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ENRT Thomas Tallis 05 Oct 2015

Re: Directors leaving versus company statements Regarding what I wrote about strategic partnerships and "Roger Baynham ... Lee Clayton ... Shouldn't they have been instrumental in forming the commercial partnerships?"In airing my bewilderment, I think my thought processes on that point got a bit muddled. I can see the possibility likelihood that Roger Baynham and Lee Clayton were instrumental in forming those partnerships. My thoughts had gone round and round and had become tangled and confused..However, I am still concerned about chopping and changing of the board and the absence of a statement of a clear and defined strategy, with some specifics included.I would still like to get more information on why the directors left and like to know what the plans are with specifics refarding future action.Please note - this is just me rabbiting on on about things that I wonder about, questions that occur to me, airing my bewilderment and is nothing more than waffle and chit chat.

GLIF Krayl 05 Oct 2015

Re: Fair value 80p This downward trend has to be reversed quickly or I am selling

MIRA psmith64 05 Oct 2015

Re: Update It has certainly been a rollercoaster and as I have always said in previous buy recs this is still a gamble and not one to invest in for the short term.It does look extremely cheap when you have been following the progress over the last few years. We know from the previous award of the Tier One contract that they fought of competition from Cisco which was some achievement.As was the case before prior to award of this contract there were delays out of Mirada's control and we are seeing the same today.Going to take a few more today at these current prices from recent profits taken elsewhere as the gambler in me says you could be looking at 100% upside now in the next 12 months.

ENRT Ewan Hoosami 05 Oct 2015

Re: 13 Million traded last Friday? Lse shows 2.8m plus the 10.3m you were banging on about last Friday."10,356,316 - it is clear to me what goes on."Maybe not so clear after all.

NBI the real stan 05 Oct 2015

Covenant breach NBI got the banks to agree not to test covenants at the end of September but "will need to reset certain covenants due to be tested on 31st December".So basically the debt facility is in trouble…..

PGD JohnSalvage 05 Oct 2015

Elections Long awaited elections on the 25th of this Month.

TMMG thirty fifty twenty 05 Oct 2015

at 46p - positive trading patterns TMMG share price seems to have cleared a few sellers and is now showing a little underlying strength...I've a feeling we will see 50p+ before too long......Interesting article in ic this week re sports marketing.TMMG have a new agency which I think has gone unnoticed by the market.For an 'investment of a few hundred thousand probably already absorbed into company forecasts for the year, the new business has been launched into a strongly growing market with some predicted clients wins and a possibility to get some of the churn comes with the acquisition of Chime by WPP. As well as the fact that this sports marketing could easily add 500k to profits within 3 years, I think it shows the entrepreneurial nature of management.Which is time will continue to erode the discount it currently has to its peers.All IMHO, DYOR + BoLTMMG is in my top5 hldgs

ETO gretel 05 Oct 2015

Singer say Sell with 205p target 1032 GMT N+1 Singer cuts its target on Entertainment One Ltd to 205p from 265p after the movie and TV rights and distribution group increases its exposure to Peppa Pig by buying 70% of the cartoon character's creator. The acquisition makes sense, but it's difficult to see what Entertainment One can do next given the high prices movie and TV assets are commanding at the moment, says N+1. "We see little point in holding until a stronger picture emerges," says N+1, which keeps its sell rating on the stock. Shares up 0.9% at 226p.

VLE thirty fifty twenty 05 Oct 2015

VLE at 415p read across from WTM WTM had great results this morning confirming growth in the infrastructure sector for a few years yet.WTM is valued at c.30% of revenue but seems undervaluedJMP has revenue of c.£15m so 100% valued at 4.5m and VLE 80% stake at 3.5m,it was bgt for c1.2m, has repaid this amount through dividends and is valued at NAV of c.1.2m.This investment adj alone adds 50p to VLE NAV (to 480p)in addition to the fact that it confirms mgt ability to find and improve turnaround situations.Hmm I wonder if WTM might be interested in a bolt on acquisition with their CASH.All IMHO, DYOR + BoLVLE is in my portfolio

WTM thirty fifty twenty 05 Oct 2015

at 78p great results + outlook A great set of results.....turnover up 25% ORGANICALLY and confident of future pipeline.investing based on orders (staff costs absorbed now prior to sales benefit).specifically operating margins to more or less double from current 3.3% towards 6% by June 19.Loss making division is now operating at break even on a monthly basis.CASH up to 4m after 0.5m minority i think mgt see getting to 6% is detailed at the bottom.what is notable about these figures is that:1 - it doesn't actually require margin growth on current business2 - there will be an increase next year as sales covered new recruited staff3 - C&T breaks down to accounting losses to be booked and current b/even trading4 - turnover will grow. we know that infrastructure spending is on a 5 year secure growth path5 - CASH flow is v.strongValuations.....working with the mgt figures to June 19 the company could be valued at 225p (pre acquisitions)I prefer looking at most 2 years out: EBITDA of 6m, PBT of 5.2m, EPS (fully diluted 12p),CASH 6m = 20p a shareI think these figures are reasonably certain,what is not known is the future beyond that an how the market will value those profits.for me, a worst case scenario is P/E ex CASH of 6t = 92p,a realistic price would be P/E ex CASH of 8t = 115pand possible to envisage P/E ex CASH of 12t = 160pAll of this supported by a great chart pattern,with the share breaking into 6 years highs on good volume,and 'confirmed' by relative outperformance of the broader market over 1,3 and 5 yearsAll IMHO, DYOR + BoLWTM is in my top5 hldgs========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== =======to June 15current ongoing businesses = 4.8%loss making c&t = (1.5%)net = 3.3%CASH = 4mto June 16current ongoing businesses = 5.2%loss making c&t = (0.6%)net = 4.6% [this works out at PBT of 3.8m as mgt say above fcst of 3.3m]CASH = 5mto June 17current ongoing businesses = 5.2%loss making c&t = 0.0% (b/even)net = 5.2% [t/o will grow from current 84m to 94m to 100m]thus PBT = 5.2m, EPS = 12p (fully diluted basis)CASH = 6mto June 18current ongoing businesses = 5.2%loss making c&t = 0.4%net = 5.6%CASH = 7mto June 19current ongoing businesses = 5.2%loss making c&t = 0.6%net = 5.8% [t/o at this stage could be 110m +]thus gives PBT of 6.2m, EPS of 14p (fully diluted) and CASH 25p a share!!yes it is 4 years out but valuation could be (10 years post credit crunch) = 225p!!

MIRA JohnyCash 05 Oct 2015

Re: Update 6p to buy nowOh dear...........JC

IGAS Barrington58 05 Oct 2015

I was agreeing with you until your last sentence Dragon lol

NASA ghostriderinthesky 05 Oct 2015

RNS sensible acquisition today

XCH Boring Bernie 05 Oct 2015

Re: Xchanging fundmentals report I wish I'd topped back up now ! Still got a few though.170p isn't far off the highs the sp got to back in 2014 before the recent problems so is probably a reasonably fair offer in the short term. Whether or not it fully values the company over the medium to long term is harder to say

NET lotuslad 05 Oct 2015

Re: sellout I have a Netcall PLC share certificate dated February 1999, anyone know if this is still valid?