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PGD Antiques Of Woodstock 04 Oct 2015

Re: Uncomfortable Post: Good morning AllNot to labour a point but purely for clarity - I cut and paste below the emails to which Bill chose not to respond.Perhaps the following paragraph contained therein in my email to Bill over a year ago 'hit the nail on the head' which is why I never got a response from him:'Could the facts surrounding this situation be interpreted as being a series of deliberate actions to move the company into a position whereby the only option moving forward is for the company to be de-listed with the assets being bought at a huge discount and moved to a private company in which the key players in PGD will retain a stake at the expense of the rest of the remaining shareholders?'Should the above come to pass - there will be a lot of questions to answer with regard to the motives of the management previously at the helm of this company.Good luck all...---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----Date: Friday, 26 September 2014 11:25Subject: FW: Please Forward To Bill Humphries:Good morning Having asked you to forward my email to Bill Humphries on 1/4/14 and your reply of 3/4/14 stating that ‘I am sorry but Mr Humphries is tied up with various meetings today and will be taking a well-earned vacation commencing tomorrow’ - then my email of 22nd May after Bill’s vacation asking for a response to my original email and your reply stating that Bill would be prepared to discuss the points raised in my email at the AGM which I explained in my response of 28th May that I would be unable to make – sadly Bill still refused to answer my email. I am now extremely concerned to learn that we do need to raise additional capital which was the very point that I highlighted in my email to Bill that he would not answer.I along with others note the following wording in the Interim Results released today: 'The Company will be investigating opportunities to raise this additional capital, however, the continued volatility in equity and debt markets coupled with the current gold price indicate the existence of a material uncertainty that may cast significant doubt on the Group and Company's ability to continue as a going concern. The Group and Company are evaluating additional strategies and corresponding financing requirements for 2014 and beyond and are confident in their ability to secure additional funding at a competitive rate to continue to meet commitments as they fall due.’The facts are that the company’s market capitalisation has fallen by 90% which demonstrates that those which value the company namely ‘the markets' do not have any faith in the current management which is backed up by the aforementioned warning released in the Interims today.Bill’s unwillingness to even have the courtesy of answering my email either speaks volumes about his ability to answer the questions asked or at the very least demonstrates his total disregard for the questions asked by those who own the company – namely ALL shareholders to which he is answerable.Could the facts surrounding this situation be interpreted as being a series of deliberate actions to move the company into a position whereby the only option moving forward is for the company to be de-listed with the assets being bought at a huge discount and moved to a private company in which the key players in PGD will retain a stake at the expense of the rest of the remaining shareholders? I really hope not because such a suggestion would not just be illegal but looked upon extremely unfavourably by the regulators with whom I am in contact.Perhaps Bill would finally be courteous enough to respond to the issues I have raised along with those highlighted in my original email.Thank you.********---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --- Sent: 01 April 2014 13:32Subject: Please For

INL poolestudio 04 Oct 2015

Re: Puzzled There is no effect on your holding of ordinary shares, For the background see[link] also shows how far the Company has evolved in a short period.

JSI Orchard Gate 04 Oct 2015

Re: W T F?!?!?!? You have to make you own investment decisions, of course.But you also have to take into account known facts which include the fact that a large proportion of Chinese shares listed on AiM (and on other markets such as in Germany) have proved to be scams; that there is a different standard of corporate governance and when things go wrong there appears to be little ability to enforce anything (in the case of Naibu the exec directors are reported as simply refusing to co-operate or respond to the non execs or nomad or auditors). The Chinese authorities will not enforce whatever rights the shareholders might have in English law and won't attempt to recover stolen money.You also can't ignore the facts that the same people (myself included) who identified Naibu as a fraud long before this was confirmed and who have said the same about CamKids are questioning how legit JSI is. They could be wrong of course but then they were told they were wrong about those two (big cash piles, audited accounts, LSE wouldn't allow them on the market without thorough due diligence, Nomad is happy with the company, positive press comment, undervalued blah blah blah blah, all complete nonsense of course) so with a track record of correctly identifying these Chinese scams they have history on their side.It's unusual for an investor to put money into something where there is even a suggestion it could be a fraud but as I say, you have to make your own choices and I hope you make money. But do me and everyone lese a favour: if it goes belly up and is indeed yet another scam, please don't bleat and blame everyone else - the Stock Exchange, the Investors Chronicle, the Nomad, the auditors and the man at the end of your street - anyone but yourself, as others have done in similar cases. Because you have been warned, so the responsibility sits right on your own head.Good luck all the same.

