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FOGL Originofquake1 30 Sep 2015

Fogl going to 27 by Friday. My rating at 100% requires this for my "super ego." Dr Anabell the geologist can't answer why these humpy ancient lake were once fresh water! Clue: Let's play borgo's game, to keep it interesting. The Panthalassic Sea dr Annabell believes at high tide 250 million years ago the Panthalassic Sea water overflowed a narrow strip of land where it flowed into the Zerchstein Sea and evaporated leaving an ancient salt formation the goes from England to Poland, . It is 6,000 feet of mangeneez chloride, 10,000 feet down. Strange gypsum is thr first to fall , halite next, something you over educated do is provide a fudge factor , no called an enabling assumption so the research dollars keep coming. The big lie, the Panthalassic Sea wasn't salt water. Guess where the fresh water came from? The P------ O---- was fresh water 250 million years ago!

MXP hippolyta 30 Sep 2015

Re: RNS Tomorrow looks like we got screwed after all

FOGL Originofquake1 30 Sep 2015

A red herring is what the Indians had one of there members drag along the opposite direction the tribe was escaping toward, whereby throwing the dogs off the this situation nbl must be talking to Argentina for a pipeline to their shore and not able to this vast oil 1.5 million barrels per hvcc on "the slow boat to Aberdeen,."give the $10 per barrel to Argentina for every barrel moved in the pipe, all Diomedia and Hersl-- 5 billion barrels. Ship it right to Argentina,'s refinery. Nbl. Your red herring is being eaten by every one on this board. There a smart group.tell Anabel ,the geologist he is " obsolete", and must read my research on independent.academa.edc, ref John Delano "The Origin of Mountains- The Ice Flow Theory." Ask your self this question. Why does the precursor to the oil in zee, Issa and now humpy have " fresh water plant fossils?"why is the humpy sulfur 2.2 suffer and heavy like the Dan of the Bay of Campeche oil of Mexico? Good luck, your 3D seismic work people did a great job. John Delano, author

SMT investorprotestor 30 Sep 2015

Re: bought "nice and optimistic and potentially plausible. However with capitalism bankrupt and interest rates at zero, and likely to remain at zero, equities will slowly recover."What happens in the next downturn if they cant reduce rates?

FOGL Originofquake1 30 Sep 2015

Girls , bongo in long white dresses is the "long" , depth of the 3 ancient oil bearing sands.

ABF Rhigos 30 Sep 2015

New all time high My conviction that ABF was still a buy at date of my last post, has been vindicated. SP has risen 7% in the last 3 weeks. The Telegraph Questor column had a sell note on 8 Sep which I disagreed with, lambrini girl also thought it was a sell on 28 Aug. It might now be time to take some profits but I think I will hold for the moment. I am happy that ABF is my largest share holding by value.[link]

WTM dazedandconfused 30 Sep 2015

Re: at 72p looking forward to results I've sold a couple of weeks back... after an unplanned pub discussion and then a long internal debate. Hope i'm wrong; have held these for 15+ years on the basis of hope (after the sale of property assets) and expectation of a takeover/consolidation. But WYG news tended to suggest the bigger boys are not fishing!

TXO wanting_to_know 30 Sep 2015

Re: Share prophets write up today n.m. What does it say ?Is it good or bad ?

ACP mog 30 Sep 2015

Sharepickers interview. Not convincing, very un- sure. Knows little about the gold mining industry, so why bother taking his word,

ETO II Editor 30 Sep 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Entertainment One pays £140m for Peppa Pig "LSE:ETO:Entertainment One already makes millions from Peppa Pig. Now it's decided to buy an even bigger chunk of the company that actually makes the kid's cartoon series and keep most of the profits itself. It certainly seems like a good idea, ..."[link]

ENRT Thomas Tallis 30 Sep 2015

SP 0.205p It would not surprise me to see 0.15p tomorrow.[link]

WTM thirty fifty twenty 30 Sep 2015

at 72p looking forward to results WTM reports next week and think the results will have a positive outlook stmt.Other similar companies are reporting very busy in UK infrastructure spend so WTM should benefit.They are also recruiting heavily so must be winning business.Their current mgt fcst is for 3.3PBT by Mar 16,This is within reach - their business already make £4m profit, offset by one division which was loss-making and is now working through some old contractsthey have said before they will lay out a revised target,my estimate would be £4.5m by Mar 18 (a 33% increase) and implying eps well north of c.12p a share.decent yield as well, and CASH on b/sAll IMHO, DYOR + BoLWTM is in my portfolio

VLX bartonscooter 30 Sep 2015

Re: Volex looking good I sold some the other day just because I got bored of waiting and thought I could do better elsewhere, half tempted to get back in again now.

AFR ldlv 30 Sep 2015

OPL 310 OGO, Afren [link] said the exploration well and sidetrack subsequent to the farm-in made Ogo, as described by a leading oil and gas research consultancy, one of the most significant exploration finds in Africa in recent times.

AFR ldlv 30 Sep 2015

Important: Alixpartners and SHs In view of the level of interest, the Administrators are, however, considering calling a meeting to provide further information to shareholders. If this would be of interest to you please confirm your intention to attend by email to [email protected] by no later than Friday 2 October 2015.Its is important that the meeting will be organized before the 9th of October 2015 Please request it