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ALK pseudopolylageraemia 30 Sep 2015

Re: Rule 8.3 A bit of 80s style carpet bagging wouldn't be a bad thing to liven up the market. AIM investors quietly getting fleeced by unopposed take overs is NOT a good thing as a precedent.Personally, I can't make head or tail of those 8.3 things, and as a doctor I'm fairly used to dealing with the complex and arcane. I'm starting to thing that those form 8.3 things are deliberately obtuse.

ACHL LoadsaDosh2 30 Sep 2015

Results out If you can make any sense of them; either way looks horrendous. Loss of 4p or 10p per share !

GLEN jaja 30 Sep 2015

XTR next to move

NOP savenierres 30 Sep 2015

Re: The final count down Mr NI do not think that NOP can conceivably issue more stock - they have no assets - their NAV is, IMHO, zero if you factor in abandonment costs and winding up costsI mean they do own stuff but none of that stuff is worth diddly squatAny money raised by a new issue would simply go into the pot from which management is scraping the last morsels into their remuneration accountNo rational investor would subscribe for new sharesand no rational lender would lend them any money given the lack of asset backing against which loans could be guaranteed and given the utterly lamentable record of the company, its projects and management.I think the critical issue facing NOP is going to be getting the auditors to sign off the accounts as a going concern - it doesn't look like a going concern to me

CAMK LoadsaDosh2 30 Sep 2015

Re: SCamkids suspended That's a bit rich coming from someone who was long on CAMK. Let's see what you said not long ago: "a fallin chart=fraud...dont think so..anyhows the machine BANG ON!!..bit of a bounce here.. " and "my machine flaggin this as a BUY..14p.. " on 12th May.Give OG his due, he was right about NBU and CAMK, and CTEK; it's just he's such a gumpy ol s*d

SCE gretel 30 Sep 2015

Re: As promised, finals out Exactly theprior. Results and narrative are as flagged and expected. The MMs have just marked down as a kneejerk, but AFAICS nothing has changed. We know funds will be expected at some stage, but if SCE deliver on more "gamechanger" news - as they say they will in Q4'15 or "early 2016" - then that could be at a significantly higher share price.Current trading is better than I expected in that: "the aerospace and road car sales previous shortfall has already been recovered and race car sales will be back on track over the next few months"In particular, SCE would not be allowed to conclude as follows if there were not some back-up to what they were saying:"The Board expects continuing sales growth and is confident of making further announcements during the year"

CPX alltold9 30 Sep 2015

Re: CPX on Directors talk Things could be HOTTING up very soon!

SAVP FoxRed 30 Sep 2015

HY Results - Upbeat broker notes Afternoon all,Positive set of numbers out this morning, backed up by two notes from Panmure Gordon and Mirabaud.Panmure GordonSavannah Petroleum – Interim Results (SAVP LN, Mkt cap: £60.2m) – PositiveIn the first half 36,949km2 of Full Tensor Gradiometry was flown over the Agadem Rift Basin which has been interpreted, substantial ARB technical database gathered and analysed including modern and legacy 2D and 3D seismic, well logs and evaluation studies. Initial R1/R2 evaluation identified 14 3D seismic backed drill-ready exploration prospects and 37 exploration leads. Post period $36m was raised to acquire the R3/R4 PSC increasing the footprint in the Agadem basin, Gross best estimated risked prospective resources were upgraded to 1,191mmbbls by CGG Robertson due to the inclusion of the resource potential from the Yogou formation in addition to the Eocene. Initial geological evaluation of the new R3/R4 licence resulted in 29 leads identified and preliminary engineering studies and economic modelling completed by management but assessed as reasonable by the CP indicate a full-cycle break even cost of US43/bbl which combines with the update from the Niger Ministry of Energy and Petroleum indicating a likely central case export cost of US$16/bbl. Seismic acquisition planning and tendering work for all licences are expected to be completed in Q4 along with well engineering work on the high grade prospects. Environmental authorisations permitting ground operations on R3/R4 are expected by year end.Management remain confident that a farm in deal will be completed before the end of the year with expectations of a sell-down of 30-50% of Savannah’s interest in the block. With the acreage significantly larger following the R3/R4 acquisition and a greatly enhanced understanding of the licences resulting from analysis of the FTG the attraction for a farm-in partner is growing. The fact that an economically robust monetisation option is also big positive.Mirabaud Securities - 30 September 2015Savannah Petroleum (SAVP LN) is another to issue H1 results this morning. The financials clearly are of limited relevance, save that the company is well capitalised with US$9m at period end, which, with no material committed costs, is sufficient to see the company through to at least late next year. Looking at the operations, things are progressing well, with seismic acquisition planning and tendering work expected to complete this quarter, alongside well engineering work on the high graded exploration prospects. The recently acquired FTG data continues to be integrated into the subsurface model, which will be used to high grade various leads and prospects. There was no firm news on the ongoing farm out process (which commenced in mid-July), but we understand that the process remains on-track, and the early signs are very encouraging. Although the macro environment remains challenging, low cost projects with material running room are still attracting significant industry interest. While Savannah is not setting itself any deadlines to announce a deal, the ongoing seismic and drilling preparations are clearly testament to its confidence in striking an agreement in the coming months.

WAND paccamac 30 Sep 2015

Re: Who needs a Chinese fraud.... "Is Wandisco any different from the oil explorers and miners who have come and gone in recent years?"No, probably not. But is that any justification for ludicrous remuneration, flagrant ramping and absolutely dismal financial performance over the past few years which has seen 95% share value destruction? No, I don't think so. The sooner this POS company is booted off AIM the better. WANDisco, and so many companies like them, are a cancer to the small cap market. They not only wreck investor confidence but hive off investor money that should be invested elsewhere into genuine growth prospects.

RUR Leicesterboy 30 Sep 2015

Re: Interim Results - An Unmitigated Dis... Hello ! We are still here just, as you say it is an unmitigated disaster, but it maybe just the bottom, all the bad News out of the way ! New CEO etc ! But I think we shall have to wait for Funding News, but there would appear to be no rush for the exit, Peter Earl still has his shares even though now running IPC, presumably from the Accounts, that the other Directors are no longer Blanco and Elizabeth Shaw ( Project Finance Director) god knows what she did ? No wonder Sterling voted against the re-appointment ! Some one bought a 1,000,000 costing £14750 so must have some idea of what is going on ! I hope for better news in the future, but to be honest I am very disappointed.LB

CRND citychap2011 30 Sep 2015

UBS & Massive Gold-Rigging Scandal The good ol' Swiss. You gotta love them.The article states "just like in LIBOR-gate, just like in FX-gate, it is the biggest rat of all, Swiss megabank UBS, that is about to turn on its former criminal peers."[link]

PTV yoyo 30 Sep 2015

buy at 0.0204 you are in the money no brainier....

MIRA sceptical ali 30 Sep 2015

Re: Update Let's see what happens in the coming weeks, if no new contracts with new customers are announced by the calender year end, then it's time to question the management's credibility in my view.

CRND citychap2011 30 Sep 2015

Re: Stalling technical analysis Nm

CAMK lambrini girl 30 Sep 2015

Re: SCamkids suspended wot a shame OG never has ''a financial interest'' in this(or any other) ..could have made a few ££ shorting...