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VELA edcrane 30 Sep 2015

News from 3Legs today ... here are the sums as I see it .... raised £800k at the beginning of the year, let's say there is £600k left. Raised £500k recently from Jim Mellon ... so total cash£1.1m. Market cap last night was £1.3m So there is a nominal value attributable to the listing NOR to Jim Mellon who has put more has put money into the investment made today by 3Legs on the same terms. In total it looks like Jim Mellon has invested now over £600k in 3Legs and SalvaRx in addition to owning 50% of it prior to this transaction With all the noise around Jim Mellon, justified or not, you might think he might be worth a million or two on the value of 3Legs? .... and I guess it's conceivable that 3Legs ultimately buy SalvaRx in time? Who knows

SAGA boydda 30 Sep 2015

Results Decent enough set of half-year results. SP still being held back by prevailing market and political circumstances.

CAT jonwig1 30 Sep 2015

Re: New shares alpal - 1): good point. I suspect change of management group will have decided this. More funds to invest means higher fees. Possibly lower returns for us shareholders of course!2) conversion will be on basis of relative NAVs at conversion date. That's how it usually works. If NAVs are still 1 and 1.24 you'll get 1 new ord for every 1.24 C shares (or alternatively 80.6 new ords for every 100 C shares.From what I've read, ordinary PIs won't get a look in!

EMED Small Holding 30 Sep 2015

Re: Interesting! MayoAs you say very interesting, the author asks "just what was Trafigura so concerned about when it commissioned a well-compensated study meant to goal-seek the company's explicit conclusion: that it is not systemic, when it obviously is"If you read the first paragraph of Craig Pirrong's article I think it gives the answer"Some regulators have suggested that some of these firms are ‘too big to fail’, and therefore pose a threat to the stability of the financial system, which would necessitate subjecting them to additional regulation, akin to that imposed by banks"As a private company the last thing they want is any type of regulation, they like to do their own thing without interference. The amount of their debt was a shock as well---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --With Glencore and Trafigura the large amounts of debt are a significant worry to investors.I know when we raised funds through equity many were unhappy about dilution but now we are fully funded and we have virtually no debt, it now seems to me we are far better placed to weather any storm.

FAST naeemsmiley 30 Sep 2015

Excited after tomorrow's AGM news should get more info on this merger Cathal been planning

XTR lpdegeer 29 Sep 2015

The 8,3 earthquake in Chili took place on 17/09 which means that we should have been operating until then normally becuase there are only 13 days left in Q3. Why then is there now only U$ 150k estimated for Q3 15, whilst it should have been more like US$ 1.026k .WHAT ARE THE REASONS for this enormous difference.

BOX BuySel 29 Sep 2015

UPtrend continues after being down soon after the start, it finished up with larger volume than usual.the update should be there by now...tomorrow then!

OBT HPC Follower 29 Sep 2015

Re: Surprised Now, on the back of essentially a "good news" RNS, the OBT SP drops 11%... with Paragon (PRG) also dropping badly on lack of news.Guess we will have to wait for a few more quarters growth in OBT revenue and profits before any new "buyers" at higher share prices are attracted.Someone needs to raise interest rates to promote the movement of bond money to equities; the downwards spiral of losses at present leads to negligible company investment, and increasing share prices are needed so there is profit to re-invest, etc. in a spiral which will be much more beneficial all round.

CAMK Orchard Gate 29 Sep 2015

Re: SCamkids suspended "NBU has a lot of risk already priced in, Tesco didn't. You imply because NBU is Chinese and Aim, it is therefore a fraud and 'very common'. I say they should be given the benefit of the doubt, based on their honest RNS's and the unqualified audited accounts. Otherwise they are no more likely a fraud then Tesco. See simple."Yes, I did spot you were a bit simple. Honest? Audited - so that's OK. What a clown.I'd say a UK All Share Tracker or a US Tracker or European Tracker or World Tracker will have comprehensively outperformed your average "strong buy" recommendation such as Naibu, Camkids, Asian Citrus, Quindell et al. Are you especially attracted by car crashes and frauds?I bet when that nice Indian mad rings from Microsoft to say there are many errors on your PC you're quite happy to give him access. Do you give him your bank account details while you're at it? You're an eejit as you have proved over and over again.

RRR scotchoverice 29 Sep 2015

Marvellous News...Water on Mars! Bell to announce RRR has secured mineral rights will be issuing 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 new shares to cover running costs, administrative & unclassified expenses with yorkville underwriting it...look out for the spike

ROSE Nunquam 29 Sep 2015

similar I have lost about 7k with rose

EMED mayo101 29 Sep 2015

Interesting! [link]

TEA foggy 29 Sep 2015

Good day today, this drop will clear the dreamers that thought they were going to make a 100% Monday, steady building from here now..

RXP Push2Gush 29 Sep 2015

Re: Great Update To Be fair, they have ONLY perforated the lowest 2 intervals of 5 intervals identified during drilling & logging, so they are obviously doing a typical phased testing program starting with lowest intervals and working upwards to get clear information from specific formations rather than just perf the lot and see what we get,,, It is the best way forward to understand what you have and how to deal with it the best way, along with that, the well may have a good portion of brine or other kill fluid still in the wellbore & also the near wellbore reservoir they have just perforated into, may also need time to clean up, depending on drilling mud weights etc etc,,,,I think it is also fair to say that first indications from these 2 lower intervals is "probably" NOT going to blow the market away with the potential flow rates since it has demonstrated little response at first open, so it is wither a bit tight, wellbore needs greater displacement of kill fluids, formation/Skin damaged during drilling or poor drive mechanism. Could be any of them, will know soon enough when they try again in a few days to see if they got enough pressure build-up to kick start and clean up the well.There are still 3 more intervals to perforate too, of which any one could change the game dramatically. I would say at the current price this is still a worthy hold, still a gamble but OK.P2G

CAMK LoadsaDosh2 29 Sep 2015

Re: SCamkids suspended But REDD and MCB have doubled for me this year and don't tell me I didn't give those tips to you because I can prove I did. How are your index trackers; tracking down nicely?