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TPL 3Dimensional 04 Oct 2015

Message for Nostrum Personnel stick your insultive, opportunistic and pitiful offer, along with your derogatory demands where the sun don't shine, because of your greed, you have just lost the chance to gain an asset far greater than yours.Never mind eh, you can always come back next year and offer us 150p..........on our terms!!3D

ZOX Cadenza 04 Oct 2015

2 directors salaries equivalent to 4% of mkt cap or put it another way these 2 salaries equal 4% of current market capitalisation.

MBH smilingmickey1 04 Oct 2015

Possible Ibstock flotation If you search on google there are lots of Articles re the above, accompanied by some comment re the UK brick market issued by Bain, the Private equity Company that bought the Company from CRH in December. Ibstock is the UK's largest brick producer and was previously quoted on the LSE before being bought by CRH. Quotes in the press include the expected continuing shortage of UK brick supply and growing imports from Europe, prices still hardening, no recent "significant" investment (other than Ibstock) in expanding UK production. Michelmersh's modest expenditure presumably viewed as being no worth mentioning!Obviously Bain is trying to secure the maximum price it's shares, but the info being put out currently should do no harm for Michelmersh's share price. If the info being put out is actually true, the share price may deserve to be higher on a fundamental view. If Ibsock is successfully quoted it's PE may affect that of MBH.

OPAY Ripley94 04 Oct 2015

Re: Jim Slater aboard ***

JSI Badders21 04 Oct 2015

Re: W T F?!?!?!? As I said in my first post, I have made the investment or bet, if you prefer to call it that, with my eyes wide open. In my opinion the risk/reward ratio is very attractive. You may be right but I prefer not to tar every company with the same brush. When I have lost money I have never "bleated" about it - it goes with the territory but when I make money and one Chinese stock (my best ever investment) made me 27x what I put into it - I don't boast about it either. On balance I am way ahead with this type of investment although the bulk of my assets are conservatively invested.I took a brief look at some of your other posts and can see that you do like to spread doom and despondency. I do hope you cheer up soon! It will be interesting to see who turns out to be right on this one.Good luck.

TPL 3Dimensional 04 Oct 2015

Re: takeover offer you can do either manx, I am expecting either another bidder to emerge a tail between the legs higher bid from Nostrum, Nostrum want us badly im told.Good luck, fwiw, if Oliso win then I intend to run my shares as this time next year I expect them to at least 15 bag from current level.3D

EMED Small Holding 04 Oct 2015

Chinese copper inventories I have posted before about Chinese copper inventories and the fact that the Chinese have bonded copper supplies held in free-trade zones that are outside the official copper inventories released by the Shanghai Futures Exchange. These are in effect warehouses of copper that can be used for insurance, to be used in the event of unexpected shortage or if the price difference makes the sale of these reserves more attractive. As a result, these stocks held outside the official copper inventory make the released official figures inaccurate and possibly misleading.Much has been made of the Chinese figures released for August 2015 showing imports of refined copper to be flat. The copper price has fallen and we are all aware of the effect this price fall has had on companies such as Glencore. At the same time Bloomberg reported that stock levels in the bonded copper warehouses have dropped in August to their lowest level in two years. The reason why the bonded copper has dropped is because of the discrepancy between the price of copper on the London Metal Exchange and the price of copper on the Shanghai Futures Exchange. This discrepancy means that traders can get more money for copper on the Shanghai Exchange and for this reason they have taken copper out of their bonded stocks and sold it. The result being less copper had to be imported.I am not saying that there isn’t a slowdown in China but these distorted figures can make the situation look far worse than it actually is.Around the 13th October China will release figures for September giving the refined copper import figures for the month. As stocks in the bonded copper warehouses fall, it will be interesting to see if China’s imports of refined copper increase.Even if the Chinese choose to continue to draw on their deposits of copper in the bonded warehouses this can only be a temporary measure and ultimately they will have to replenish their stocks or rely solely on recorded imports. Either way it would have a positive effect on the copper price.If I am wrong the bonded copper stocks may remain broadly the same but, due to lack of domestic demand, the imported refined copper figure will remain flat or even fall, time will tell.DYOR, AIMHO

RRL Horsham45 04 Oct 2015

Would also add I don't put my hard earned in to anything I havn't researched and don't get why some posters bash down a company they claim to have not invested in!

RRL Horsham45 04 Oct 2015

As a result of the new store that is and not traffic jams!

RRL Horsham45 04 Oct 2015

Been in Range since 2012 and watched the ups and downs with hope and despair in equal measure. Not selling anytime soon as I believe this is a company that will succeed long term. Up for a Dorking drink as I am just down the road in Horsham. BTW the new John Lewis has made the traffic situation in town difficult but I understand property prices increased as a result, so happy days.

TPL manxgold 04 Oct 2015

takeover offer if this offer is accepted by the present board do I have to sell my shares at the price offered or can I keep them in the newco?

TPL 3Dimensional 04 Oct 2015

Free transport coming In addition to its interests in the Aral Oil Terminal, Olisol also owns the railway company responsible for the transportation of crude oil from the Aral Oil Terminal to refineries located in Shalkar, Kazakhstan. As such, Olisol is very familiar with Tethys and its assets and the environment in which it operates.The Olisol deal seems like a good match for Tethys, infrastructure is key to shipping any commodity around and the fact that Olisol own the railway company is a huge bonus for us. It would be even sweeter if Olisol put Nostrums transport costs up by 16c a barrel I think Tethys have played a good game of poker here and just when everyone thought Nostrum had the winning hand, out came the Royal flush.Interesting few days ahead and hopefully the spreadbet companies and MM keep the price where it is so I can get a skip full more in the morning Time to get the calculator out again Nostrum or do one, either way youse is a gonna have egg on yer face, choice is yours I am hoping that a cash offer of say 12p does not appear, as the current proposal from Olisol is the only way that current shareholders will ever see true value from their previous purchases.The one good thing that I believe, is that by Tethys working alongside Olisol, we will once again reach if not exceed the previous highs of 2011.Good luck yall!3D

OPAY jonnydurex 04 Oct 2015

Jim Slater aboard Nice to see a write up in the Daily Telegraph Oct 3rd by JS recommending Opay having bought a few himself. The pros and cons are analysed and he recommends no more than 5% of your portfolio as there is always a risk. The other two shares discussed were Bovis and ITV the latter still being a buy. gla jd

CAMK LoadsaDosh2 04 Oct 2015

Re: OG the liar If you ask me there's not much to choose between them; they both have undesirable character traits.

BPTY Gotnorolex 04 Oct 2015

One Giant Leap for PartyPoker? One Small Step for PokerStars, and One Giant Leap for Online Poker![link]