BOX BOWOOD 04 Oct 2015

SP We have seen a good rise over the past few days and I believe this will continue. However I would not be surprised if a fund raising comes with the update as there is a need for Box to grow its business. Should this happen I would be happy to top up on any dilution. Still a massive buy IMO.

EMED Small Holding 04 Oct 2015

Spanish press article [link] belt | countdown to the start of the industrial stage after 14 years of inactivityEmed Mining Atalaya will be renamed to start of trade in RiotintoThe company plans to market the first copper concentrate in early 2016 260 staffers and about 400 subcontractors working in testingElena Llompart Huelva | Updated 04/10/2015 - 51New times for Emed Mining. The company in charge of restoring Riotinto mining, asleep for 14 years, will begin a new stage after breaking with a past marked by lawsuits and arduous administrative process. Mining has outlined a new corporate image and prepares for an imminent change to the new phase even presented name: Emed Mining Mining will be called Atalaya.A weeks of the start of commercial production (the expectation is that this will occur in early 2016, when copper concentrates have the right quality for this purpose), the mining will be renewed and thus change his nomination in an obvious nod to the history of copper mine, although the site is to exploit Cerro Colorado, arising from the integration of various historical mining short as South Reef, Reef North and more recently Cerro Colorado zones, Solomon and osprey.In order to improve the prospects of the company and to help revitalize its presence in the markets, the shareholders of Emed tabled two weeks ago the change in nomenclature, referring to the flagship of the company Rio Tinto. Not surprisingly, the board has considered that the proposed name better reflects the main focus of the company: "Being the resumption of copper production Rio Tinto project, instead of their projects in the Eastern Mediterranean". So says the group in a statement released at the time and explaining that "Short Watchtower was once the largest-pit mine in Europe open," deposit "takes its name from the village of La Atalaya, which was founded in 1883 to house miners of San Dionisio. "With a current staff of 260 employees and about 400 contract workers, work is constantly being tested in mining facilities (with shifts to cover 24 hours a day). It was last July 31, as mentioned in the testing phase, when the company achieved the first production of copper concentrate, the company goal is scored in the race for the revival of the open pit. Since then, the company works by adjusting the amounts, seeking the right quality and the degree of optimum concentrate to enter the industrial phase, resulting in a first phase 5 million tonnes per year in early 2016. Later that same year, target passes to reach 7.5 million tons annually, and in 2017 will be 9.5.To this end, Emed has undertaken the rehabilitation of the areas primary crushing, screening, grinding and flotation, and continues to work to optimize the use of existing infrastructure. Thus, although at present five wind turbines are repaired and there are four in operation, the company will have two new mills with a capacity equivalent to five of the others.In this way, the project progresses to start at full capacity, the historic mine, after the April 17 multinational, listed on the stock exchanges in London and Toronto, carry out the first controlled blast. Two months later came the capital injection required for starting the activity by giving shareholders Emed green light to a capital increase of 87 million euros to finance the reopening of the deposit.Trafigura Beeher (matrix Mina de Aguas Dyed and one of the world's largest trade groups in the raw materials), the Chinese metallurgical holding Yanggu Xiangguang Copper (XGC) and the private equity fund based in New York Orion Mine Finance acquired 42 million euros in new shares of the company and the value of traded 27 million loan signed in December last year in favor of Emed Mining for new securities.The pact between partners of reference also included the entrance of a room, L

CRX Carefully Does It 04 Oct 2015

Re: Buy it will get the rating it deserves but who knows precisely when?in the meantime it increases its real value and the catch-up of value in the market place can be all the more dramatic when it happens.for years things can remain largely the same then suddenly change over a few weeks.i think this is becoming a coiled set of results will see increased depreciation but underneath a strengthening doubt various commentators won't understand or bother to investigate properly but reel out some catchy headline that doesn't tell the story.

