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TLW STRIDER 07 Oct 2015

Surpassed £2.40 now and still rising!!! just about got back my larger punt then it's in the blue...Happy days.

SGI Hardboy 07 Oct 2015

Re: Future "Don't understand this business of weakness in Asian operations. At last year end only 15% of trade was done in Asia"True, but I think they were looking to Asia to be their growth driver. They were big steps opening offices in Singapore & Hong Kong in relatively recent times, so looking at where they were spending thier capital, you can understand the disappointment.

EMED Small Holding 07 Oct 2015

EGM Vote I don't know if everyone else got the opportunity to vote but I received nothing via III. Only when I contacted them to ask why I hadn't received a corporate action notification was I given the opportunity to cast my vote.

EMED phil and leggett 07 Oct 2015

Re: Atalaya Mining plc phil and leggett with a positive maybe take ? Ace more of the drowning man in that post, clutching at bricks...Mates rates on the unsaleable copper to um mates, of course the market knows what is going on hence the price...ACE...Blue SP's are my only positives, still abit short on those here... Still waiting on the ace...Pink wand on order for the ace...Phil...

GEM goldminer70 07 Oct 2015

Re: Results RNS Results ~ Very disappointingGoldminer70

GEM loadsadough 07 Oct 2015

Results RNS Final audited results for the year to 30 June 2015RNSRNS Number : 4570BGemfields PLC07 October 2015 Gemfields plc ("Gemfields" or the "Company" or the "Group" (AIM: GEM) Final audited results for the year ended 30 June 2015 7 October 2015 Financial Highlights · Revenue of US$171.4 million (2014: US$160.1 million);· EBITDA(a) of US$64.4 million (2014: US$59.3 million);· Profit after tax of US$12.3 million (2014: US$16.3 million);· Cash at bank of US$28.0 million as at 30 June 2015 (2014: US$36.8 million); and· Estimated cost of inventory on hand, excluding fuel and other consumables, of US$101.1 million (2014: US$86.3 million).a) EBITDA - Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortisation and impairment. Operational Highlights Emeralds:· Production summary for 75% owned Kagem Mining Limited ("Kagem", Zambia, for the year Annual production of 30.1 million carats of emerald and beryl (2014: 20.2 million carats);o Average grade of 242 carats per tonne, inclusive of ore from bulk sampling pits (2014: 253 carats per tonne); ando Decrease in unit operating costs from US$1.58(b) per carat to US$1.48 per carat.· In May 2015, Gemfields' commendable safety track record was once again recognised by the Mines Safety Department of Zambia who awarded Kagem with a safety certificate recognising 3.5 million reportable injury free shifts. Lost Time Injury Frequency ("LTIF" of zero.· In September 2015, a Competent Persons Report ("CPR" was issued by SRK Consulting (UK) Limited ("SRK" and included an updated Joint Ore Reserves Committee ("JORC" (2012) Resource and Reserve estimate and accompanying statements projecting a 25 year Life of Mine ("LoM" open pit operation producing (on a 100% attributable basis) Measured, Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource of 1.8 billion carats of emerald and beryl at an in-situ grade of 281 carats per tonne;o Proven and Probable Ore Reserves of 1.1 billion carats of emerald and beryl at a diluted ore grade of 291 carats per tonne; ando A Net Present Value ("NPV" of US$520 million (based on a 10% discount rate). Rubies:· Production summary for 75% owned Montepuez Ruby Mining Limitada ("Montepuez", Mozambique, for the year Annual production of 8.4 million carats of ruby and corundum (2014: 6.5 million carats), increase in processed volumes primarily due to continued upgrades to the wash plant design; ando Grade of 26 carats per tonne (2014: 41 carats per tonne); ando Increase in unit operating costs from US$1.12 per carat to US$2.57 per carat, with the reduced grade and increased unit costs being directly attributed to a greater proportion of lower grade but significantly higher quality alluvial deposit ore being processed during the year.· Maiden JORC Resource and Reserve Statement for Montepuez announced in July 2015 (on a 100% attributable basis) A total Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource of 467 million carats;o Probable Ore Reserves of 432 million carats of ruby and corundum, giving a projected 21 year LoM; ando An NPV of US$996 million (based on a 10% discount rate). Fabergé:· The Fabergé Pearl Egg, the first egg created in the 'Imperial Class' since 1917, was unveiled at the Doha Jewellery and Watches Expo in Qatar in late February 2015 and was sold within hours of unveiling.· Fabergé took part in the prestigious art, antique and design fair 'Masterpiece London' for the first time this year. The event took place from 25 June until 1 July 2015 at the Royal Hospital Chelsea. The three principal product categories: jewellery, timepieces and objets d'art, were showcased alongside loose gemstones from the mines of Gemfields.· Fabergé launched four new timepiece collections at BaselWorld 2015 to great acclaim. The Fabergé Lady Peacock high complication watch and the 'Summer in Provence' high jewellery ladies wa

