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GEMD lambrini girl 07 Oct 2015

Re: New target 332 back in ...shudd bounce from here..

AFPO jaja 07 Oct 2015

JLP ??

WYG Ramptastic 07 Oct 2015

Re: Does anybody understand this share? Just bought in.In theory this is a late recovery play from since the credit crunch, on the back of enhanced UK infrastructure spend.Slater have just bought 11.0% of the company and I've followed suit.The PEG is a lowly 0.31.Jim

SGZ horaceanddorismorris 07 Oct 2015

Re: RI 84% The good thing about those of you who filled your boots at .33, most especially Nat of course, is that it underpinned the whole future for we tiddlers and made sure that.60 was a success.

IAG themanxman 07 Oct 2015

Re: Big fall I think that this isn't far away from another buying opportunity.Every movement in the market at the moment is very erratic and Oil is no different. The reaction here is typical of what we are seeing at the moment.On the watchlist.

NANO Kuss 07 Oct 2015

Hansol chemical are supplying Samsung. Given they are selling millions of SUHD TV's you would have to admit there is some element of scale involved. But I think more supply from different sources will be needed to convince the new assessment bods. But if Dow can get up and running soon that would be a game changer. In fact the more you think about it, it's quite opportune that the assessment is due 2016. Given Dow is producing by then, the exemption won't be allowed and that's two years earlier than the commission wanted initially. Also, 2016 is around the corner in product terms placing a drag on the take up of cad quantum dots imo....

IAG mraverage88 07 Oct 2015

Re: Big fall I thought you knew everything bapal..

GLIF Krayl 07 Oct 2015

Re: Fair value 80p That's gone too low now. I have sold all my holding and have only just covered the capital loss with the dividend paid over the last eighteen months. Should have sold a while ago.Dingle - what have you chosen to reinvest in? There is a similar thread going on the NCYF board. I will add my bit when I have finished my research.

MMX treble in 1999 07 Oct 2015

Re: ,miami ... 6666 total now 288,188numbers are growing very nicely, with auctions still to come and our secondary line of premium names income purportedly doing wellT

PPG HamptonCaught 07 Oct 2015

Probably not a huge issue, but given the VW scandal, the word 'diesel' is fast becoming a very dirty one (no pun intended). If the media continues to get very negative towards diesel, could this have an effect on PPG's SP, as they're generating using diesel engines?

WRES yoyo 07 Oct 2015

0,6 about to go

SGZ vfb 07 Oct 2015

Re: RI 84% I filled my boots on the last two RI's at .28 and .33 and my contribution this time was small by comparisonThat shortfall will be gone in no time at all Bring on the news and that meeting in the village hall

WRES yoyo 07 Oct 2015

buying chance again

VLE gretel 07 Oct 2015

VLE presentation summary On Monday I attended a presentation by VLE in London organised by Blackthorn Focus through David O'Hara. Once again, cheers David (and also to the Landers for agreeing to it):[link] was of course a blue riband event - the first ever such presentation by VLE anywhere, anytime AFAIK....It took place at one of JMP's offices, and was attended by around a dozen or so interested investors who are part of Blackthorn's investor "circle", 4 or 5 of whom it turned out were already VLE shareholders.IMO the Lander brothers presented extremely well and persuasively. The overall outlook certainly appears to be as positive as most believe it to be on this thread.Of course nothing of a price-sensitive nature was disclosed, but I propose to briefly outline a few points of interest: - VLE pay no tax on disposals of investee companies due to "substantial shareholder exemption" - new opportunities come in every day, so you can tell that the Landers are extremely picky, but it was interesting that they generally have only a maximum 2 weeks for due diligence, which makes their track record even more impressive - VLE have no sector restrictions for investment, though they do like "people" businesses. Their methodology is very positive in that they aim to invest (via software, people, whatever) to turn the business around with the help of existing management if possible, whilst cutting out any dead wood, and of course incentivising them through 20%-25% stakes in the company - potential investees could have revenues of between £10m-£100m - there could be 2 to 3 company acquisitions a year under the existing management team, i.e there's capacity for further imminent acquisitionsShire Foods - cost £0.54m plus w/cap loans of £2m (all now recovered from memory) - their refrigeration systems were upgraded at a £600k cost - Shire own their freehold, against which there are loans - I got a distinct sense of optimism as regards prospects for ShireJMP - 50% of revenue is consulting to local authorities, transport planning etc, and 50% is engineering, design etc - usually has a better H2 than H1 - it was noted that Waterman (WTM) are pretty similar and have just announced excellent resultsImpetus Auto - perform audit checks for car manufacturers on auto dealers as well as aftersales services, and they provide certain software tools - it's a people business, and as yet there have been no great "surprises" (for which presumably read "nasties", which is good news - it's already only mildly lossmaking post-acquisition, and again there seemed to be some optimism/cheerfulness hereI raised my usual bugbear re lack of promotion of the company and share price, whilst thanking the Landers for this opportunity, but I suspect nothing much will change.Other points were made (again all previously raised at AGMs etc!) as regards potential special dividends, share illiquidity, share buybacks, use of shares for acquisitions if the share price were higher etc.Incidentally, 305020, good spot re WTM! Looks like that valuation to sales ratio is going to improve quite a lot....

APR shakyhands 07 Oct 2015

Re: RNS If they hadn't been losing money in cash terms,they wouldn't now have a problem with their banking covenants.As for finding another bidder,one member of the bidding consortium has an 18% equity stake in the company. I fancy that their reluctance to realise a large loss on that is the reason why a bid might be higher than it should be or needs to be - given the company's current plight.