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MACF winningstreak 02 Oct 2015

Good value Good value here at current share price 47p,

ENEG Push2Gush 02 Oct 2015

Re: Videodawn I ticked you up because were "supposed" to listen to our mothers, other than that, you have to look at the reality of the situation, your mother would not lead you down cul-de-sac after cul-de-sac and in the process lose you a small fortune in the process (depends on your level of investment).If you had a mate that kept telling you he had the best idea since sliced bread and you kept chuckin yer money at it on his words, and everytime he got something barely off the ground then decided Nahhhhhhhh bin that,,, bored with that etc, then ran in with the next sliced bread idea and you went in again, rinse & repeat and again,,,, rinse and repeat........ eventually I doubt you would still feel like calling him mate and laugh with him about the £1000's he has successfully poured down the drain and also paid himself from it in the process.There are no friends in business or investments & there is NOTHING to-date from this lot that is much different to the above.... all you can do now is resign yourself to looking in the bottom drawer at shares that used to have "potential" value and now have 1/30th or less of the value from the NF hype days, that was not all that long ago.... an incredible record of bad performance and business ethic in my opinion.....

ENEG videodawn 02 Oct 2015

Re: Videodawn Hello KmackI suppose you wish there was no opposition in democracy if that is what you think. What is wrong with tilting at windmills unless you are a windmill? Your mum was talking about friends not bust investments.This company is more secret than the gold train in Poland and needs some debate about its profound deficiencies. Everyone and his dog has lost serious money here, including me, and they stand to lose even more. There should be a riot in Manchester not a pop concert to praise them.Yes I will have a drink with you in Blackpool if you like.

ENEG kmack46 02 Oct 2015

Videodawn Wish you were videogone, Seriously my dear old mum used to say if you have nothing nice to say about something or some one then don't say any thing at all, god bless her she was right. So in keeping with her sentiments. You are such a nice fellow do you want to come for a pint or two.

RMP jerrythegardener 02 Oct 2015

Re: seventy three and J J Bandy ok 'looks like' not 'seems

RMP jerrythegardener 02 Oct 2015

Re: seventy three and J J Bandy don't know about the word 'working'but the words 'seems' and 'something' are the fundemental words here

EMED Ace08 02 Oct 2015

Re: new photos [link]

PNN nk1999 02 Oct 2015

Investec From Citywire:"Pennon upgraded: look past the underperformanceWater company Pennon Group (PNN) has been upgraded as Investec analyst Roshan Patel sees past the recent underperformance.Patel upgraded his recommendation from ‘hold’ to ‘buy’ but reduced the target price from 835p to 800p. The shares rose 1.8% to 761p yesterday.‘We believe Pennon’s recent underperformance versus regulated water peers reflects investor concern regarding [waste business] Viridor, and in particular, the risk of overcapacity developing in its core energy recovery facilities market,’ he said.‘However, recent evidence suggests the contrary – some competitive threats are actually waning. In our view, this creates an interesting opportunity for investors, with demerger arguments likely to resurface if the valuation gap does not correct itself. We update our valuation mode, and with our new 800p price target implying over 11% forecast total return, we upgrade to “buy”.’ "

CAMK LoadsaDosh2 02 Oct 2015

Re: dozy no dosh erm I don't think so:[link] lowest was 13.01 on the 12th May but that would have been a sell price so no way could you have bought for 13p. The subsequent highest price was 16.25p on the 14th but that would have been a buy price so no way did you do 13p - 17p even assuming you got in and out at the exact optimum moment. Why would you have sold just after buying anyway and not kept for the bounce your so called 'machine' predicted along with CAMK not being a fraud?You obviously live in a fantasy land where you make perfect trades all the time; happy dreams.

HSS nk1999 02 Oct 2015

Peel Hunt "‘Oversold’ HSS a share for the patient investorHire group HSS (HSS) has undergone a ‘baptism of fire’ which has left the shares oversold, according to Peel Hunt analyst Andrew Nussey.Nussey initiated coverage of the stock with an ‘add’ recommendation and target price of 70p. The shares edged a penny lower to 61p yesterday.‘Two profit warnings within six months of the initial public offering have left HSS badly bruised,’ he said‘While it will take time to re-establish credibility with investors, we believe that the underlying HSS model is robust. Our full-year 2015 earnings per share estimates are towards the lower end of consensus but for the patient investor, willing to ride out the near-term challenges, there is scope for outperformance. We initiate with an “add” recommendation but would look to turn more positive as trading and return on capital employed momentum strengthens.’ "From Citywire.

ENEG videodawn 02 Oct 2015

Re: The Future? To some, it may seem crazy to suggest this but Enegi are creating their own path towards a bright future whilst other companies follow the same path into a cul de sac. =======There is only one problem here; Enegi Oil is not a member of the Marginal Field Development Consortium, it is ABTOG, and investors in Enegi hold no direct shares in ABTOG and will not benefit from any improbable success.Mr Minty told us all that the directors were considering full ownership of ABTOG for the benefit of Enegi shareholders, but decided against it without ever saying why. But then he never says why he abandons project after project after project. Perpetual failure to deliver published objectives and explain why is the reason for the share price disaster.The bloke is a charismatic incompetent, in my estimation. How he can present himself as the leading light of marginal fields when he has a zero track record in this area is beyond belief.It's a bit like me saying I am an astronaut without ever been in a spaceship, even though I like the idea."The Future?" It's bleak.

PGD Antiques Of Woodstock 02 Oct 2015

Re: Uncomfortable Post: A,O.W. Resoundingly Yes ! Do you think it possible in view of the way these matters have unfolded theres any recourse for us private investors to take. I would be more than happy to persue a course of action, if one were possible, to bring this miserable Bod to account. ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------Good evening Strider PAnything is possible however - I feel that we should wait for this to unfold further so that current concerns are either confirmed or dismissed by future Management/Concert Party actions.My post purely highlighted information that was released by our management in order to raise funds and enable the Concert Party to take a controlling interest – yet those funds were not utilised as promised - plus point out that we are less than 10 weeks away from the last time the Concert Party acquired shares at 4.5 pence.Any time thereafter the Concert Party just have to buy a single share to be forced into making an offer for the rest of the company at the highest price paid for a share in the previous 12 months - which may be about 1 pence a share if the share price remains where it currently sits.Of course we have a vote on this - but I feel that we have been backed into a corner with nowhere to go - a point which I made to Bill in writing over a year ago which he refused to answer - the email I posted at the time on this bb.Clearly Bill chose to ignore my email - I will leave it up to you to decide why when many of the points raised have subsequently come to pass exactly as predicted.Good luck...

SIS GCCR 02 Oct 2015

Re: RNS - Results ! Absolutely rhight ! Don't understand why there hasn't been a massive leap in SP ??.

CAMK lambrini girl 02 Oct 2015

dozy no dosh I think you will find(camk) rapidly went from 13 to 17p...the machine got the pivot bang on 12th my...

CAMK lambrini girl 02 Oct 2015

Re: Liar OG so U was shorting in 2014..but u recently ses U dont have ''financial interest'' these shares..(or wos that the missus/other alter egos??.). u just like to wind up holders...