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AFR ldlv 06 Oct 2015

Afren Shareholders meeting Queen Elizabeth Il Conference Centre, Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, London, SWIP 3EEon 9 October 2015 at 11.00am

AXM Cumisk 06 Oct 2015

Partnership!! Hi Rob, glad to see you still out there...I am quietly confident that news can't be far off, why invest £420K in a company that's not on the brink of a breakthrough deal. Once that deal comes through the board will be mobbed with posters that haven't got a clue about the share but it will be good to have a bit more company and others to bounce thoughts off.In the Turkey section of the RNS, I like the following statement' The Company believes that its technology could be highly beneficial for miners in this area of Turkey and is in discussions about bringing in significant third party support. 'AXM would then be in the arena, hopefully at a low cost base with revenue streams, it would only be logical for other miners to follow suit once they could see the savings this tech will make in hard cash.Hopefully my next post will be at 1.5p, I have been in this share for 6 or 7 years and have bought at all levels.

ANR limited edition 06 Oct 2015

Re: Clean energy investment by country [link]

AQP Ace08 06 Oct 2015

Re: ACE - AQP - sell trust the Ace next time 6p Buy

EMED Ace08 06 Oct 2015

Re: Atalaya Mining plc phil and leggett with a positive maybe take ? aye they better come up with payback after all these years of BS Time yet to make a packet , Production and profit is the way forward Strong Buy .

SGI barnowl01 06 Oct 2015

Future Management have a lot to answer for. With all of the expertise in software around nowadays this new marketplace should not have had so many problems. At least they are being sorted out.Don't understand this business of weakness in Asian operations. At last year end only 15% of trade was done in Asia. Yes,a slow down will have hit profits to a degree but not that should lead to a share price of £1. Something odd about this !!Despite the problems to be sorted out the shares must be worth more than a pound.

AQP aces and eights 06 Oct 2015

Re: ACE - AQP - sell That's 5k down the swanny for m

TLW STRIDER 06 Oct 2015

Even though I am very new to this I have to say that there is usually a battle of wisdom between some parties debating this share. I am curious is it that MisterX1 has been reduced to one liners.

CAMK LoadsaDosh2 06 Oct 2015

Re: OG the liar "OG likes to haunt boards of falling shares rubbing salt into the wounds of losing investors"I think that is a fair assessment as I've seen your comments on QPP, CTEK, ACE and any other share thats down. You're never there when shares are rising or backing any winner yourself. You turned out to be right about NBU but at the time was I supposed to take more note of a random poster on a bulletin board who might have gawd knows what agenda compared to (at the time) respected Simon Thomson of the IC?

XCH onedb1 06 Oct 2015

Re: Xchanging fundmentals report Lambrini Some you can't win Hope you had closed the short ages ago . Or tight stop loss . I wonder how many private investors have in reality made any money on this given that many would have been holding on to a decreasing level . Only for the offer to bring the shares back to more or less just below the highs of the past 2 years . How many where really holding sub 100p averages or sub 125p average ? Doubt it was many The offers are low .

PEG lambrini girl 06 Oct 2015

Re: More institutional buying my machine flagging a BUY...will have to see wot they does..

TLW STRIDER 06 Oct 2015

Brent trading now at $51.88

TLW STRIDER 06 Oct 2015

New to this myself. Do folk think this share is on the up and up or just having a good rally before dropping again.

SGI Panofscouse 06 Oct 2015

Porkies... 'Yes we will achieve market forecasts for the full year ending 31 March 2016.' Seven trading days later: 'We are unlikely to achieve market forecasts for the full year.'Porky the pig couldn't have played it any better.

TPL 3Dimensional 06 Oct 2015

Thick Market Makers they obviously cannot use a calculator or understand simple maths, this stock worst case scenario should be 7.2p not 5p.Nostrums SP has had a strange move up on no volume since Friday which also coincided with Olisols proposal, I think Nostrum will try to argue that the 69 for 1 share swap was done at 500p but now the SP is 532p so Tethys holders would be better off, but when a stock can move up and down 70p who is to say it would still be at this level when or if any deal was concluded with them.......too many conditions attached to Nostrums offer and not a great deal for shareholders so I will be mighty suspicious if Tethys decide to go with them.Olisol is by far the better deal, value will come out with this deal in time as 8p for all that oil and gas is ludicrous.Less than 5hrs to go Nostrum so time to put up your offer or shut up.3D