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ENEG Push2Gush 02 Oct 2015

Re: The Future? Highwire,I have been invested in this lot on numerous occasions, taking Chairman updates etc on potential face value, only to find it is Borlocks and nothing comes of any of it.... so ultimately the Co is responsible for the failure to remotely achieve much of what they state they were going to do in the past, right up to the latest cash dump hole Fyne + WG + added linked licences, which is now dead in the water.... So now he moves onto new pastures and potential link-up's to create a consortium,,,, no one has invested anything as I am sure if they had then we would have heard by now... Enegi ain't got 2 cents to rub together,,, its worse than that as the debt is getting worse.So call posters for being negative, but that is a creation by the Co,, give something positive, GENUINE positive stuff and OK,,, we move forward, but to-date it still remains worthless.

SFE II Editor 02 Oct 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Best AIM companies named here "It is coming up to the time for the annual AIM Awards. They will be announced on 8 October at Old Billingsgate in London and, in addition to the normal awards, there are also plans to mark the 20th anniversary with an award for the best performer ..."[link]

SRES lpdegeer 02 Oct 2015

Silverprices up!

ALK pseudopolylageraemia 02 Oct 2015

Re: Rule 8.3 ODDO are now over 2% and continue to actively accumulate.Is this arbitrage for 0.5p or is an attempt to squeeze a few more whole pence out of BB?I'm holding on myself.

VGM ExpatBill 02 Oct 2015

AT LAST THE OFFER!!! See this letter to shareholders just published on 1st October 2015 -[link] the info is there about how to get your share cert to WH Ireland

SAGA WhoSparticus 02 Oct 2015

Re: You with Tempus or Questor ? They have to say something, that is what they are paid for. They don't actually know much more about it than you or me. FWIW I'm holding.

OXS kalzboy 02 Oct 2015

Thanks goldmine for putting me onto this one prior. I watched with interest the sentiment build and dropped in just near 3p a while back. Let's see where it goes

CRX Carefully Does It 02 Oct 2015

Re: Buy This isn't a 1 yr hold. It's 3-5 or don't bother.At this stage the market price is set by relatively low volume marginal buyers and sellers.I go with Sneller, this is a strong buy and hold.Ceo incentive doesn't kick in until 120p.Look what Sneller made on PIM, same is very possible here.

CSN mtap 02 Oct 2015

Re: Why the big drop? still baffled, isn't uncrossing to do with balancing the books "after" the market not while it's open?Just wonder if you tried to buy yesterday late when price dropped whether there was actually any stock available at that price. Anyway irrelevant now!

BON Geminic 02 Oct 2015

AIM Exit Does moving from AIM to the main stock exchange have any effect on the share price. We are due to move around 17 th of this month. Just curious.

HAYT gretel 02 Oct 2015

Oryx buying more, above 20% now Wow - RNS out showing that Oryx/North Atlantic are now above 20% and have bought another 2.75m or so shares:[link] like they've bought out the remainder of Standard Life's holding from their 22nd September RNS, so a big overhang has been cleared.Could be time for a big re-rating if all goes well. Soon HAYT might even be on a P/E of more than single figures....

NPT Oxtrader 02 Oct 2015

Re: 11.5p Hi Danigirl,Twas indeed! However they decided this week to give themselves a £100,000 directors share Incentive scheme.. they've got alot to do to satisfy this! In all seriousness.. still 7-8% under my buyin price; your top ups at 6-7p are looking real good now

LXB coldascheese 02 Oct 2015

Re: at 86p HUGE volume Seller now revealed-however the director's buying has been very impressive indeed ,over a million shares.They must be confident, and have the inside knowledge we don' t have. I look forward to more announcements!I have upped my holdings also and am targeting 130 p in 12 months time. A 50% uplift.

ENRT Thomas Tallis 02 Oct 2015

How to make a success out of recycled plastic See below for Ecosheet."We manufacture our furniture using Plaswood material, which is the long established market leader in recycled plastic wood. It has been manufactured since 1995 and is the only product on the market made from waste agricultural plastics"[link] their success story - [link] saw the opportunity and grabbed it. They are selling products now and have been for a good few years and Dief wants us to wait a "little longer"!"SLPW Ltd is the sister company of Birch Farm Plastic Collection Ltd-"Note - on their web site - "Ecosheet / EKOply"[link] owns the name "Ecosheet"? Did ERT trademark it, or was it 2K?Whether it was ERT or 2K, is this company allowed to use it on their web site? Is anyone knowledgeable on coryright trademark law and able to answer this question?

FTE movin on up 02 Oct 2015

Re: cash cow 0.01p is not going to happenimo this is going to bounce back up in the very short term to closer to 0.1p Forte has been very oversold in the past few months