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FJET NoN1 05 Oct 2015

Can someone post the LF and pax number please?

SEV on greenhill 05 Oct 2015

Phillip Reid I am glad that you are in SEV. Sept RNSs did not give sp a chance to up, so I guess the goods news would delay, how much? 1 months, 3 or 6 months? Not sure but sp reached bottom.I am in EDL, Edenville, its reached bottom and a bit up. The fundamental is EDL would get a licence of mining in 1 or 2 months. The China SEPCO, Tanzania Gov are all involved. There is money from $4bn Obama Powering Electricity fund. If you are interested, just read the last 3 RNS of EDL as start.I am in REM as well, hard to say, long term is good, short term is "dramatic", could up or could down.My long is REM, REM is a supplyer for Tesla, but REM is hard to say it would be dramatic up in short term, but you never know. My short term is EDL and SEV.

ENRT Thomas Tallis 05 Oct 2015

Directors leaving versus company statements We are informed -"Lee Clayton - Managing Director comments:"Environmental Recycling Technologies PLC is now benefiting from its strategic partnerships, which have resulted in the securing of key licence agreements. With our commercial partners in place we can focus on expanding the market for our Powder Impression moulding (PIM) process for converting mixed waste plastics into commercially viable products." "My analysis - "now benefiting" - sounds positive but the overall message is, to me, a vaguely optimistic but non-committal, non-specific bit of [word deleted in case it upsets the princess].So - vaguely optimistic - but hang on a minute - we have lost John Viviani, Roger Baynham, Jeremy Allen, John Mayfield, Matt Cooper and Ash Patel.If good things are about to happen, why would the directors jump ship now?As for the board - "Chairman Ken Brooks said: " As we form new strategic alliances for the Company we have evolved to a board structure which is more appropriate for the business." So we now have "a board structure which is more appropriate" - well what did we have previously?Apart from Roger Baynham, the departing directors were recent appointments and, at the time of their appointments, we were told that they strengthened the board. E.g. "The appointment of Jeremy and Divyash marks a significant strengthening of our ranks" and "I am delighted with the appointment of Matt Cooper, which further strengthens our management team".If this new board is "more appropriate for the business", why were those others brought in? What has changed? I want to know.Back to Lee Clayton's statement - "benefiting from its strategic partnerships, which have resulted in the securing of key licence agreements" - if the key licence agreements were the result of the strategic partnerships, does that mean that they were not the result of the trade shows Expos recycling exhibitions - and so, were they a waste of time and money. I don't understand. Possibly the trade shows Expos recycling exhibitions drew ERT to the attention of the commercial partners and things went on from there - but we had people on the board who had connections in the world of plastic - Roger Baynham was - please correct me if I am wrong - president of the British Confederation of Plastic ? or some similarly titled body, and the cheerleaders on here have told us that Lee Clayton is a big player in the industry with a good network of connections. Shouldn't they have been instrumental in forming the commercial partnerships?Mr Clayton used the word "focus" - in the absence of a statement of a clear and defined strategy, with some specifics included, and I can't help getting the impression that it is more a case of stumbling along and hoping to trip over the pot of gold. I hope the AGM proves me wrong for having that impression and we get a thorough explanation of events that have happened and of specific future action.Please note - this is just me rabbiting on on about things that I wonder about, questions that occur to me, airing my bewilderment and is nothing more than waffle and chit chat. Sources of information -[link] site for the RNS -[link]

MXP icharus 05 Oct 2015

R.I.P. MXP Well I certainly caught a cold on this one. Not much more to say but goodbye!

XCH TRINDERM 05 Oct 2015

Re: Xchanging fundmentals report Or a very bad call if someone offers £1.60 a share!

