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ULT wanting_to_know 05 Oct 2015

Re: Australia "... Another secret JS held back? "~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~How much did ULT S/Hs receive for this deal ?How many days of JS's salary would this pay for ?Talk about "SELLING OFF THE FAMILY SILVER" !

ALY EnuffSaid 05 Oct 2015

Re: Me thinks this is a buy "Sommat new". Really?. Sommat?

OPAY jonnydurex 05 Oct 2015

Re: Jim Slater aboard Maybe better today than a 3* response?Just wait till it converts to the Main Market- still time to get in- no rush. dyor gla jd

FOGL Originofquake1 05 Oct 2015

"God take care of the men that go down to the sea."

MIRA spike501 05 Oct 2015

Re: Update Interesting that Tom Winnifrith today has given a bearcast and has given an update on Mirada.Just for those of you who don't know what a Tom Winnifrith bearcast is - its basically a Tom Winnifrith recording where he slates mainly AIM companies for poor behaviour, ramping before placings, making heavily discounted placings etc..As you can imagine I was rather apprehensive seeing that Mirada was being discussed.Update was that Tom Winnifrith spoke to the CEO on Friday and the CEO is adament that Mirada do not need to issue shares as they have enough cash to see through until the contract is launched. Tom Winnifrith trusts him (and also Matt Earl who is a non exec) and therefore has this as a speculative buy.I'd really like to hear the company say this themselves but it certainly makes me feel slightly more relaxed.

FOGL Originofquake1 05 Oct 2015

Now you know the rest of the story. A Paul Harvey famous line.

FOGL Originofquake1 05 Oct 2015

3 years older then Albert Einstein, he knew physics, math, I know falkland oil geology, after 44 years research and 4 books on earth science. Humpy has 1 billion barrels of oil, gas and condensate, the same mix as sea lion and zee. The pressure of Darwin , and it's gas and condensate prove the excessive pressure " close" to the rising north wall of the Scotia sea structure. Good commercial quality ,no poisoned hydrogen sulfide, like Kurdistan, where 50 billion was wasted on crummy oil.wasted by the stu--- big oil, as trump would say "a mess". I expect to gain 4 times my cost and bail switching to the amazing Breitburn Bbep royalty horizontal drilling in the Permian, it's not fracking, but using the technology to run 7,500 foot laterals in oil sands at many levels of the inland sea that existed. No h2so4 bul---- pure sweet oil. Our US Permian is a national treasure. The US should nationalize the Permian before the OPEC buys it for pennies on the dollar. It pays a 25% Dividend!

BVXP MrMeerkat 05 Oct 2015

Great Results Today's final results look very positive - what a great shape for a business!The only thing concerning me is why Debtors appear so large on the Balance Sheet - c176 debtor days if I do my sums right. Any thoughts?MM

IGAS eltelex 05 Oct 2015

private owner Ratcliffe bought gas assets Ratcliffe is certainly a growing influence in the UK energy scene and he has a hbit of getting his way - drilling is underway. Ineos has invested £168m in UK shale gas exploration through a deal with IGas Energy that will see the companies drill up to 11 wells in the North West and frack six of them. The petrochemicals giant said it would pay an initial £30m for stakes of 50pc-60pc in seven exploration blocks in the Bowland basin in Cheshire and north Wales, as well as an option of a stake in two East Midlands blocks and buying IGas out of one block in Scotland. Ineos has also committed to pay up to £138m to fund exploration in the Bowland licences, where IGas has already drilled three wells. The proposed work involves drilling six vertical wells, one of which would be fracked, and five horizontal wells, all of which would be fracked.

JSI Orchard Gate 05 Oct 2015

Re: W T F?!?!?!? If spotting that some stocks are dogs and about to collapse (for example, Polo, AO World or Monitise) and saying so here or even realising that they are out-and-out scams (like Naibu or CamKids) is "spreading gloom and despondency" then I'm guilty.What would you prefer, that I sing a song and tell people they should pile in and buy more and double up, knowing they're likely to lose the lot? I don't think so.I made bearish comments about 7 shares last year and every single one of them is down, two by 100% and by 65% on average.You might think that's gloomy - I think it's called getting it right. Share are about making money and avoiding losses, not acting as cheerleaders for the incompetent, the liars and the crooks.

CAMK Orchard Gate 05 Oct 2015

Re: OG the liar Except one can spot scam when it is staring him in the face while some deluded fools claim it is impossible for any company to be involved in fraud because they all have audited accounts and other fantasist claims (after the event) to have bought and sold at a profit even when the share was straight line down.

MMO bobbling 05 Oct 2015

Standard issues ramping leading to no news again

TNI II Editor 05 Oct 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Trinity Mirror shares "very cheap" "Although the newspaper industry remains under threat, a trend of falling sales slowed at LSE:TNI:Trinity Mirror in the third quarter, with more attention focused on its digital business. It's been a volatile year for the Daily Mirror owner, but ..."[link]

NANO Kuss 05 Oct 2015

Pretty appalling that the EU Commission can just delay all action post expiry of the exemption in breach of the RoHS directive and contrary to the vast majority of the EU Parliament. Fortunately the petition is going back to the Parliament ... !

PPG HamptonCaught 05 Oct 2015

I'm viewing this as the new Alkane Energy (ALK) which I'm convinced would have been a great long term bet had Balfour Beatty not come along. Anyway, I'm now into PPG at £1.60p and look forward to a pleasant ride! Admire those of you that saw the potential much earlier.