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MIRA spike501 30 Sep 2015

Re: Update No its fine - its a discussion board, I'm happy to see other views. I'm clearly the 'ramper' on this discussion board at the moment although I hope it is at least with fairly well explained reasons.In defence of the management..One of the reasons I have held and even increased my position is that I really like the CEO - the company is about 15 years old, employs 100 people and does some pretty good work in fields that are dominated by larger players - he built that. He has serious enthusiasm, is technical and hands on and I think the strategy is the correct one.I also believe financially he and the BOD are not excessive - he is paid a touch over £100k per year. I imagine as either a technical resource or if he was working in a large company overseeing an 100 people department this is the sort of salary he would command anyway. They also don't get mad every year with options.

ENRT Thomas Tallis 30 Sep 2015

Topic for the AGM China is a massive country and has a well-established plastic recycling industry.Did the exhibition in China produce just one enquiry?If so, then does the board have any opinion on the apparent lack of interest in PIM?

MIRA sceptical ali 30 Sep 2015

Re: Update I'm not having a go at you spike, I'm also a holder, it's the management I'm critical of.

HVN gretel 30 Sep 2015

Numis have 160p target Numis certainly believe there's lots of upside from the present 98p - they say Buy with a 160p target price:[link]

CAMK Orchard Gate 30 Sep 2015

Re: SCamkids suspended We can all select a share we own which has done well. I'm judging you across the piece with all the shares you recommended - Naibu, CamKids, Tesco, QPP etc etc. and it's clear any portfolio made up from your selections is a disaster.The moment you said Naibu could not be a fraud because it had audited accounts I knew you were not very bright (as if Enron or any of the other scams didn't have audited accounts).

MIRA spike501 30 Sep 2015

Re: Update Ali - I know, as my response indicates contracts were won around that point.But I do take your point and agree with you that jam tomorrow needs to become jam today pretty quickly.

ALK dabba 30 Sep 2015

Rule 8.3 has anyone looked at the rule 8.3 notifications?the majority are for purchase, the holding of those listed represents way over 10% of the shares, a casting vote?

VLX losskop 30 Sep 2015

Re: Volex looking good see why now, a couple of director buys does tend to point to an element of confidence on their part, although they were fairly modest purchases. Am wondering whether my money is put to better use elsewhere

MIRA sceptical ali 30 Sep 2015

Re: Update Commenting on the future outlook of the group, Jose Luis Vazquez, CEO of Miranda said: We have now entered a new stage in which major players are showing an increased interest in our capabilities. The Company is in advanced negotiations with other potential customers and we expect to announce new deals after the Summer break.The above is an extract taken from August 12th 2014 RNS.

NBB BOWOOD 30 Sep 2015

Re: Interims I will need to look at the figures later and will comment then

SUMM keepcalm 30 Sep 2015

Good afternoon holders. I do find it strange that some folk post on this board and are not holders.

INTQ II Editor 30 Sep 2015

NEW ARTICLE: InternetQ shares tipped to double "LSE:INTQ:InternetQ owns mobile marketing platform Minimob and a big stake in music streaming service Akazoo. It grew revenue by 10% in the first half of 2015 and underlying pre-tax profit at the Athens-based company jumped by 24% to €7.4 million ..."[link]

LXB tiltonboy 30 Sep 2015

Re: at 86p HUGE volume It would be nice to see the company buying in a few for cancellation.It would also be interesting to see who has been supplying stock to the market.I'm still targeting 120p, and not a seller beforehand.

FITB clockwurktangerine 30 Sep 2015

Re: Buy out on the cards / 100% promise So where is the buyout SS? Who will buy!!!

NBB broomfielder 30 Sep 2015

Interims With the MMs again reducing the SP on no Trading activity whatsoever, I was expecting todays announced H1 Results to be very poor.Whilst I have not dissected these in detail yet, these look on balance to be quite good. After stripping out Exceptionals Profits would have also shown at the Pre Tax line as well as he Gross and Operating lines. So the return to Profit has been delivered.There is also strong growth in Revenues from Continuing activities and while support for the New SubCos continues, this is reducing and will hopefully cease in the H2. There is clearly optimism for substantial growth here but meantime softening market conditions in NBES for example over August / September suggests an increasingly competitive environment IMO. So its right to still be cautious going forward.The New Senior Man / Exec structure inc new CEO should be in place by early 2016 and this to me is crucial in taking the Group forward. Now focusing solely on UK the Group are also signalling potential acquisition(s) in future. Best perhaps to get the new Exec team in place first??? Still have Cash and no debt but any acquisition would need further Equity. All in all fairly good figures which should have resulted in something positive happening with the SP but the lack of liquidity is the real burden here allowing the MMs to tinker to their hearts content.Really needs a higher profile with a M Cap of less than £2.5m, improving Turnover, no debt and strong shareholder support.B