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SEV Phillip Reid 05 Oct 2015

Re: Phillip Reid Hi on greenhill (Fa)Thanks for the tip(s). Good to have some reassurance about SEV, as I am also down quite a bit. I do believe in them long term though.Hope you are well. Don't you miss China? I will be returning there towards the end of this month.I am concentrating more on higher yielding ftse stocks nowadays, so it's good to see todays rises especially on TDSB, BG etc.I will have a closer look at these that you mention, but I think I was EDL a few years ago - in and out with a quick profit.BTW. I agree with all your comments about global situations. The West has made a mess in the M/E, now pigeons (immigrants) are coming home to roost.ATB

BIOM pond1 05 Oct 2015

Biome best day for weeks. Fantastic day for Biome, all todays trades are buys (sarcasm sometimes beats humour).A single trade that cost less than what's in the companies tea fund, and that not counting the biscuits!

MXP 37Bodie 05 Oct 2015

Re: RNS Tomorrow HMRC Help Sheet 286 - Negligable Value Claims. Try this link.[link]

ORE eltelex 05 Oct 2015

The BOD need to do something Been an investor for years - would be a shame to see this die.Hopefully the BOD have a plan to kick start the SP without dilution to get this moving upwards.

HFEL PJ Foster 05 Oct 2015

Trans-Pacific free trade deal agreed Any views on how the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) will impact HFEL? Both Australia and Singapore are part of the TPP and represent ~25% of HFEL equities. I assume this is good for those shares.However - will there be any negative impact on the countries not part of the agreement? Those equities currently make up the majority of HFEL's portfolio.Thoughts anyone?Cheers,

AFRI akaDolly 05 Oct 2015

What if Those companies that needed a bit of transport, like the ADSS and the Vintegrated company AFPO, were to look at AfriAG as being their preferred distributor of goodsHow many pallets of potash do you reckon they could carry, Kenny100 AFPO are advertising themselves as vertically integrated but they don't appear to have any means of transport reported yetJust saying

CAMK lambrini girl 05 Oct 2015

Re: OG the liar If you ask me there's not much to choose between them; they both have undesirable character traits.<<<wots that NODosh2.. like we DONT lose money...OG NEVER plays..I make sure I have a lot more winners than losers..

ENEG LUCKY147 05 Oct 2015

Re: Do Yourselves A Favour MDPlease post a few more Sells, as it seems to have a positive effect on the share price.

GLIF Dingledangle 05 Oct 2015

Re: Fair value 80p I have trimmed my holding and accept a less risky 7% elsewhere rather than 10% here. The numbers look good from the interims but not reflected in sp.

OPAY Yertiz 05 Oct 2015

Re: Jim Slater aboard I thought the *** response was an expletive? - Sstill trying to work it out!!

CHL keepcalm 05 Oct 2015

mikemike, thank you for highlighting the real position !

CAMK lambrini girl 05 Oct 2015

Re: OG the liar so a scam was staring u in the what exactly..apart from falling shareprice?does that mean ALL supermarkets..oilies..miners..etc are all scams???

OPG oldernowiser 05 Oct 2015

Running a bit late It sounds as though the 300 MW is going to be between 6 and 9 months late compared to the original plan. This means that EPS this year will probably not be much better than last with the big increase delayed until next year. Hence I think the rather muted reaction in the sp.

ADSS alltold9 05 Oct 2015

WOW!!!!! Now that is what you call a positive RNS and not the usual 'we know of no reason etc' 5p+ here we come?

CPX alltold9 05 Oct 2015

Re: CPX on Directors talk Lull before the storm, fingers crossed for a massive order RNS!