recovered earlier fall, now 2.75-3.25 so could have been a lot worse after lacklustre interims.

MTV bullbeatsbear 29 Sep 2015

when will bergan come knocking again - cant be long now - people buying now will lose half there investment upon the release of that fateful rns!!

RGM wanting_to_know 29 Sep 2015

SP = a disgrace ! AB, when are you quitting ?wanting_to_know

MTV bullbeatsbear 29 Sep 2015

anyone else been blocked my Bryan Floss on twitter - i only asked him how much his shares in mtv were now worth? how petty!!!!

VED Rhigos 29 Sep 2015

Re: sector problem? sporty investo,It is almost as if the market read and agreed with my humble opinion. While I typed my earlier comment, posted at 10:51, SP went up from about +1% to +2%. Now it is +4.6% which is, considering rise in mining sector toady and interest rate cut in India, around the appropriate amount IMO I think sell off in mining sector is overdone generally. Some smaller high cost miners will go to the wall particularly in America, I think, as they have the head wind of a strong dollar pushing up their labour costs. In India, South America and Africa, generally speaking, their currencies have weakened compared with US dollar.India currently imports most of its oil, other energy and raw industrial materials. It is my belief that will change and be a great opportunity for VED. I have faith in Anil Agarwal management who has a lot invested in Vedanta.