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CWK II Editor 01 Oct 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Expect fat profits at Cranswick "Sausage maker and headline writer's favourite LSE:CWK:Cranswick has had a stunning few years. Its share price has doubled since 2012, driven substantially by a slump in pig prices which reduce costs. It's also breeding more pigs itself these ..."[link]

ULT wulwirth 01 Oct 2015

Australia Vets Australia 2015. Schedule - Victoria 8/9 September, South Queensland 11/12 November, Queensland 17/18 November 2015, [link]

KOOV LoadsaDosh2 01 Oct 2015

Until finance is sorted.. this is a basket case. Making ever bigger losses and burning more cash.

CAMK Orchard Gate 01 Oct 2015

Re: SCamkids suspended Shorting AO World was a winner for me! You should have taken my advice and done the same. Take a look and you'll see what I've bough - RBS most recently, for example.Or is reading a bit tricky for you?Maybe run us through how Naibu couldn't be a fraud as it had accounts once again. It's a repeat I know but one I greatly enjoyed.

UTN rRomeo29 01 Oct 2015

Re: drop in share price 1to7,You do know that "the board", as you name it, is run by pakistan Akhter family in Britain, right? Okay, this just as background info.Ultima Networks used to market Software / PCs / Flatscreens and even real estate, with the biggest asset beeing the Akhter Hourse in Essex.[link] over the years, all has been sold and/or extracted in one or the other "legal" way, so that UTN has merely become a nutshell producing solar panels noone is interested in.Investors told us that the company board has agreed to sell any valuable asset, such as their property or the software branch. All profitable business has been swaped into "Limited", and the joke is that UTN sold everything to Akhter himself.This valuable liquidity was used pay the company directors (Akthers family!) as well as to keep UTN afloat on the stock exchange.Whats funny is that Mughal has NOT been able to cash-in on any of the gigantic green hypes we saw during the past 15 years. Everywhere you go you see people driving with electro-bicicles - but UTN has nothing to do wth that.[link] plc has merely kept afloat long term to try to cover some of the management fraud that has happened behind closed doors. One day the Akhter family could be held responsible for that. Several people here in CH have inquired so far.

DAN Orchard Gate 01 Oct 2015

suspended (again) Is this the third suspension in 12 months? Surely the AiM authorities should have a three strikes and you're out rule - if they can never, ever publish their accounts on time they shouldn't be on a public market.

BOX BOWOOD 01 Oct 2015

Re: UPtrend continues Bit of a tree shake as those who leave at 0.40p, but expect the sp to improve further during the afternoon.Still an outstanding buy

NOP MR NIEVE 01 Oct 2015

Re: Fantasy and delusions of grandeur The to do list as you have noted ,will never get done,like all the things they promised to do in the Netherlands and Italy and NEVER did.The 3 million pounds is purely for their remuneration,and I am confident ,even without assets that when cash is required,they will acquire it by hook or by crook.Fund managers have less control over them than Company Directors so they are quite willing to dish other peoples money about especially if there is something in it for them.So they will just go on making plans,doing very little to implement them,taking the money and hoping some big Company will dive in and drag them out of the hole they are in,just like they did with the Tullow project,which its the Italian project.It just goes on and on,while small shareholders get smashed.

PDL taffytiddler 01 Oct 2015

Re: WOW new low! And still it crushes support levels. Brutal. Perhaps a fireworks display finale. But when?TT

PGD RedFrameWhiteLight 01 Oct 2015

Re: I am still here what next ? It will need to be some rally!1p on the bid, who'd have thunk it

GLIF coldascheese 01 Oct 2015

Fair value 80p Simon Thompson in Investors Chronicle yesterday." So with GLI Finance's shares trading at net asset value, and offering a near 10 per cent dividend yield, I remain a buyer and maintain fair value at 80p."

PFL Omaha man 01 Oct 2015

Absence of Director deals Disappointing to note that none of the directors has shown enough confidence in the recovery, or even maintenance of a decent dividend, to buy stock even at this (hopefully) very depressed level.

NANO Kuss 01 Oct 2015

ticking up nicely.... Could easily double from here if there is a positive update on production from Dow's factory. I assume that was the intention behind the decision to build and commission it...

PDL BullSpread 01 Oct 2015

first trance at c.80 good entry point i think. diamonds outlook - positive long term. some short term hassles expected H2 15 but positive outlook. this fall is hugely overdone. China fears, overall risk-off and negative mining sentiment. eventually it will turn too, so happy to build a position here btw 50-80p and hold for a while.

SAV dubzy 01 Oct 2015

Re: Interim Results and Progress Report.... The joys of AIM and penny shares, along with the extremely depressing market and commodity prices at present. It's hard to believe only 5 minutes ago SAV's SP went up over 100%. Just shows what a casino it is. Having said that I'm still holding and hoping, have been for years since the AME days ! That's all you can do on AIM, hold and hope, or of course sell and take what little you have left somewhere else !