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SGC Hardboy 07 Oct 2015

Weakness The fact that Stagecoach's price has tumbled in line with shares in general on fears of a slowdown in China & emerging markets, when all of Stagecoach's business is in the UK & North America, where economical growth is looking healthy, would suggest that it is way oversold & a great buying opportunity.However markets have been rebounding in recent days whilst Stagecoach's share price has remained anchored around its recent low.Is this anything to do with the bus crash in Coventry? Or is there a more fundamental reason? Opinions welcomed. The bus crash was tragic, and the bus driver was past normal retirement age; and no doubt the operator will pay out some large sums in compensation, but I have not seen anything to suggest any wrong doing on behalf of the operator.

BIOG lambrini girl 07 Oct 2015

Re: 550 support? Out of interest how do you see the markets as a whole behaving over the next few months? <<<<volatile/sideways..certainly dont get carried away by bullish tones at wont take off for at least 3 years yet..(Andy Reilly doesnt offer anything of value)

CAMK Orchard Gate 07 Oct 2015

Re: loadsadosh the fool You're really not very bright are you?Let's take a look at your latest drivel."I've seen your comments on QPP, CTEK, ACE and any other share thats down." Really. Because I've never commented on two of those three and with QPP I suggested it was a fraud and as the SFO is now investigating it would appear I was right. As for commenting on every share that goes don, that would be every share in existence and while I keep busy even I don't have such omnipotence."You're never there when shares are rising or backing any winner yourself" Really? Take a look at this from two weeks ago:[link] up nearly £1,000 on that trade. Or try Lloyds. Or Sky. Or Shawbrook or countless others. Do your homework before flapping your lips.And no you didn't have to believe me when I said Naibu was a fraud but neither did you have to post garbage such as suggesting it couldn't be because it is on AiM or because it has accounts or because it said it had lots of cash, all of which made you look like a berk and proved you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

NIPT f32 07 Oct 2015

Re: why is it dropping That is all assuming it actually gets as far as court. Illumina usually settle beforehand. But I'm not delusional enough to suggest that the writ has not affected the company short term, the only way I will know how much is if they release some sales figures from the contracts they have won. That's why I sold half on the last RNS as there was no sign of these figures but should of sold all of them in hindsight.I'm not sure the company will tell the shareholders what they want to hear GP. Reading the last RNS was about as gloomy as it comes, no sugar coating in that one, so begs the question why I suppose? If they have some good income figures post year end then the AGM and short term may not be all that bad imo.f32

GENL LuxInvest 07 Oct 2015

what a surprising price action after all the suffering! Guess some short covering since the oil prices jumped yesterday, also investors will assume some payment news this week I guess.

GKP sam 07 Oct 2015

Small vol?it is a ture rise or just another false rise?

GKP sam 07 Oct 2015

Small vol? it is a ture rise or just another false rise?

GDP infra-penny 07 Oct 2015

Re: Goldplat GDP presenting at Share Mag Eve... I'll be there. I'm £17k underwater after many years holding, and want to hear something positive!

MMX buzzard stubble 07 Oct 2015

Re: ,miami ... 6666 ... little devil[link]

NCYF FRTEB 07 Oct 2015

Re: Anything else like NCYF? Have a look at GCP (which I also hold). Currently offering well over 6% yield.[link] also hold BRCI and BRWM (both underwater) which offer a high yield. I am considering topping up on these.

BOX BOWOOD 07 Oct 2015

Update Looks as if some short term holders spooked by T/O less than predicted for the year. But this is only contracts deferred and it will all be in the mix for the current year and the updates and the half year figures to 31 January 16 will provide a more informed picture for the future. With earnings of about 0.4p ps on contracts through to 31 July last I would not be surprised to see earnings of at least this at 31 Jan as more contracts are taken into revenue and traction gains.Still a massive buy at 0.40p.

PDL taffytiddler 07 Oct 2015

Re: Re: Hats off to you. Neat trade.TT

NCYF Vosene 07 Oct 2015

Re: Anything else like NCYF? Well if there's something out there very similar to NCYF you wouldn't be diversifying much if you bought it. The closest thing to what you want - good income with little NAV fluctuation - may be the infrastrucutre funds such as HICL or JLIF, though their dividend is a little below your target.Something like HFEL (Henderson Far East Income) has an income component, and has a great record increasing the dividend, but the NAV moves around a bit more.Then if you can stand wilder fluctuations, there is BRCI (Blackrock Commodities Income) which is at a low point right now but has always managed to increase the divi each year even in the commodities massacre.If feeling racy how about one of the CLO investment vehicles such as CIFU, FAIR, BGLF, VTA - all high payers from loans but NAV can fluctuate somewhat

TPL Quarryman Rock Buster 07 Oct 2015

AGR are back [link] only NOG hadn't gazumped Tethys with their original offer they might have something to smile about, now they just look a bit naive. I reckon we will see their original offer resubmitted in the next couple of days. Let the bidding war begin!

FJET NoN1 07 Oct 2015

Why are there only 3 Vic Falls rotations per week?