TPL 3Dimensional 03 Oct 2015

Its nice to be wanted at last obviously any man and his dog know that TPLs assets are World class and todays SP will look laughable in a years time, if we do not receive a further bid (which I believe we will) I may even run my shares as with Olisol with us Tethys can crack on and generate great value for us with their enormous gas find.Will teach Nostrum a lesson, if they hadn't gone back on their original offer of 22c CDN, they may have won us over, but now they need to dig deeper to get my shares Let the bidding war commence and may the fairest man win 3D

TPL 3Dimensional 03 Oct 2015

Thank you Olisol 8p is better than 7p 16c CDN = 8p approx. and the Offer is not subject to either a financing condition or a due diligence condition. Further, the Transaction will afford existing shareholders of Tethys the opportunity to sell a portion of the Shares they currently hold at CDN $0.16 per Share, as well as the ability to invest in Tethys on the same terms as Olisol. "We are excited by the prospect of investing in Tethys," said Alexander Skripka, a director of Olisol. "Our proposal provides additional equity to Tethys on attractive terms. It also allows shareholders to participate, either by investing alongside us or by effecting a partial exit.Much much fairer deal than that of Nostrums, who wanted way too much for their pathetic 69 for 1 share deal of Nostrum shares with a garage full of conditions attached.Strange movement of Nostrum shares on Friday, probably the house brokers trying to convince us that because Nostrum shares are higher than the proposed 500p share swap the Nostrum deal is better, don't think so as by the time any deal with them was done Nostrum would have been trading at 450p !!!I knew there was a white knight out there somewhere All we need now is another of the interested parties to trump this latest one and its a bidding war!!!!!!!!!!3D

DOR SecModEd 03 Oct 2015

Not happy? Action group forming on LSE.[link]

TMZ Mr Google 03 Oct 2015

Re: Interims We are a fickle bunch us Brits. We invest in a business that has great potential, yet we pull out at the slightest sign of trouble. If this was an American business the market cap of a business such as TMZ would have been much higher simply because of its future earnings in high growth areas. 5 years ago prospects for DAB and wireless audio devices would have seem very small, but look where they are now. The same will happen with Sensium. It has only just been about 1 year since they have started to commercialise it. In hindsight they should have had the right level of funding that took a longterm view of how long this technology would have taken for commercial adoption.I would urge the BoD to take a longterm view when it comes to dealing with SensiumVitals as I see potential, but it requires the right level of investment, patience and persistence.

CAMK arborman 03 Oct 2015

Re: OG the liar LG, don't engage OG, L has alphabetical supiorority(?) over O

LAD bismark4 03 Oct 2015

Re: Consolidation 98 ha ha. big drop from 121.was I right or was I right lolroll on 60-70 my prediction close enough but 5 months usual good read puni...

CRX up protherics 03 Oct 2015

Re: Buy Personally have stuck with this for a number of years now .. Its a bit frustrating that the company is not getting more coverage.. For the short term I would be happy if the share price year on reflects the 20% growth rate which wouldn't be a bad return with the potential of the stock flying once the notes ex

FIF Eurospy 03 Oct 2015

Good way to buy Finsbury!!! Looking at London Finance & Invest (LFI). Current market cap only around 11million, but hold 10 million shares in Finsbury. Market price around 36/37p, net asset value in June was just over 50p and with increase in Finsbury since then I would estimate net asset value at nearer 55p. Yield around 2.7%. Just seems large discount to NAV and maybe a cheaper way to buy Finsbury as long as you rate the other investments within LFI.

INL BigBundle 03 Oct 2015

Puzzled Can someone expalin to me what effect the 1,028,400 new zero dividend preference shares of 10 pence each ("ZDP Shares" at a price of 131 pence each, have on my share holding. Is it a savvy way of raising cash or is there something more sinister in the wind?