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IPF romaron 06 Oct 2015

Share buys today's hike may have had something to do with Friday's purchase of 500,000 shares. Why didn't it go up yesterday?I have been mystified why the price has remained more or less static during this latest buy back. Any suggestions?

PRG Guitarsolo 06 Oct 2015

Re: Red Letter day for PMG: PM delivers! Thanks PB, Various BBs seem to attract the "trader" type. All wannabe alpha-males thinking they can analyse a stock in a heartbeat, know more than others and have a bigger wedge than everyone else! I work in the City most of the time (in reinsurance rather than the stock markets or investing houses) but I occasionally frequent the same watering holes. You can see and hear them all then, thinking there is worth to being able to "trade". I am more of an investor. I want PM to take my money and use it to build the infrastructure of two parallel mines. I want a return, of course. But I am prepared to wait for it. As for the current share price, I think it reflects typical AIM risk but horribly undervalues the prospects of PRG. I would also differentiate diamonds from the rest of the beleaguered mining sector. Whereas copper, zinc, aluminium etc all rely on a continuous demand for construction of something, diamonds are used for one off purchases (engagement rings), or a lucky spouse might get some earrings or a necklace to match! Either way, the massive and growing middle classes will continue to buy them. Demand will likely remain strong but supply is reducing, nice for PRG in a few years' time. I am not sure I yet buy into PM's view as a store of wealth in the same way as gold, but I am happy to be proved wrong. I do wish there was a little more chat on here, especially when there are RNSs around. However, I prefer silence to the inane drivel on LSE most of the time ("you're stupid" "no YOUR stupid" "no...YOU'RE ............" spelling error deliberate!). That said, funding etc is important but not too much will happen to PRG's share price until the early production mining reports are issued. Guitarsolo

CRND rRomeo29 06 Oct 2015

Re: Stalling technical analysis Once again the 8.50p line seems to be supported. Everyone just remember to readjust your AT buys in case of a sudden upswing:[link] Bullish signal IF the barrier at 10.15p is climbed (mid price)2) Final bullish confirmaton comes IF 11.90p wall is climbed, signaling another rise to 23p.

WTM dazedandconfused 06 Oct 2015

Re: at 78p great results + outlook You must be a happy chappy with today's continued rise, and a spurt in WYG too...

AFPO jaja 06 Oct 2015

WRES news this friday? many are buying and holding now.

FOGL Originofquake1 06 Oct 2015

"A fact." 100 days,. The 65 day drill required 33 days of " logging," why didn't anyone of you genius tell this bb that fact?

SGI II Editor 06 Oct 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Stanley Gibbons plunge continues "Unable to shift some of its pricey stamps and coins amid slowing Asian demand, LSE:SGI:Stanley Gibbons has warned it will miss profit forecasts this year. It isn't the first time the dealer has disappointed the City and even a step-up in business ..."[link]

PRG Pharma Brown 06 Oct 2015

Re: Red Letter day for PMG: PM delivers! Hi Guitar,Agree 100% with your opinion on the 'chat' on LSE at the moment! There seems a lot of ignorance around, and misunderstanding. Few seem to understand what a 'term sheet....non-binding' followed by 'legal due diligence' actually represents:- the definitive agreement between the negotiating parties which is then passed to the legal boffins with the instructions to draw up a legally-binding contract for us to sign. Then the 'debate' as to whether or not the funding has been taken into account in the current share price!.....all they need to do is look at the chart to see where the price was in late 2014 before ever the purchase of Mothae was on the cards. Then the readiness with which some bloggers accept the claims of another to have insider information...........clearly a person who is seeking to influence the buying/selling of others by appearing to have credibility. I'm finding it all terribly frustrating. The 'insider person' I prefer to listen to is Philip Manduca.I'm very content to sit on my holding, reading all the clauses of RNS news, and analysing what PM is saying against published facts. Personally I'm gaining confidence with every step that we are fortunate to have in him someone who is capable of building a business; unlike so many exploratory mining companies led by geologists, who after all can be hired by company-builders. PRG, with its far-sighted business plan of becoming a vertically integrated diamond house, and fronted by a highly experienced fund manager who has amassed a personal fortune and is heavily invested in PRG, does not typify the AIM exploratory minnows sector! PM is already in advanced negotiations over funding of Stage 2; and I note the timing has been brought forward a little. It is fascinating and exciting watching this story unfold.Hopefully the solicitors will produce their contract later this week (and collect their big fees!) and the accompanying RNS will give us a fuller picture of the next steps towards the commencement of mining, at least at Mothae, in Q1 2016. Whilst the share price is reflective of the sector as a whole, this remains IMHO a buying opportunity. As the business develops and the high-value diamonds start appearing, the overdue rerating will eventually happen.Best wishes,PB.

XTR lpdegeer 06 Oct 2015

The thing I like most of JN is the fact that he reports problems together with solutions to those problems, and that is for me as a shareholder more than enough and a proof of sound stewardship!

TOM Franconia 06 Oct 2015

RNS Update on Red Leaf and EcoShale™ In-Capsule Process 6 October 2015TomCo Energy plc today announces that the Company's technology provider Red Leaf Resources Inc. ("Red Leaf" has released its 2014 Annual Report which contains information to the timing of construction for its Early Production System ("EPS" capsule and improved second generation EPS design ("EPS2". The Red Leaf's CEO's statement contained the following information:"Under prevailing prices, both TOTAL and Red Leaf sought opportunities to conserve cash. Red Leaf, for its part, was facing the necessity of raising cash in a down oil market. Raising money in this oil market would have been difficult for any early stage energy company. It would have been particularly difficult for us given that the commercial version of our first generation design was targeted to be economic at $80/bbl oil.In March, we reached an agreement with TOTAL to conserve cash and dramatically slow spending in 2015/2016, bring forward ideas for improvement into the design of an improved EPS project (EPS2), and then re-launch full-scale construction of EPS2 in 2017. This decision forced the cancellation of construction contracts and is expected to result in roughly a two-year delay in the commercial demonstration project. But this delay has created the opportunity for the engineers to design the second generation of our EcoShale® technology. Ideas for improvement that had been shelved as we pushed to complete EPS1 are now being engineered into EPS2. Through design simplifications, second generation capsules should be cheaper to build and contain more oil per capsule. As a result, we expect per barrel economics to be substantially improved compared to first generation technology."

GSR paidtosave 06 Oct 2015

I have 25 million... wouldn't mind seeing better communication here...

ALK pseudopolylageraemia 06 Oct 2015

Re: Volume of trades I haven't got a clue what's going on. There's not many RNS' suggesting block sellers to BB accepting the offer.ODDO and Investec seem to be accumulating (have I got that right?) at a fraction of a penny below the offer price.Curious.

FJET jules rimet 06 Oct 2015

Sale Yet another sale, this time two for one. Can almost smell the desperation.

GRG II Editor 06 Oct 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Greggs' offers huge upside after super summer "Falling costs and rising sales during its third-quarter will continue to benefit LSE:GRG:Greggs for the rest of 2015. The high street baker says full-year sales are "slightly ahead" of plan and that opening more shops will help numbers against ..."[link]

JSI Badders21 06 Oct 2015

Re: W T F?!?!?!? I'm afraid I really don't have time to go into detail with you but I would ask why would they pay a dividend at all if it is a fraud? They have had their float, they have got their money, why give some of it back to shareholder? You might say to perpetuate the fraud, but to what end? They can't raise fresh equity capital at this level so, if I were them, I would have bu**ered off with the money a few months ago without splashing out 3.85p back to shareholders.Also, who is this "well informed person"?Good luck.