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ALK pseudopolylageraemia 07 Oct 2015

Re: Waiting Well if ODDO have 4.2% and Pendragon have just announced that they have 2%.......I can easily believe that small private investors are still sitting on more than 3.8% of the shares.On that basis, BB will struggle.I'm holding on.

FJET Tenobas 07 Oct 2015

Network effect? Now that there are two hubs we have to ask whether or not there are any synergies in building a network.

NMG citychap2011 07 Oct 2015

Greg Kunezel - Walchen gold More BS from the Aussie accountant and stock promoter Greg Kuenzel. There is little gold at Walchen. The company highlight reports 0.8g/t but if you read down most of this is in the range 0.31 - 0.5 g/t. Comparing to Schonberg grades this is probably barely commercial. · NG-1104: 6.15 g/t of gold ('Au'), 16.25 g/t of silver ('Ag') and 4.7% copper ('Cu') · NG-1106: 5.01 g/t Au, 8.84 g/t Ag and 4.67% Cu · NG-1107: 6.46 g/t Au, 5.63 g/t Ag and 1.81% Cu · NG-1111: 33.8 g/t Au, 31.1 g/t Ag and 8.14% CuHow can our part-time and seasonal working CEO Greg Kuenzel possibly give the company's array of projects the required attention they need to get them anywhere near to proving up resources never mind actually mining anything.Particularly given that Noricum Gold has virtually no money and will be coming to the market very soon with major equity placing guaranteed to significantly dilute existing shareholders. Greg has too many fingers in too many pies to make any tangible progress. The board are only interested in spinning this out for as long as possible so that can continue to draw salaries and Greg can charge consultancy fees to Noricum for his consultancy firm Heytesbury Capital Limited. Greg needs to go.

ALK middler2 07 Oct 2015

Re: Waiting Helpful post Dabba. It was my reading of the situation too. I think we can all safely hold on, especially if like me we think they are worth more than 36p. Sadly no new bidder has come to light, but as yet I don't know how much BB have got. Anyone know if they are close to their 90%???

GEM goldminer70 07 Oct 2015

Re: Results RNS My initial reaction to todays figures was very disappointing.The interim figures for the half year showed a net profit after tax of US$23.2 on a turnover of US$103.4I expected this to be at least repeated in the second half. But the final figures for the full year showed a net profit after tax of US$12.3 on a turnover of US$171.4So Gemfields either had a disastrous second half or the interim figures were wrong. I think it was the interim figures which were grossly exaggerated, which doesn't speak well for the management.I still think this is a good mining company. There are some very encouraging things in the report, but it is not the fantastic mining company I thought a week ago Goldminer70

ROSE etadelete 07 Oct 2015

Re: any reason why the rise Thanks.this may fall back down depending on the prices.gla

TRT jack nicholson 07 Oct 2015

Re: scenarios.. You're like a moth to the flame ridler

EMED Saint_B 07 Oct 2015

EGM I too had to contact my broker to ask what was happening. They then gave me instructions as to how to vote but I am not sure they would have prompted me had I not asked.Truth is, if all PI`s voted against it would not affect the outcome, would it?. Nonetheless, I think we have been treated in a rather cavalier fashion as we are entitled to have our say.

ROSE jontee 07 Oct 2015

Re: any reason why the rise Simple. Oil price up.

APR Tenobas 07 Oct 2015

Re: RNS There are other possibilities:It does not look to be a complicated business and they could:1) Find other bidders.2) Farm out future profits on individual projects.With the borrowing equal to the equity they surely don't need much to get back in favour with the lenders?I do not agree that their negotiating position is weak and the only significant issue is whether or not the business can break even in the medium term.

SAB 3Dimensional 07 Oct 2015

Re: Still needs to go higher I expect this to be trading @44 within the next 7 days.Good luck.3D

PIL Tenobas 07 Oct 2015

Interesting T.A. Ahead of the results tomorrow.

SGZ horaceanddorismorris 07 Oct 2015

Re: RI 84% Well, having missed out on the previous RI by being too cautious, I thought I'd go in feet first this time. So, of the 4,205,408 shares I see were taken up by excess applications, 2,139,725 were me.This still leaves me with only a truly tiny fraction of the holdings of folk like vfb and others on here, but I'm happy that what I've got could do me all right in the fullness of time. And hopefully not too much "fullness"!GLA

FJET grogg 07 Oct 2015

Re: Sale It refers to flight ticket sales as theres a 2 for 1 offer on.

TPL 3Dimensional 07 Oct 2015

12p is possible Tethys notes that Nostrum has reserved its right to propose alternative transactions to Tethys and/or to make an offerfor the share capital of Tethys on different terms to those previously announced.---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----Possible 100% profit in a short time on this, worst case 40%, my bank don't pay me that does yours...............3D (scooping them up)