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TLW STRIDER 07 Oct 2015

Topped £2.50 now guy's

NIPT Go Dink 07 Oct 2015

Re: why is it dropping I think the patent suit with Illumina is the main thing keeping the share price down; apparently the earliest court date will be October 2016!

NIPT golden ponderer 07 Oct 2015

Re: why is it dropping I have stood on the sidelines watching the bb (and also on LSE) for a number of months. I bought into this company at 0.21, watch it rise to 0.32, then fall to 0.19 at which point I sold based on research. When a writ is issued it never is good news for at least a year or so, I bought into another company and had the same problems a number of years ago and lost 50% of my holding, at which point I vowed to never get myself into that position again. Looking at the sp I have been proved right. I feel sorry for everybody who has been caught and also for those who keep saying that there is a buy price. The whole story is that nothing can come good until the writ is sorted, anybody who thinks otherwise is deluding themselves, the sp may improve but not so much that there will be any goodwill. This now is a shorters dream. The will hear what the company wants you to hear "We are in negotiations, we are on the right track, etc etc" this will pacify only the few. When the sp is on a better footing after the writ I may decide to invest, that is if Premaitha win the writ.

GDP G E M L 07 Oct 2015

Goldplat GDP presenting at Share Mag Event Gerard is presenting at the shares mag event this evening:[link] Chart is forming a Golden Cross:

AAS sansione 07 Oct 2015

Things turning? I wonder if we have perhaps seen the bottom for the smaller Far East markets. Sharp rises in the Rupiah and Ringit etc. , admittedly on the back of a rising oil price, could be another indication that the worst is over. Hope springs eternal!!!

BIOG stressboy 07 Oct 2015

Re: 550 support? Thanks Lambrini girl, not that these supports always work! I noticed around 290-300 for BRWM (currently 220ish)I have noticed you on the odd board (AMC and ACTA I think) and I have noticed you do at time get the odd bit of stick (AMC and ACTA I think). To be honest I¡¦ve never really taken the time to see what the comments are about but we are clearly in agreement here and I might have to start to read more of your posts ƒº. I know you are a mug to follow other posters but I do tend to read Andy Reilly on AMC as I feel his posts tend to accurately reflect the market sentiment on whatever he is posting about.Out of interest how do you see the markets as a whole behaving over the next few months? I¡¦m really quite jittery about a major correction being on the way for the markets as a whole..

EMED Frogboy 07 Oct 2015

Re: EGM Vote to be expected from ths Mickey Mouse outfit

PLP wastamoney 07 Oct 2015

SP down 9% Anyone know why sp is down so much this am.? 9% as I write with no news

TLW STRIDER 07 Oct 2015

I personally think the escalations in Syria are having an effect and making OPEC nervous. Just think this due to OPEC considering talks with the USA since Russia started their campaign.

TGL whitelabel 07 Oct 2015

Re: RNS I hope you are right.

PDL BullSpread 07 Oct 2015

Re: closed position+17%will buy again on any weakness

NANO ecclescake 07 Oct 2015

Kuss I think you are right on the money with that overview.

SGI casey5521 07 Oct 2015

Re: Future AgreedThere should be an interest in collectables nowadays in the far east, given the financial uncertainty there. SG should be doing much betterI have seen the SGI some down from 370p, not long ago, it seemed a safe bet - not nowGLAKC

SGI Hardboy 07 Oct 2015

Re: SP down 30%! LK,Sometimes I suspect your investment decisions are not always based purely on logic.You've upset me now - I know I should remember whence Bart Simpson came - was he the Financie Director somewhere? And what about - was he the founder of Partygaming? - Anurag Dikshit - he probably regretted learning English.I suppose I am more enclined the other way - if someone has an unfortunate name (I remember meeting a Gordon Bennet early in my career) - they will probably be more determined to make their own history, so may be more focussed that a normal mortal. Be that as it may for now I am out of Stanley Gibbons and will watch from a safe distance for signs of recovery and improved management.

NIPT f32 07 Oct 2015

Re: why is it dropping Good question, though did he not tip these at 19p too? Usually with an AGM coming up you'd expect the company to be looking to build some positivity by PR etc but there has been nothing. So there had better be some forward looking statements for this AGM with some figures on income after the March end of years report which gave no mention at all. I'd say they are a sitting duck now for a low ball takeover but in the world of AIM we'll probably only get back to the 20p price offer on this anyway, if it did materialise. The placing was over subscribed at 20p so you have to wonder what they all make of this now too as there have not been any share notifications yet. Still holding but really looking for the company to justify why I am at this AGM.f32