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MONI dotlink 03 Oct 2015

sp going to rocket 40% plus next week, need more directors buying imo, back in end of march and start of april all directors started buying shares and look where the sp went lol

RRL jl 03 Oct 2015

Don't worry WHS, you're troll bumchums bricket and SaltDome will no doubt carry on where you left off. You sad fckers - not even invested here and flood the message boards with shiite.

RRL jl 03 Oct 2015

Wehatespammers on lse is crying like a little biaatch because the admin won't allow him troll the board. LOL.

CAMK lambrini girl 03 Oct 2015

OG the liar I asked U previously ..why you hound the boards of falling shares..your reply...>>> Like lots of people I have an interest in and views about many shares I don't own. I'll continue to do so<<<>>A good one to short<<<thats like saying a ferrari is a good car to drive..doesnt mean u own one...

SYM staffai 03 Oct 2015

Re: results and chairmans statement one day Rodney one day .

NBI lambrini girl 03 Oct 2015

Re: What is happening 235...bounce area..but 120 likely afterwards..(caution)<<<BANG ON!!

JSI Badders21 03 Oct 2015

Re: W T F?!?!?!? Talk is talk. There are no facts that I am aware of that Jiasen is a fraud. If you don't want to buy them, fair enough, but I believe that there is a very high probability that the company is genuine and at this price the shares are very cheap. You are entitled to your opinion as I am. I am prepared to risk a small amount on the basis that I don't believe the talk and could be looking at a ten-bagger. I am happy to sit back and watch and wait. Clearly, on your basis, I am not a normal person.

TPL bertie20 03 Oct 2015

Re: Improved offer proposed Miles.Well done. Good find. 16c is certainly better then 14.7c and the terms don't sound quite so threatening.RNS on Monday perhaps?Bertie.

CAMK Orchard Gate 03 Oct 2015

Re: lambrini the liar With the link, as you get confused easily[link]

MXP pannon 03 Oct 2015

Re: RNS Tomorrow This may have been answered before but at what stage can I write these off on my CGT? If they are not trading how do I claim my loss. Answers appreciated . Cheers

CAMK Orchard Gate 03 Oct 2015

Re: lambrini the liar Here you go lying girl - 27 Feb 2014. Shares were then 380p but quickly fell to 110p. So much better than your fantasy trades, don't you agree?

HDD Elena Saratov 03 Oct 2015

Re: Velan adopts Hardide nanostructured coat... nickylauda1,Very good find. Well worth reading the whole document.At the current SP this is a very good investment.

TPL Miles Above 03 Oct 2015

Improved offer proposed Olisol, the Kazakh co-owner of the Aral Oil Terminal is proposing a constructive deal which looks much more appealing than NOG's current derisory and opportunistic offer. Potential lifeline which retains an interest in the likely upside of assets in Kaz & Tajikistan.NOG's exclusivity period ends Tuesday night so watch this space...[link]

NPT dandigirl 03 Oct 2015

Re: 11.5p Hello Oxtrader - I'm still holding these but they appear to have lost their way. Recent pronouncements have not been great.Not impressed by the recent acquisition but waiting to see if it makes any difference to the bottom line. It doesn't seem that NPT is an acquisition target either.So I will give the directors a little more time to inject some umphh and will sell if it doesn't happen soon as frankly there are better investments elsewhere.

ENRT Thomas Tallis 03 Oct 2015

Oil prtice $10 to £20 - from a man who was right Over the past few years, I have heard interviews with Harry S. Dent and I didn't like what he had to say, but I have to admit - his forecasts were right.Now he forecasts the oil price to dip to $10 to $20.[link] this page gets updated to next week's broadcast, this one with Dent may be found in the archive - see the Archives link for 3rd Oct 2015 - Bill Murphy and Harry S. Dent.