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MIRA spike501 06 Oct 2015

Re: Update Mr Nieve,In terms of TW all I would say is that I find it useful to take a number of views on board and he certainly has views on things. I'm less interested in his recommendation, rather that he had spoken to the CEO who has insisted that Mirada do not need to issue equity because of the delay. I don't suppose TW is lying about having spoken to the CEO.In regards to your comment about this being similar to Yoomedia and buying contracts cheaply - I hadn't considered it so it made me think, so thanks for that. However I don't believe it to be the case. Televisa have bought a fairly important service from Mirada for their pay TV platform but in terms of their overall CAPEX spending its pretty small - Televisa would not make a decision based solely or even primarily on cost, the quality of the product has to be there as well. Also the main revenue from this contract comes from licence fees and not professional services - so far its been virtually all professional services revenue which does have a positive margin for the work standalone but it is fairly low margin. Once the licence fee revenue kicks in it should be materially profitable.I think its perfectly fair though that the jury remains out on this.

XTR bargainhunt1 06 Oct 2015

when was that tips tv interview recorded ?

EMED investorprotestor 06 Oct 2015

Re: Chinese copper inventories There are a lot of emerging stories in the press about QE4. It seems according to certain CNBC commentators and others that QE4 is imminent. If that is the case then the fundamentals, supply and demand, future growth forecasting, etc, go out of the window as hedge funds will distort the market to the upside. Personally I would just like to get back to normality, however it seems those days are gone. Markets are now thinking 2 or 3 steps ahead in the cycle and placing bets accordingly. If we get QE4 copper will increase in price and most likely surpass its all time highs. Bailouts are here to stay unfortunately for everyone, but good for copper.Market up for wrong reason: Adami[link] Alphaon't Bet On A Rate Hike In December, QE4 More Likely[link]

MMX buzzard stubble 06 Oct 2015

.Law 'New '.law' suffix could set off a domain gold rush'"Legal marketing could see the largest upheaval since the beginning of the dot-com era with the arrival of the new “.law” domain extension.full article :[link]

MMX buzzard stubble 06 Oct 2015

,miami New gTLD .Miami Gets Almost 5,000 Registrations After It’s 1st Day Of Availability[link] 5.8kch

EMED Small Holding 06 Oct 2015

Re: Chinese copper inventories [link] Glasenberg focused on copper — Glencore’s most important mined commodity — arguing that prices did not reflect supply and demand because of “distortions” in the market.”“He said the price of copper, responsible for about a third of Glencore’s earnings, was at odds with low stocks — which Mr Glasenberg put at three weeks of global consumption — and continued demand growth from China.”“We’ve seen massive destocking around the world,” Mr Glasenberg said, arguing that global inventories of the industrial metal were at their “lowest” in years, even as some investors fret about the outlook for the world’s biggest consumer of raw materials.“Right now all commodities are following the same curve, all moving because of China and the market’s negativity on China,” he said. “So no doubt you’re getting a distortion [from funds betting against the copper price].”

LEG Psychoman 06 Oct 2015

Can someone explain Leg's share price to me? It has some fantastic investments, in particular VS, whose potential and value has been externally confirmed (Clients: Tesco, NHS, Maplin, etc. Outside investors: at .,,,,,£25m last April and £58m now, and by Nick Jenkins who has proven himself in the internet world, and would he invest at £58m if that is all he thought it was worth). Climate change is becoming a bigger and bigger issue, and Leg got in early with Bosques and seem to have developed some amazing plants, and Amedeo which while is suffering due to the oil price, is well backed and stands a good chance of coming good. Some of the smaller investments were made when commodities were hot and are now depressed, but might come back and in any case are small in the context of the bigger investments. The directors run the company frugally and take minimal cash comp (unlike many on AIM) with their rewards being tied to the share price. And yet the market cap is c.60% of VS confirmed value - disregard the potential (with the rest of the investments for free)!

APR shakyhands 06 Oct 2015

Re: RNS A takeover of APR at current levels does not make sense.Too much debt.

AXM robjm66 06 Oct 2015

Re: Fund raising falls through[link]

NANO Kuss 05 Oct 2015

The shorting question is the wrong question. At the end of the day, either Nanoco are a success or a failure. The shorting camp know, no better than the longs. It's all a game and in the short term a psychological one. I liked Nanoco's EU challenge and the fact that the EU Parliament voted so significantly in their favour. It's a sign of the times imo. The waves of change continue but we all live in the present.....

LEAF tiltonboy 05 Oct 2015

Re: Deutsche Bank buy note This doesn't look so promising:[link]

IRG jmh 05 Oct 2015

Twitter saying first aquisition????

LEAF tiltonboy 05 Oct 2015

Deutsche Bank buy note I will try and get a copy of the note, but this piece of reporting looks promising.[link]

STM zulu principle2 05 Oct 2015

increased my holding today Increased my holding today by 7900 shares at 65p totaling £5145.I now hold 16,330 shares totalling £10,125 4.7% of my portfolioWhat I look for when buying a stock4 years of continual growth which can be a combination of historic and forecast growth – No only 3 Forecast and 1 HistoricLow Forecast PER (<16) & PEG (<0.7) and good EPS Growth (>15%) – YesBased on a price of £0.722015 EPS Forecast 3.80p EPS Growth 128.9% PER 16.3 PEG 0.13 2016 EPS Forecast 5.00p EPS Growth 31.6% PER 12.4 PEG 0.39The Below are based on 2014 ResultsPositive 1 Year Relative Strength - YesPositive 1 Month Relative Strength – YesROCE of 20% - Yes 25%Profit Margin of over 7.5% - Yes 13%Cashflow Per Share greater than EPS around 1.3 - Yes 2Low Gearing Yes -14%Director Share holding >10% - Yes 16%Quick Ratio >1 - Yes 2Dividend Yield (a nice to have) forecast – Yes 1%ConclusionOther than 4 years of continual growth which can be a combination of historic and forecast growth it has everything I look forFollow me on facebook[link] Twitter@GrowthStocksUK

EOG mt4500 05 Oct 2015

Podcast question invite to EOG Europa Oil & Gas #EOG are on the podcast this week. If you'd like to submit a question please click here> [link]