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AQP Junz 06 Oct 2015

Just dont support the transaction - I see investec is against the take over - Good for them - Sibanye is just chancing

TGL Hedgehog100 06 Oct 2015

Re: RNS Whitelabel,Nothing has changed.It was already the case that delisting could occur after six months from the end of June, but that won't happen.The company are working to a timetable, and there is a lot going on behind the scenes.They have their reasons for what they are doing, and I have the utmost confidence in both their ability and their integrity.

ZOX oldf 06 Oct 2015

Re: Placing Shares In a cement plant heat is recovered from the clinker leaving the rotary kiln and transferred to the combustion air. This raises the combustion air temperature to over 1000C which saves energy, increases the flame temperature which improves heat transfer and efficiency of the process which will reduce the exhaust gas temperature and reduces the volume of exhaust gas which all allows an increase in production. It is a win/win situation provided the equipment can stand the higher temperatures. The use of oxygen addition to the combustion air will give a similar effect At present it seems that the high temperature is causing a problem which the heat exchangers cannot stand. I expect that in the future the heat exchanger problem will be solved and the recovery of the heat which is wasted without a heat exchanger can be recovered and the oxygen addition can be reduced or eliminated or the production rate increased which all reduces costs.

AQP Ace08 06 Oct 2015

Re: ACE - AQP - sell Nice one Wendy

ETO dubzy 06 Oct 2015

Re: Tipped for 2015 Good guess LG!

SGI LK Hyman 06 Oct 2015

Re: SP down 30%! Hardboy,I'm not sure I could bring myself to invest in a company whose CFO is called Donal Duff.Which company was it who had a director called Bart Simpson?LKH on the flybridge it's the small details one must keep an eye o

ETO lambrini girl 06 Oct 2015

Re: Tipped for 2015 >> 248..<<BANG ON!!Bit random, not sure I understand why you've come on here with that rating, complete guess if you ask me. ETO only going one way and it's certainly not down....nice dubzie..248 only stalled the fall..185..150..

NTOG Helix_Von_Smelix 06 Oct 2015

what, WHAT!! Something happened, I feel an OMG coming on. No its okay, going to lay down now.

JSI Orchard Gate 06 Oct 2015

Re: W T F?!?!?!? p.s. you will have noted that another of the AiM listed Chinese companies has been suspended (the Nomad asked for a review, the company refused so they quit as did the only independent NED, so good bye to that one) and three directors today resigned from China Chintek.It's actually quite funny watching this China AiM farce unravel.

TRAK staffai 06 Oct 2015

Re: trading well profit takers may well appear but so far very few have chosen to sell .im staying on this train for the long term.

JSI Orchard Gate 06 Oct 2015

Re: W T F?!?!?!? It's a fair question but you have to accept that other China AiM frauds also paid a dividend so it's hardly conclusive evidence.The chap you ask about is a serious investor with interests in a number of Chinese companies who spent over two days at Quanzhou Jiasen Wood, the operating subsidiary visiting one of its mall-based sales outlets, and a large apartment complex in Xiamen, containing Jiasen wooden products. He gave a detailed and balanced account after this visit and remains a shareholder.As I've answered your question perhaps you can answer mine: how much do you know about doing business sin China?

ZOX HPC Follower 06 Oct 2015

Re: Placing Shares On checking, it seems that the heat exchange was really only to recover heat for the furnace (rotary hearth) which would otherwise be lost (i.e. to save the cost of coal/gas) and removal of the heat exchanger entirely will save far more money (through reducing breaks in production and heat exchanger repairs/replacements) than the extra cost of gas (later, in early 2016, coal through a new briquette feeding system) to increase the heat.If all this works, they should easily achieve their production targets - with greater zinc recovery given the imported feed with higher zinc content.The web site was down, but is back up now...The report in December should be good for once.Th

CAMK Orchard Gate 06 Oct 2015

Re: OG the liar "OG likes to haunt boards of falling shares rubbing salt into the wounds of losing investors"What you really mean is you feel upset and sore because I said Naibu was a fraud and you disagreed and we debated and, yes, I mocked your 'reasoning' (e.g. it has audited accounts so it can't be a fraud) but only because it was complete rubbish.And then, guess what? It was a fraud and you looked like a complete mammary gland. Not exactly my fault, you looking that way but you've taken it personally and need to get over it and next time not be so unwilling to take note of what others say, especially when they clearly know a lot more than you.

ZOX HPC Follower 06 Oct 2015

Re: Placing Shares YES... I'm sure they will report quickly once the heat exchanges have been removed (I guess because the gas separation and insulation was proven to be unnecessary) and production has successfully re-commenced. Given most of the unplanned down-time has been due to heat exchange panel failures, it makes one wonder why they put them in the plant design in the first place.

NCYF Guitarsolo 06 Oct 2015

Anything else like NCYF? Afternoon All, I might soon want to invest a tranche of money for income generation. I like NCYF and have held for a few months since buying in around 60.5p. It's an unexciting share that's for sure but I quite like that, a least for a decent chunk of my wad. In fact, it has barely fluctuated more than about 5% (taking into account the divi) over the last 4 months or so. Given the summer that the stock market has had that is quite remarkable - but also not surprising given what NCYF invests in. Anyhow, NCYF is already my second largest investment in terms of dividends received. So I am loathe to put too much more into it for fear of becoming unbalanced. Can anyone recommend a similar style of fund as an alternative - must exceed 6% yield and be adequately covered (e.g. 1.2 or thereabouts for fixed income investment). All help much appreciated. Guitarsolo - also hold PEY which would be an option, but would like some more fixed income stuff.