CRE gretel 05 Oct 2015

Excellent new contract win Logitech hires Creston agencies Fever Unlimited and Things Unlimited to six-figure UK briefOctober 02, 2015 [link] PC and tablet accessories provider Logitech has appointed Creston agencies Fever Unlimited and Things Unlimited to a UK PR and social brief believed to be worth six figures, PRWeek has learned.The agencies replace Brands2Life, which continues to handle Logitech’s B2B comms. It follows a competitive pitch for the retained brief that included the incumbent agency.Logitech was founded in Switzerland in 1981 and operates in 100 countries. It is listed on the Six Swiss Exchange and the Nasdaq Global Select Market and has a market cap of $2.27bn (£1.5bn).Logitech also owns speaker brand Ultimate Ears.The company confirmed the appointment of Fever Unlimited and Things Unlimited but declined to comment, as did the agencies.Brands2Life co-founder Sarah Scales told PRWeek: "We worked with Logitech for more than ten years and we participated in the tender process in July. We are very proud of our work and we wish Logitech all the best with their new partner. We still look after Logitech B2B."

EMED phil and leggett 05 Oct 2015

Re: Atalaya Mining plc ACE...The smiley is not so sure of the "trust in the ace either" one Ace up Alberto's sleeve is that he has restarted an exsisting plant with minimal hicups, name change, consolidations, drill results & BOOM a copper production par excellance, ahead of schedule & he's a hero....Could happen...Phil...

WTM dazedandconfused 05 Oct 2015

Re: at 72p looking forward to results Results look good, and the Divi doubling should ramp the shares up in the next month - seems i might have jumped too early! Mind you, the continuing 10% loss at Civils & Transportation business in UK, on £11m turnover with legacy issues, doesn't look too smart. This good news all pre-assumes that UK market continues to motor ahead, as it now represents 89% of their business. They will be paying higher wages for all those new city centre recruits (and offices); the professional labour market is very tight at present.

KENV The Basher 05 Oct 2015

Triangle breakout imminent Over the last few weeks a strong triangle has formed, with a significant move either way expected soon. Based on the prior rise, IMO that breakout will be to the upside with 12p as a near term target.

AML aspace 05 Oct 2015

Re: More consolidation - sold out Reluctantly I have sold out 100% of my Amlin shares on the grounds that the price is unlikely to go up, and there is always a small chance the Mitsui deal could collapse for a variety of reasons. As I said in my previous email, I believe the price has been set at a level which dissuades rival offers, hence my pessimism about Mitsui being trumped by another reinsurer. Potential buyer Berkshire Hathaway, for instance, have a policy of not getting involved in bidding wars. So I have now triggered a personal tax problem, but that was inevitable anyhow. At least the problem originates with having made a great gain on my number two holding. Besides locking in the gain, what I also like about selling out is that in the unlikely case that the Mitsui deal does fall through, I may have an opportunity to buy back in at a lower price.

GLIF badnews 05 Oct 2015

Re: Fair value 80p The guy at Investors Chronicle is doing the same thing as the GLI board - fabricating value. Believe me, as a shareholder I don't wish to be a cynic, but until I see less talk and some actual results worth getting excited about, I'm going to keep making posts based on reality.

RRL overredrover 05 Oct 2015

Lewis. No. We actually put our clocks FORWARD an hour.

ULT wulwirth 05 Oct 2015

Re: Australia Ministry of Health....On the 10 June 2014, Ultrasis Plc UK and Medtech entered into a perpetual licence agreement for Beating The Blues. Under this perpetual licence agreement, Medtech Limited acquired all rights to Beating The Blues program for New Zealand and Australian markets.Should Ultrasis cease trading, there is no impact on our users, Medtech will continue using the program. The current version of BtB is fully hosted locally. Another secret JS held back?

LXB coldascheese 04 Oct 2015

now cinema @Rushden lakes [link]

ZOX HPC Follower 04 Oct 2015

Re: directors salaries way too high @ $400k ... I agree their salaries are very high but, without their money, management and expertise, ZOX would have no future...What we do need are medium/long term incentives for the SP to increase substantially and for the payments of dividends when profits allow.