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DQE Ripley94 30 Sep 2015

Re: TAKEOVER Not sure what this all means , i brought 21/3 / 12 @ 37is there going to be some kind of offer.

DSG Blanketstacker 30 Sep 2015

Results The interims came out a fortnight ago, and I have finally finished going over them. In that time we have seen a fall of jolly near 30%. I think that is very much overdone.We missed the broker estimates by a very long way, but in my opinion these always seemed rather unrealistic. Although profits were down 6%, turnover was actually up 8%. At under 80p this seems like a buying opportunity, and I have taken advantage of it. My reasoning runs thusER = 12.7PEG = 0.3Yield = 4.2%Div cover = x1.7The company provides software to recruitment firms, and is a consolidator in a very fractured market. It has created its own very profitable and succesful niche, and has management who seem to me to be dedicated and competent.I think we should be trading around the 100 mark, with a poitential to get back to 120, so again this is not one to make you a millionaire, but there is potentially 25%+ to be made here. Good luck to us all.

DSN theredmini 30 Sep 2015

Re: Densitron Take Over I agree a few more pence would have been nice, but 11p seems fair to me. I've held since Nov 2009 and it represents a good return for me, though of course I could have done better and sold for 14p back in 2011. 20/20 hindsight as ever!Looks like this should be concluded on 3rd November, so I'll look forward to a healthy deposit into my account shortly afterwards. Congratulations to all holders on here who have stuck with it. I should think most on here will be in profit at a sell price of 11p.

SBLM bhptuner 30 Sep 2015

Re: now its settled... this is aim. down 14% on a volume of 500k ....joke!

SMT lambrini girl 30 Sep 2015

Re: bought Now it is a matter of deciding when to get back in!<<<August 2017...

TSTR theprior 30 Sep 2015

Project Manager appointed Looks to be well qualified.TP

EDEN feoffor 30 Sep 2015

Price slump After good news, why so disappointing?

PTCM mackackoo 30 Sep 2015

Re: brokers report True but they still set a 10p price target which suggests substantial upside.Things seem not to have worked out for this once since its acquisition of PPS - that marked the point the shares started to decline.

3LEG edcrane 30 Sep 2015

from Vela Technologies board .....News from 3Legs today ... here are the sums as I see it .... raised £800k at the beginning of the year, let's say there is £600k left. Raised £500k recently from Jim Mellon ... so total cash£1.1m. Market cap last night was £1.3m So there is a nominal value attributable to the listing NOR to Jim Mellon who has put more has put money into the investment made today by 3Legs on the same terms. In total it looks like Jim Mellon has invested now over £600k in 3Legs and SalvaRx in addition to owning 50% of it prior to this transaction With all the noise around Jim Mellon, justified or not, you might think he might be worth a million or two on the value of 3Legs? .... and I guess it's conceivable that 3Legs ultimately buy SalvaRx in time? Who knows

SMT cimbom 30 Sep 2015

Re: bought It is unfortunate timing rather than getting it wrong. Following the turbulence in the markets I sold out at the first rally, sitting on 40% cash 30% bonds and 30% mostly UK but also global and property trusts. Now it is a matter of deciding when to get back in! Mid to late October or leave it as late as November! Good luck.

JHD gamesinvestor 30 Sep 2015

Impressive Results Nice 100 year birthday present[link] a P/E of 25 does look a little toppy for a EPS growth of 7% (which is very good in this market) and a profit growth of 5%.I'm thinking there is a better entry point here perhaps.Games -- Maybe I'll be thinking a long time, who knows?

SMT asand 30 Sep 2015

Re: bought Bought a bit later than you so i am down only about 11pc. However, though i cant resist checking the prices on a daily basis, i dont fret too much as i take a minimum 5yr horizon for each holding. Hoping that the price in 2020 will show an improvement providing i can keep out of a pine box by then.

DQE dicko80 30 Sep 2015

TAKEOVER The Requisitioner's letter further informed the Company that the Requisitioners are the registered holders of a total of 29,133,662 ordinary shares of GBP0.001 par value each in the capital of the Company, which represents 51.78% of the Company's issued ordinary share capital. DQE is currently seeking advice in relation to the validity of the purported requisition and the Company will make a further announcement in due course.........................51.78% !!!

NOP savenierres 30 Sep 2015

The final count down The SP has held up astonishingly well these past few months, but gravity is remorseless.So here we are on the very doorstep of 4p. When will the SP decline further so it starts with a 3?I for one expect it to be any day soon. I wonder just how microscopic the market cap needs to be before management throws in the towel?

SCE theprior 30 Sep 2015

As promised, finals out Results as predicted. Should provide us with a further buying opportunity today as the markets misreads the significance of the numbers.Regards, TP