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ULT woodscrew 05 Oct 2015

Re: Australia Nothing. All holding at time of going bust just got stuffed.

CAMK LoadsaDosh2 05 Oct 2015

Re: OG the liar Oh dear do I really have to spell it out?OG likes to haunt boards of falling shares rubbing salt into the wounds of losing investorsLG boasts continually, apart from not being able to string a coherent sentence together.

ORE the old trout 05 Oct 2015

Re: The BOD need to do something FWIW I have recently taken a position here following Colin Bird's appointment as CEO. Colin is a deal maker and with the skin in the game that he and other Directors now have here I think we can be confident that Ore's fortunes will improve. In fact I wouldn't mind betting that he already has a deal or two up his sleeve to bring to the table, hence the buy recommendation.T

LEG BOWOOD 05 Oct 2015

Re: VS Value Cannot understand the poor reaction to the news. Screwed investor buys in at a value for LEG of £4m plus valuation and will look to substantially improve on this on floatation or sale. Top draw CEOS in place as well. What have I missed?

ETO sage in the hills 05 Oct 2015

So, whats the deal ? ... how much do we have to pay in for the Rights Issue ?SAGE

ENEG doginafog 05 Oct 2015

Re: Do Yourselves A Favour MD why do you want us to sell at the bottom. We may just as well hold as sell out for a cup of tea. LOL

JSI Orchard Gate 05 Oct 2015

Re: W T F?!?!?!? "There are no facts that I am aware of that Jiasen is a fraud"Well, they tend not to put out statements confirming they are engaged in fraud so you have to look for those little signs. For example, why does the company have substantial borrowings when it claims to have a £40m cash pile? Why has in slashed the dividend and said it might cancel it altogether if it has so much cash (and in contravention of the dividend policy promised when it listed on AiM)?Are you unconcerned by the fact that the new CFO is from the audit firm which signed off the accounts of a number of other Chinese frauds such as Naibu?Why did the CFO and Jeff Teo, the NED who was also responsible for bringing the company to market resign?The company says it needs to move to a larger factory and this is where the cash will be spent because it has run out of capacity at its existing factory. But a well informed person who visited the factory said "To say that the business needs to move because it’s limited by production capacity (in terms of space) at the current factory is simply not borne out by the evidence" and estimated that only 5% to 25% of existing capacity is in use. So why the need to make the cash pile 'disappear' as CamKids did recently? Errr ... could it be there is no cash?You're happy that the board is controlled by 3 brothers, who are relations of the controlling shareholder?Why is the share register not available?Who owns the plant and machinery employed at the factory? the listing particulars don't say. Does the company own the land on which it operates? Again, unclear from public documents, so probably not.Should I continue?As a general question, how much do you know about business in China and how things work there? Do you really understand the risks? I somehow doubt it.

FAST naeemsmiley 05 Oct 2015

Good day today

ESTL Sprocket60 05 Oct 2015

Re: relist Anybody seen any further news since the meeting on 1/10/2015 when all resolutions were voted for ?I am beginning to think that these Kalina plants never existed & that it`s all been a massive con trick. The new website gives nothing to say at all regarding any re-listing. Where is John Byrne ???? there a John Byrne ????? Off to watch a film now called " Dirty rotten Scoundrels" a film i can relate too for some reason !

CLIG Solis 05 Oct 2015

Re: Found this good report on CLIG and another Hardman & Co report. [link]

MIRA MR NIEVE 05 Oct 2015

Re: Update You might as well believe Mickey Mouse as TW

ZOX HPC Follower 05 Oct 2015

Re: directors salaries way too high @ $4... I agree with what you say, especially about the salary cuts (not just deferment or shares instead) until the company can afford to pay such salaries.Doubt we will hear much more now until December... when I hope the throughput/recovery targets are finally being met with an improved price of zinc.If metal/ore prices don't improve there will be a big shortage or some resources in the future... and most really need the price of oil to improve as well.

NANO Kuss 05 Oct 2015

Yes, it's true vested interests here. The commission chose to ignore the last report. Fortunately, they didn't get the extension in regards to LED lighting, which remain cad free. Nanoco's petition could make things difficult for the Commission. Maybe this will be referred to the EU court for a decision. The EU environmental lobby is also quite powerful. They won't be happy with cadmium coming back to displays...

UTG Maddoxx 05 Oct 2015

The stars are aligned for Unite Despite the share price volatility we're experiencing Unite is progressing extremely well as confirmed by their fund valuations announced today: 'At 30 September 2015, USAF's property portfolio was independently valued at £2,017 million representing a like for like increase of 2.1% during the quarter (11.1% in the nine months to 30 September). The portfolio comprises 26,813 beds in 75 properties across 24 University towns and cities in the UK. LSAV's investment portfolio was independently valued at £720 million, up 2.3% on a like-for-like basis in the quarter (14.8% in the nine months to 30 September). Following the practical completion of the 759 bed Angel Lane development in Stratford in August, LSAV's investment portfolio now comprises 4,636 beds across 12 properties in London and three properties in Edinburgh. The increase in valuations is driven primarily by rental growth and eight basis points of yield compression in both USAF and LSAV on a like-for-like basis in the quarter (54 and 69 basis points respectively in the nine months to September). The overall USAF portfolio is now valued at an average yield of 5.8% and LSAV's portfolio at 5.1%.' ....and the letting demand remains extremely robust: 'The lettings cycle for the 2015/16 academic year is now largely complete. Unite's total portfolio of over 46,000 beds has achieved strong occupancy levels, with 99% of bed spaces let delivering rental growth of 3.8%.' This last piece of news obviously bodes well for the rest of the year. Place this organic growth on top of the further developments and acquisitions and the stars appear to be very much aligned for Unite. Regards, Maddox

MSMN verbits 05 Oct 2015

Dark Destroyer kicking himself now--LOL you know who you are