EMED Small Holding 07 Oct 2015

Re: Chinese copper inventories [link] supported by falling stocks but China worries persistTue Oct 6, 2015 4:33pm GMTMariana IonovaLONDON, Oct 6 (Reuters) - Copper prices were steady on Tuesday, supported by falling inventories and output cuts, but persistent concerns about demand growth in top consumer China kept a lid on the market.Benchmark copper on the London Metal Exchange closed up 0.1 percent at $5,185 a tonne.Prices were supported by a drawdown in inventories, as stocks of copper in LME-approved warehouses fell to 312,225, down more than 15 percent from a peak in late August.Bonded stocks in Chinese warehouses are estimated to have fallen about 350,000 tonnes over the past three months."The market is starting to look at the fact that warrant (inventory) levels are falling quite rapidly and you have more production reduction announcements," said David Wilson, analyst at Citi. "Is this a market you really want to be shorting?"Copper prices have rebounded from six-year lows below $5,000 touched in August, helped by planned output cuts by several mining groups, including Glencore.

AFR ldlv 07 Oct 2015

ALAG and Afren Creditors meeting Afren creditors ALAG meeting Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, London, SWIP 3EE 9 October 2015 at 10.00amAfrenlegalaction at yahoo com

ALM catsick 07 Oct 2015

looks like a dog to me .... This report is the reason for the recent falls, these guys are actually pretty good at shining a light on poor / overvalued / corrupt companies ...[link]

SGZ vfb 07 Oct 2015

RI 84% Richard Gray, Chief Executive Officer commented: “We are extremely pleased with the take up of the Rights Issue and the support it demonstrates from our shareholder base. Given the high level of interest shown, I fully expect that the Directors will exercise their discretion and place the outstanding shortfall within the prescribed period. The Company is continuing to advance the financing options for the Cononish Project and we will and we will keep our shareholders informed as and when the next milestones are reached”.For further information, contact the Company Secretary Peter Newcomb on (08) 9222 5850---------- ---------- ---------- ----Not a bad take up from those eligible Shareholders, So good they said it twice, lol

NANO Kuss 07 Oct 2015

Bonzoful, you are right but the delegated act didn't enter into force. But that was a new act, not the revocation of the exemption, which is different. The exemption is still valid as we stand. But just a question of time before it's revoked and the reason is simple: cadmium in consumer appliances has no future. If people can't see that they are deranged... So QD vision and nanosys better get their cad free up to scratch in the next 12 months or good night.

ZOX HPC Follower 07 Oct 2015

Heat Exchanging oldf, I fully agree with your points ref. cement plants, however the problems with the heat exchanger panels used ZOX were:-a) firstly, they weren't made as one seamless part and the welds failed in the highly corrosive and very hot atmosphere.b) secondly, when the panels were made in one part and treated (like frying pans) with enough of a coating, c. 1 cm thick, to stop/reduce the corrosion, the heat conductivity reduced to unacceptable levels and the panels themselves still needed maintenance/replacement quite frequently - made substantially worse because such maintenance required the furnace to be cooled down first, thus a two to three week break in production whilst cooled, in repair and heated up again. The lost production was then very costly in terms of loss of revenue, man hours and repair/replacement costs; also adverse impact on the iron product outputs.It's not clear therefore that it will ever be economic for ZOX to re-deploy heat exchangers, but that won't be a problem in terms of the overall commerciality of the plant if outages are reduced to once a year, the briquette/gas changes enable fuller recovery of the zinc and the iron product is then of good quality for sale avoiding costs of disposal.The heat target, requiring the extra oxygen, is driven by the zinc recovery target - in turn dependent on the rate the zinc dust feed is introduced.Overall, it seems that ZOX are making sound business decisions; its just a pity that this solution wasn't in the design in the first place - but I guess they weren't to know until the initial plant was in production.

BOX BuySel 06 Oct 2015

Re: SP the retracement I was expecting to 0.38p this week has already happen today on reaching at one point 0.375p, did not last.some very large trades ( sales ) that some have taken advantage and added at the lower price

TRAK deepsleeves 06 Oct 2015

Re: Topped up last week again ZuluLike yourself I have some 13,500 of these but bought at an average price of just under £0.50 in early 2014As an investment it is way out of my normal large cap comfort zone but I do like the market it is in, that it generates cash [odd for a growth business] and has sustainable and growing profitability.Deep

VLX bartonscooter 06 Oct 2015

Re: Volex looking good How low will it go? It is looking good value at this price.